
15. I'll go on a date with you...

In the elevator, she wished she had superpowers, so she could make it move faster. "Should I have taken the stairs., would it have been faster?? She found herself asking.

Eventually the elevator that felt like it was crawling finally opened, she dashed out.

" Watch where you're going lady". Someone said as she hit him when running out of the elevator. "I'm sorry" she yelled, not even looking back at the person.

She reached outside the building, and it was like everything was against here., how come she'd been standing here for so long and yet no taxi. She'd been standing for five whole minutes.

"Taxi., Taxi., ta_TAXI". But no one was stopping for her. She was getting frustrated.

Eventually, one came her way, and she hopped like she was running from something. "to J&S sir".

"Woah lady, you running from someone?? The driver asked seeing how restless she was.

" No, I'm running TO somewhere, so could you please drive as fast as you can. It's a life or death situation."

"Then I guess I'll be your savior today. He said then starts the taxi.

Her phone rings, it was Jerry calling...

" Jerry, I'm sorry but I promise I'll call you back later, I'm really busy right now. She said then hung up. She didn't even give him the chance to say anything.

A message enters the phone.

" The Demon King has left his office. It was from a group chat. She really doesn't remember joining any group chat. Then she sees above the message, Ben added you to this group.

" oh he's really a life saver. But wait the demon King has left his office., that means he's already heading down, and going to the meeting, and she just got into a taxi.

" Sir please, go faster please sir. I can't be late sir. Please sir.

"Miss I'm already going 6km in 8min, any faster and I might get pulled over by the cops."

Isla really wanted to scream at this point.

"Dear God., dear Buddha., Dear Zeus., Dear Krishna., and all other gods of the universe that I can't remember right now, please help me slow him down in one way or another. Please don't let me loose this job on the first day. Please hold him up, please I beg you. If you do this I promise to go to church every Sunday.

It seemed the universe really answered her prayer in the form of Marcel, who was holding Damon up., discussing some important stuff with him and reminding him to not be rude in the meeting, and to be nice, and smile if possible, and some other unnecessary typical Marcel stuff.

"How long before we reach J&S. Isla asked the man impatiently

" Don't worry miss we're almost there... She had asked this questions almost ten times now., and this was the same annoying answer he was giving her.

"I know we're almost there sir, but can you give me a specific time, like how many minutes more sir.

" don't worry miss we're...

"CAN YOU JUST TELL ME HOW MANY MORE MINUTES... She suddenly screamed out of frustration.

" thirty minutes I think. The man was suddenly scared of the crazy passenger her was carrying.

"you mean we've been driving for fifteen whole minutes?? And we're not there yet??. Do you realize I'm under a lot of pressure right now?? The man nods.

"You do?? If you do would you please drive faster heh please... She said with her hands together.

The man was starting to think she had personality problems, one minute she is begging him, and the other she's a complete psycho.

She started counting the time on her old wrist watch. Twenty-nine more minutes., twenty-seven more minutes., twenty-six more minutes.

She was at twenty- two when the taxi suddenly stopped, right in the middle of the road.

"I'm still at twenty-two., did we get there so fast.??

" No miss, I think there's something wrong with the engine...

"WHAT?? Are you trying to pull a prank on me old man., because it's really not funny. I've pulled a lot of pranks in my life, and this one is definitely not making me laugh. But she could see that the man was not laughing, so he was probably serious.

" Are you f*cking kidding me right now?? How can you come out with an half done vehicle., don't you know that people might be in a hurry., what are you still doing on your seat., won't you go out there and fix it.?? She was really loosing it right now.

" I'm sorry miss., but that only happens in movies., no one in real life actually knows how to fix a car. Mechanics are geniuses. No normal human with an average brain can fix a car."

"So what are you saying now??

" I'm sorry miss., but you'll have to take another cab. I'm really sorry."

"STOP SAYING YOU'RE SORRY I KNOW YOU'RE NOT" she yelled. "Wait, I shouldn't be doing this now., I have to get another cab. She throws the man a death glare and hurriedly gathers her things and gets out of the frustrating vehicle.

Now the problem was how to see another cab here. It was almost impossible to get a cab here. She checked her watch, and it was already forty minutes past one. She was never going to make it on time.

"Jane., I'm telling you, you'll regret breaking up with me., I'll get a way more beautiful, sophisticated, elegant lady than you., and then you'll beg me to take you back... Jane., Hello Jane., h_h_hello., Jane are you still there"

"JANE!!! She hung up., she really hung up on me. She's really heartless., how can she breakup with me on the phone.

Isla looked at where the voice was coming from., and she saw a young man seated on a bike. It was one of those kind of bikes she used to see in movies., and from the way they were portrayed in movies, they moved really fast. This was it. This was her only means of salvation.

But wait., what if like that driver said movies lied and that no one in real life could actually fix a car., what if the bike was actually really slow in real life. She better just wait some more., a taxi would surely pass by soon. But then she looked at her wrist watch. Forty-two minutes past one. There was no way she was waiting for a cab.

"Excuse me sir., but can I beg you for a ride., I'm kinda stranded and I need to get somewhere really fast.

"Just wait for a cab. The young man said without even looking at her., he was still obviously trying to contact the girlfriend that just dumped him.

" Look sir., I really need your help., I really can't be late for this meeting., I might loose my job. She was hoping his humane side would kick up if she said this., but he was still not looking at her.

" Miss just leave me alone., I'm also really busy right now. Isla so wanted to hit his head with the documents in her hand.

" okay., I'll do something for you. Just help me this once. She said desperately.

"What could I possibly get from you?? He still wasn't looking at her. And was still dialing the number on his phone.

" I'll help you make your girlfriend jealous... For the first time., he stopped pressing his phone. I'll go on a date with you and help you get her back. I know I'm not that bad looking. This really got his attention. Because finally he was turning to look at her.

He raised his head to see who was talking to him., and his heart definitely skipped beats... WOAH... He'd been talking to this person for about four minutes now., this kind of person. How can someone like this even exist. She wasn't that bad looking, she wasn't bad looking at all. Forget about getting his girlfriend back., he just fell in love anew. Even the Bible says old things are passed away. All things have become new. And he was a strong believer.

"So., what do you say. Isla asked snapping the man out of his dreams. He crosses his arms over his chest like he was trying to think.


" J&S... Isla said extremely excited.

"I'll get you there in less than ten minutes., and you go on a date with me. It sounded like a question, but it was not. He threw the spare helmet at her.

" DEAL" she almost yelled happily as she hurriedly got on the bike.


This novel just got contracted, but I won't be locking the chapters till 45, I hope you all keep on supporting me even then. For now, the gift option is open, so as you're generously bestowing powerstones on me, do endow me with gifts as well.

Your continuous support is all I need.
