
23. New rules...

"This is my time to shine once again. I'm getting my name on that magazine no matter what.

" I think you've had your time Jennie, this time I'm going to do whatever it takes to come up with the best designs, and who knows, maybe all the cloths that would be picked would be mine, and I'll be the sole designer. I think I'm going places. Angie cheerfully declared.

"You know that's just a dream don't you, getting even one design accepted by him is like really hard to do, and you're thinking of owning the whole collection. Dream on. Shelley tried shattering the ladies imaginary dreams.

"Well last I remember, you were supposed to be on toilet duty, but you're here. Angie reminded her.

"Well, eesh-la is doing such a great job that I don't even need to assist. Shelley proudly jested. And they shamelessly laugh about it.

" Talk about the devil. Jennie said, Angie and Shelley turned to see Isla. The way her hair was looking disheveled would make you wonder if her hair was the brush she used in washing the toilet. Though she was looking rough, there was still something about her that made them jealous.

"is it just me, or does she look, I don't know., but doesn't she look kind of seductive. It's like she's radiating even though she's looking filthy. Shelley noted

" I know right. I thought I was the only one seeing that. Angie added.

"What nonsense are you both saying, are you both blind or something.? Jennie counters their opinions.

" Doesn't anyone smell something, Jennie suddenly says out loud. I mean something stinks, I think it's coming from over there. She points at Isla who was walking over to her desk.

Isla was too tired to even think, more or less say anything back in her own defense. So she just took her seat beside Ben.

"Hope I'm not stinking to you too?? She tries making a joke out of her situation.

" No, don't worry, even if you are, I don't have a sensitive nose. She wasn't sure if he was reassuring her or telling her that she actually smells but he doesn't care.

" did the boss ask for me, did he maybe leave a message for me?? She was tired, but she was not going to show it to Damon. She had to show she was up for their contract.

" No, not yet. He hasn't asked for you. Isla didn't know why, but she was feeling uneasy with this reply. She was expecting a message from him, or maybe a task for her, but nothing and it made her anxious. Well maybe it was because the contract had stated some rules, she was supposed to be at his beck and call, and she was to do anything he asked from her within the one month. If she refused his any request, or ever failed to show up whenever he called, then the deal was over and she'd have to pay the fine.

She notices everyone is a bit hyper than usual. "Ben, did anything happen while I was in there, I don't know but something feels different.

" No nothing. Ben replied without taking his eyes and hands off his computer.

"oh, em the competition has started. He suddenly remembers.

" competition, what competition? She became curious.

"Not really a competition, just something that happens when there's a big deal. Everyone tries to come up with something that can impress the boss, and if he thinks it's good, then the lucky person's work would be picked and the person would receive a huge bonus. Oh and this time, the name of the designer might even get to appear on the magazine.

You know the Global group project that you're in charge of now, that's the deal this time.

"So, if Damon, I mean Mr king likes your work, then you not only get your design made marketed, but also receive a huge bonus?

Ben nods in agreement.

" Ben, how much bonus are we talking about here?

"I haven't worked here for long, so according to what I heard, it differs. But I think I overheard someone saying that the last time, Patrick got about ten thousand dollars as bonus.

" TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS!!! Isla almost choked on the words as she screamed. Making all eyes around turn to her.

" is she really wishing to lose her job"., "she clearly doesn't understand who she's working for yet".. "he's definitely walking out of that door in five seconds and he's going to send her packing" she heard them whispering.

For a moment, she had forgotten rule number 6 No making of noise in the department. Even Ben was looking at her like she had lost her mind.

Like they had predicted, his door flew wide open, and he stormed out like an angry bull.

"WHO THE HELL WAS THAT!!! His voice thundered., and all eyes went to the perpetrator. His eyes went in the direction that everyone was looking, and why the hell was her hair looking like she just came out of a trash can. She stood up immediately, not even able to meet his fiery gaze.

"my office, in five minutes... He ordered as he went back into his office and slammed the door behind him.

She looked around her, and she could see different expressions on their faces. Some wore the expression of you're so done. But the majority wore the expression of what just happened. And maybe that was because they were probably shocked that she didn't lose her job on the spot.

"Em., Isla, Ben calls her back to earth. I think he gave you that five minutes to arrange that. He pointed at her messed up hair. She picks up her phone, and sees herself, and she had never felt like diving into an ocean more in her entire life. Her hair looked like a frigging sponge.

She fumbled through her bag for her brush, but couldn't find it, so she just uses her fingers to comb through her hair, because her five minutes were running out.

She arranged herself and walked over to his door. Did her breathing exercises and then knocked. When she heard his response, she turned the door knob with all her strength and walked into the office.

She was walking over to him, when his voice thundered.

"ARE YOU INSANE, DIDN'T YOU READ THE RULES?? She flinched and halted on the spot at the terror in his voice.

" I_ I _I'm sorry, I didn't m_mean to shout. Oh God, those blazing eyes were sending a shiver down her whole being. She couldn't stop stuttering.

"Who the hell cares about your stupidity. Rule number 8 says to stay at least six feet away from me. Didn't you read the damn thing??

"I_ I _I'm sorry, I f_forgot, I_I

" FREAKING STOP THAT. STOP THAT STUPID STUTTERING. IT'S DRIVING ME NUTS. What in the world is wrong with you, are you seriously that dumb huh, can't you just go over a simple set of rules and follow em'?

Isla, was biting on her lips to stop herself from breaking down in front of him. Tears stung her eyes, they threatened to fall.

"You know what, forget the normal rules that was given to you. Listen and listen good. And I don't want to EVER repeat what I'm about to say. These are the rules you are to follow.

One., stay at least 10ft AWAY from me. Two, don't you ever stutter in front of me. Three, don't ever make me see your disgusting face when I don't want to, like you made me come out just now because of your stupidity.

Do you understand me?? She unconsciously nods without saying a word.

DO YOU UNDERSTAND?? He growled angrily.

"yes. I understand sir. She manages to say, if he cared a single bit, he'd have noticed the silent sobs in her voice. But he really didn't give a damn.

" Now get out.
