
Devil Council and the Evening (R-18)

"Hi" Regular Speech

'Hi' Thought

"(Hi)" Marcus's mechanically synthesised voice

[Hi] Quinella/Aurora talking


~~~~~~Underworld, Devil Capital, Lilith~~~~~~

The council was in session. Unlike usual though, this time, a portion of the devils attending it were terrified for their lives.

This was the first time in their long lives that they were exposed to the pissed off aura of the Satan Leviathan.

The woman had her fingers crossed deep in thought, her mind was far away from the meeting everyone was having.

Even the Crimson Lucifer himself had some sweet on his forehead. He is far too experienced to ask certain questions. The man values his life far too much. Especially now that he gets to spend quite a bit of time with his family.

"It has come to our attention that Sona Sitri and her peerage have gained Sacred Gears from this mysterious inventor." One of the High-Class Devils asked. The man was from the Great King Faction.

Sirzechs groaned internally. Was this one clueless? Why must he ask this question now? Why is he digging his own grave?

One look later and the Crimson Satan realised that this guy is just a scapegoat for the Great King Faction.

"Marcus field agents. I was able to rope Sona into being a field agent for Marcus and his research. She was only able to gain her gear after over a year of observations." Serafall explained without even looking at them.

She was far too into her world to care.

"You mean to say that he can make Sacred Gears now?" Ajuka Beelzebub stopped reading from his tablet and looked at Serafall with wide eyes.

"He can build those properly for over a year now." The black-haired devil lady explained with a casual shrug. She was beyond the point of caring. Oh, she does care what kind of information she can reveal, Ars Goetia is working properly on her. What she doesn't care though, is what the devils think or care. 

"And you are telling us this now?" One of the council members said with a shell-shocked look.

"You want to call me a failure of a Devil for not revealing my clients information? I will be a laughing stock in the supernatural world!" 

The guy nearly passed out from being exposed to the blunt aura of Serafall. This moron was reminded that he was talking with an Ultimate Class being.

"Serafall, relax. Since you can talk, that means you can reveal some things to us." Sirzechs said with a slightly sweaty forehead.

He was taking one for his race…

The black-haired woman snapped her gaze at him for a second before calming down for a bit.

The majority of the council were just wondering if the inventor had decided to change their relationship from intimate to just employer and contractor, and now they were suffering for it…

"Yes. I can. Since you brought this up, it means that you are thinking along the lines of kidnapping him so that he could make Sacred Gears for all the pillar houses and clans…" Serafall said this with a very dull tone.


"Have you never wondered how in our great ancestors' name did he summon me? I mean, the point is, I would have brought him back from an early age! But, I didn't, you didn't wonder why?" Serafall said with a sigh.

"This...well, it did cross our minds. It's just that we thought... the honour of a Satan?" 

Some of the high-class devils nodded multiple times after one of them said the honour of a Satan. The others were talking about respect for the tradition of a proper summoning and exchange…

Serafall could understand that. But…

"No. I wanted to bring him to the underworld. Almost immediately after he summoned me to his attic." The black-haired devil said with an eye roll.

"Then what happened? how did it turn into a contract instead?" Curiously Ajuka was the one who asked.

"Your Kankara uses mathematical formulas and with the usage of demonic energy to spread through the surroundings of an area to affect the laws of the world. Yes?" 

Her question was quite unexpected… In truth, the green-haired devil was a little bit freaked out that Serafall used such a scientific way to describe his Kankara Formula.

"Yes. You are the first person who described it so simply and… properly…" 

"Well. Marcus at the age of twelve reversed engineered the devil summoning circle. Summoned me, negated my magic and formed a contract with me to become his contracted Devil. It was as one-sided as one could get." Serafall explained with a sigh.

"Impossible! the amount of preparations needed to do that! He needed your magic signature at least to start this process! Not to mention doing it in the heat of things!" Ajuka exclaimed with wide eyes as he tried to comprehend the amount of things one would need to do to even start this! 

"My point here is that, if he was 10 or 11 years old we could influence him enough to become a devil...probably. But now he is 16. And he has been active, a lot, in his magical research." 

Serafall summoned a pair of folders.

"This is my report on two events which I am allowed to share."  She handed over the files to the very curious and distressed Sirzechs.

He quickly started reading through everything. Everyone was extra silent. Even Ajuka with a sweaty forehead was in deep thought, thinking over how the concept of negating magic on the fly could work!

"This… is… how dangerous is he to our race?" Sirzechs asked with a pale look on his face. Now he remembered the look Grayfia was giving to him when she reported about the teen inventor.

He should have listened to her and tried to rope the teen in as quickly as he could. It never crossed his mind that Serafall needed help… Why would she? Serafall is a Satan… one of the strongest beings in the supernatural world. He had confidence in her abilities. 

But, it was a large mistake. He underestimated this human...and from the looks of it… the teen is far too dangerous to face. The casualties would be immense… True Longinus could end Sirzechs quite easily regardless of his True Form… especially if the Crimson Satan's magic is negated… that would be just slaughter…

"More precisely, the question should be how much of a nuisance we are to him. He is like our Ajuka here." Serafall pointed at the green-haired Satan.

Sirzechs was immediately relieved, to a certain extent. If Marcus was like Ajuka then they don't need to worry about the whole invasion, subjugation or extermination thing…

Unless of course, the teen has an interest in their race towards that front… Though, from the reports it seems most likely not.

"I am assuming you are keeping him away from certain thoughts about the Devil Kind?" The Crimson Satan asked seriously.

"I have been doing that since he summoned me. Thankfully none of his current or upcoming projects involve the Underworld in any shape or form." Serafall explained.


"I do apologise that you had to bear this heavy burden yourself. I had no idea that he was this dangerous." 

"Lord Lucifer. We would like to know just how dangerous Marcus Goldman is." Finally, the Pillars could not take it anymore and wanted to know!

"These two events give us a glimpse of what he can do.

First is his encounter with Artemis and her Hunt in Siberia. Marcus collected Sword Birth from a Stray Devil. Which means he can remove the gears with relative ease.

The encounter with the Goddess led to a fight. One human against the Goddess of Hunt who had her whole Hunt with her. Which, mind you, had Hippolyta and Atalanta.

The result? Complete and total victory for Marcus who beat them all up and humiliated the Goddess by cutting some of her and her top two lieutenants hair.

Ever since then Artemis has been searching for him with no success." Sirzechs explained to them while waving one of the files. Indicating that this was only one event.

"This is madness… how could one human, even if he can negate magic, deal with seasoned huntresses who have centuries of experience!?" The devil councilmen were terrified after hearing what Sirzechs said.

"Sacred Gears. He has a Scale Mail sacred gear and a rifle Sacred Gear. Both of which are extremely powerful. Potentially lethal to me…" The Crimson Satan said with a no-nonsense tone.

Several gasps escaped from the council stands.

"The second event is what solidifies it. Several weeks later after the encounter with Artemis. Marcus went to Greece to deal with several terrorists and renegades. Acquiring True Longinus, Dimension Lost and Annihilation Maker. As well as several different smaller sacred gears. He also acquired the Joan of Arc spirit holder and a member of the Pendragon Family as well as several sets of swords...two of them being Holy Swords Excalibur Ruler and Caliburn." 

"Now good luck trying to kidnap him. He had years to build up his base. I know people have tried to study Diamond Core Heart in Kuoh.

If you can't understand how the smaller and much weaker version of it works then you have no chance against the several that he has built in his base."

Serafall said with a sigh. Yes, people have already tried to scan and whatnot with the  Diamond Core Heart in Kuoh. Thankfully the amount of security the thing has makes the group of excited 'researchers' scratch their heads…

"T-This...what should we do with such a being so close to us!" One of them asked with an utterly fearful look! Like hell! This monster has a True Longinus!

"Nothing. I have been working to improve relationships with him for the past 4 years. I have a sacred gear, so does Sona and her peerage. As long as we don't demand things or be unreasonable, he won't be doing anything. He has no interest in doing us any harm. He even prefers devil females. Most likely my influence over the years." Serafall smoothly explained. Earning many approvals and relieved sighs.

"I-I see… make sense." Several female members of the council got proud looks when they heard Serafall's speech. The males went into deep thinking mode.

One thing for sure is that devils know how to seduce. If this works, then they are more than fine with this, especially if they get something out of it.

"You said Sacred Gear. He gave one to you?" Ajuka asked with an intrigued look. The rest got interested in this immediately.

"Not just any gear. As one of his important devils, I received a Longinus Class gear."

Her words made everyone's eyes widen, An Ultimate Class devil with Longinus Class Gear!?

Serafall pulled out her pen and without wasting time transformed into her Sailor uniform. That moment her power peaked above Sirzechs base form effortlessly.

Earning multiple gasps and awes from the Devil kind nobility.

"T-This… he truly did this for you? Quite... impressive…" Ajuka and Sirzechs nodded. Serafall's dream of being a Magic girl was fulfilled, by a human being no less. Their world is truly becoming weird…

"Indeed! My hard work paid off! As you can see he is not hostile. I have an idea." Serafall showed a peace sign with her gloved hand, before looking at Ajuka.

"Marcus likes intellectual people and your clan fits that category. Someone like your niece would fit into his circle quite nicely."

Lord Beelzebub instantly got a thoughtful look. So did many others. 

"Yes. It would make sense. My niece has a good head on her shoulders. Do you think she will suit him? I thought… you know...well…"

"Marcus wishes to open a company to sell his inventions. Latia will know which companies to absorb and which not to. This way, we would only profit." Serafall explained to the fellow Satan Beelzebub.

"I see… very smart positioning." The Green haired Satan nodded without thinking too much on this. Serafall's ideas are always good.

Many of the council men just nodded happily. Free profit, why not?

With a devil girl at the helm, Marcus will earn his money, the devil companies will survive and profit, while the rest? Well, that's not their problem.

"Then we agree with what Serafall proposed?" Sirzechs asked after the council settled down.

"We do. Though it would be better to understand what the man is truly capable of. So far, we only know that he could win against our strongest devil. Which is an utterly frightening prospect." One of the oldest known devils, Zekram Bael spoke for the first time.

"To tell you bluntly, we shouldn't want him to think about the Underworld in general. He calls the sacred gears old and outdated. He calls the True Longinus an old spear encased in an old computer. While things like Sword Birth are like a TV remote to him.

Do you truly want him walking through our halls? He told Artemis to bring her whole pantheon so that he could collect the loot." Serafall said with an eye roll.




"Do we have anything else on today's agenda?" Zekram Bael quickly adapted to the situation, realising that there was no point to continue this discussion.

The rest of the council, as if they forgot Marcus existed, returned to the usual discussion of who is the best Rating game player in their eyes.


"You did withhold a lot of information," Serafall said to Sirzechs as they returned to their throne room where all four Satan thrones are.

The Crimson Satan didn't tell everything to the devils council, there is a whole lot more info there which he didn't even mention to the council.

"That Marcus has developed Power of Destruction through science? It would be a scandal and knowing the current Lord Bael he wouldn't leave it as it is." The Crimson Lucifer shook his head after saying that.

"Marcus's Power of Destruction is fully synthesised. He has been using it for years now. According to him, it's a type of magic which targets the connection between molecules." Serafall explained.

"So…those rifles use this version of Power of Destruction? That's quite dangerous…" 

"You have no idea."

As the current Leviathan explained, Ajuka just went through the reports.

To say that he was awed is an understatement, there aren't many details about the technology or magic used. But Marcus has re-created the energy wings used by Divine Dividing. He even uses his negation magic through them. So it's simply useless to use any sort of magic in his presence. Thus the weaponry.

Another thing is that it's completely computerised. It's no longer just an artefact… or a gear, it's a completely different branch of things. It's like technology mixed with magic. A complete blend of something new... Technomancy?

"It is a wise choice to befriend him. From these two reports which are quite sparse in details mind you, I can tell that he is a genius inventor, alchemist, designer, programmer, hacker, scientist, technician... Honestly, he simply terrifies me." Ajuka said with a sigh.

It was hard to admit. But this human was a fellow researcher and scientist. He gets the honour where it's due.

Both Serafall and Sirzechs looked at the current Beelzebub with a shell-shocked look.

Someone terrified Ajuka!?

"If my wild guess is right then he could erase any pantheon regardless of their background and what kind of monster they would hide. 

The best way to deal with this is to wait for him to die a natural death, but that's is just stupid. I doubt that natural ageing is even a problem for him. No, more like a morning exercise before he returns to real tinkering." Ajuka gave his opinion for the first time since… Well, neither Sirzechs nor Serafall can remember the date. But, it was a long time ago.

"...I am impressed by how much you deducted from these two reports. Your guess was quite similar to what Marcus has decided he wants to share." Serafall said with wide eyes. She was once again impressed by Ajuka's genius.

"It would seem I have passed his test," Ajuka said with a smile as he realised something.

"You did. Long ago. He wanted to summon you long ago, you know. The same way he did with me once he learned the Astaroth clan symbol. Pity he summoned Latia." Serafall said with a bitter tone as she didn't mind revealing this.

Both Sirzechs and Ajuka looked at each other for a moment. They realised what was going on with her.

Latia got Marcus attention instead of Serafall. Thus, Leviathan's anger…

'Sorry, dear niece. I have no interest in these muddy waters…' Ajuka decided to bow out from this 'war'. He will stay away until it settles down then maybe visit the teen Inventor, until then he will let these cats fight. 

Now he knows how Zekram Bael survived for more than 5 thousand years.

Ajuka pulled out a small book and wrote down something before closing it.

'Don't interfere in woman fights. Period.' 

~~~~~~Arctic Ocean~~~~~~

The sound of an energy wing cutting through the air was something that Latia found fascinating. 

She needs to remember to always pick her words carefully when speaking with Marcus because one thing can lead to another and they will end up doing something insane even by her kin standards.

'How could a simple question lead to this?' Latia only asked if the Gundams were for decoration! Now she was testing out how real they are! 

More than 3000 kilometres away from Marcus base.

'Still, though I am getting the hang of this. The suit is like a piece of my body. It reacts the same way limbs react to my mind. This is once again… a groundbreaking technological advancement that could help people who have lost their limbs…' Latia sighed internally once again, she has lost count of how many times she was in awe, shock and in deep thought in this single day.

"Well, what do you think? Fast right? I was thinking of multiple ways to make the person inside the suit handle the force generated by the speed.

The most obvious solution was to have more magic in the body. But, that is just boring. I did go through several test flights with different configurations." 

Marcus said to her through the communicator, his armoured form arrived next to her. The blonde devil beauty is quite awed. By the sheer… abilities of the armours. They might be based on Boosted Gear, Divine Dividing and the Gundam franchise but the scale mail she is inside of is far above those mentioned things.

"I don't think you need more speed. They are already the fastest thing I have ever seen." Latia said honestly. She doubts anyone can fly as fast as this. Well, she is not counting the teleportations. But teleportation can be intercepted, tracked or negated altogether. Devils and other supernatural species have been using them for centuries and by this point, many countermeasures are already introduced.

He did tell her about how the armour evolved from Mark I to Mark III.

The last third scale mail model is quite the upgrade from the last. Most of the previous systems went through an upgrade. 

With Aurora's new processing capacities, the systems went through a redesign to make them smaller which allowed the suit to carry more for a small price of a few extra kilos.

On the big scale of things, this meant nothing. The servo motors in the limbs and joints negate those extra kilos anyway.

"It doesn't mean I should stop upgrading them, Latia. Nonetheless, I think we spend too much time playing and the day is getting short." Marcus said that to her as he looked at the position of the sun in the sky.

"Indeed. I can't believe I nearly spent a whole day just exploring a house." The blonde said with some disbelief after she realised that.

"There's an around 4 hours difference since we are in Asia at the moment." The teen inventor said as he looked around. Latia nodded casually at his words.


Latia looked around her new room. It was spacious and modernised. But in her eyes, the room was turned up to the level of Sci-fi.

The ceiling could be anything she wants, even a television. She could watch things just by looking at the ceiling!

Even the walls can switch to whatever she wants, the pattern could be adjusted, it could be stars, sun, clouds whatever she wants and it could emit light illumination.

Followed by the floor. It can be a carpet, tiles, wood…

While devils can do those to a certain extent. They are limited by their demonic magic and most things are not permanent. Unlike the room she is in.

Walking around for a bit, checking out the furniture, she ended up at the wardrobe. After looking at it, she realised it was like nothing she ever saw. There was a tablet incorporated into the furniture.

She had already seen these tablets in the kitchen, corridors, bathroom, Marcus workshop. 

They were the so-called transmutation centre…

Meaning that instead of having to go to a shop she can have a full wardrobe made for her right here at this moment. And, yes, it is this moment. She remembered how Marcus prepared the Mark III Freedom in a short span of 10 minutes and that is a Super Devil level Sacred Gear!

She still has not properly wrapped her head around it. Her mind was still trying to process everything…

That's why she ended up just sitting on the bed, elegantly of course, and just tried to process everything she had just experienced.

By this point, the whole Solomon pillar thing was just a small tip of the iceberg, it's insignificant! The inventions, the technology, the magical systems, the seamless transitions from magic to technology and then back to magic once again is awe-inspiring!

It started as an introduction to his house and it ended up as some date/fun time thing. Latia, of course, tried to seduce him as much as possible and it worked to some extent… but, in the end, she wasn't able to make him push her down and have his way with her.

This has quite annoyed her, and at same time made her excited. She was his slave, and he could do anything he wants with her.

But, nothing of that sort. It only inflates her fascination with his gentlemen-like behaviour. 

That's why, after laying In bed for some time, she finally decided to put her plan in motion.

It's time to establish her position in his growing harem.



"Our Master, he is alone now, yes? Lady Serafall has her duties." Latia asked her. Trying to dig up some information about other Pillars.

[He is alone. Lady Serafall has her duties, so does the head maid. No one is sharing his bed at the moment. Are you planning to move in?] Aurora got suspicious at the end. The Artificial Intelligence quickly realised that this blonde devil woman was already gunning to get into his bed!

"Don't be surprised. How much do you know about the original Solomon?" The blonde asked curiously.

[My understanding of the supernatural history is extremely limited which is quite annoying. I have updated my memory banks with information I exchanged with Le Fay Pendragon and the Pillars.

Regarding Solomon, I only know the basics. He was Artificer, Pervert, Magician, King, apprentice to the Biblical God, nothing substantial.]

Latia slowly nodded while looking at the starry sky created from holograms.

"My Clan's Ancestor, the first Astaroth, was part of Solomon's harem. In my family records, she recorded that Solomon never in his life slept alone." The blonde said as she got up from the bed, walked over to the wardrobe and started selecting clothes on the tablet. She switched to the hologram mode and made it full body.

She was going through bathrobes…

"So it's strange that his successor, the more superior one, doesn't have a partner in the bed… at all times." The blonde bombshell explained with a casual look.


Aurora was having a hard time deciding how to respond. For one, she doesn't want another woman in her Master's bed, for another, her Master's honour was in question. As to what Latia just said, her calculations and analysis on the original Solomon told her that more than 80% of what the blonde just said was true!

In the end, she decided not to say anything, and instead to return to the genetic analysis, full force of course.

While the blonde finally decided on her bathrobes. Once she pulled out the robes she took off her original clothes and dressed only in the robes.

~~~ R-18 right ahead! Go to 'Inventions/Tech/Sacred Gears' if you want to skip~~~

Marcus heard a knock on his doors, before they slid to the side and saw Latia standing there.

The teen's eyes widened seeing the hot beauty standing in the middle of the doors.

She was dressed in skimpy bathrobes which barely hid anything...

This blonde has been teasing him the whole day but now…

"You know… your predecessor, never in his life, slept alone after becoming the King. After enslaving the 72 pillars he had orgies almost every single day." Latia said as she entered the room.

"You sure know quite a bit about him," Marcus said as his eyes were on her form instead of her face.

"The Astaroth clan is known as intellectuals for a reason. My Ancestor recorded everything she knew about her time as a pet for the human King.

That is why I am here. I learned that no one was warming your bed. So it's my duty as your pillar to make sure you always have company." As she said that, she removed her bathrobes and revealed her naked body.

She was the personification of Sin. That's all he could say. There was nothing more to talk about. Everything about her body was simply perfect!

Marcus didn't need much persuasion. If one of his beauties wants to sleep with him he won't say no!

He motioned for her to come over and she smiled coyly at him.

Soon enough she was under the blanket and got close to him, she started snuggling and being very much touchy with him.

Her hand stroked his chest while his hand ended up in between her large breasts. She was very much telling him, through her body movement, that she wants to take it to the next level…

"You are quite something else. And I only just summoned you today…" Marcus said as he placed down his tablet on the bed stand. He already understood that he will be having an eventful night…

"Is it? There is no need to play the long game anymore~~~ Let's just say that you impressed me enough to make me give myself to you. There is nothing more to discuss~~~" She said softly but little by little her tone started to get hot. The beauty slowly started to get turned on.

Hearing an all-clear, the teen inventor moved in and quickly ended up on top of her. Latia smiled to herself seeing such a heated look.

Her teasing has paid off with dividends.

Without wasting any more time, Marcus claimed her lips. The blonde responded by wrapping her hands around him. Pulling him into a hug.

Soon enough their tongues started to wrestle. The teen inventor instantly noticed the difference in her ability to 'battle'.

It did bring him quite a bit of satisfaction knowing that he will be the one teaching her all the naughty things. 

A few moments later, they separated their lips, and Marcus moved down to nibble on her neck.

"You know when I said that I was raised to be a proper lady of a house~~~? I didn't lie. I assume I can't lie to you~~~ so, it is expected for you to teach me everything about the night time bed activities~~~" She said hotly while mewing to his kisses.

Marcus quickly realised that she knew exactly how to drive him nuts and just wanted to skip this and go for the main event.

He pulled away from tasting her and looked directly into her eyes.

"You are quite a tease. You want me to claim you this much?" He said while one of his hands went to her honey pot. She was already very wet…

"We can play as much as you want after I properly become your's~~~" The blonde hotly replied as her body shuddered to his touch.

Marcus shook his head in amusement before spreading her legs apart and pulling his boxers down. For a second Latia's eyes widened, she bit her lower lip not saying anything after witnessing it.

Instead, she focused on the task at hand or tried to as she felt his thing around her pussy lips. Her brain tried to process how such a thing should fit in there. Not that she had much time on that either as she started to feel her pussy spreading apart and trying to take in the invader.

"Ahhh~~~" Her whole body shook more as she felt pain and pleasure starting to rise from her core. Trying to fight back the pain. 

Slowly, inch by inch, Marcus rod arrived at her purity mark.

"Come. One more push, and I am properly yours~~~" She said with a slightly pained look, trying to look as seductive as possible.

Pulling back and then pushing in with a bigger force, Marcus went past her maidenhood and went all the way in. The beautiful whole body twitches from the pain. But nonetheless, the blonde barely released a sound this time. Although, there was still a bit of a pained look on her beautiful face. 

The teen pulled her into a hug and wrapped his hand around her, claiming her lips in the process once more. Latia responded with much more heat this time, as their tongues once duelled.

Marcus hands moved lower, towards her incredible rear, massaging her shapely bum before starting to move her on his dick.

The beauty responded by wrapping her legs around his waist pulling herself in as much as possible in the process.

And sure enough the sound of lovemaking started to intensify quite quickly as Latia's movement increased. Showing Marcus how quickly her body adapts to sex.

He got reminded that he was fucking a devil, and not a human female. Even though she was a virgin just moments ago.

Before long Marcus changed her position. Making the beauty get on all fours. 

The blonde used that moment to tease him more with her incredible backside. The teen inventor realised that the blonde knows that she has that effect on him so she is abusing it.

And to pay her back for it Marcus rammed his rod into her recently deflowered fold. Making Latia mewed in the process. He didn't allow her to adjust as he started slamming back into her. 

Soon enough sounds similar to claps started to spread through the room.

"Ahhh~~~ mhhh~~~ w-wait~~~ I-I-I am~~~ it's here!!!" The blonde bombshell came hard from the constant bombardment to her core. Her arms gave in as she smashed headfirst into the pillows. Quickly she wrapped around one with her hands, trying to cover her delirious moans.

She was silly enough to believe she could tame him without any previous experience.

"Quite the sexy moans you got there. We are going to continue this throughout the whole night… funny thing is that tomorrow's a Sunday~~~ meaning that it's a day off… we can play as much as we want~~~" 

Hearing that, Latia's eyes turned glassy as she imagined what would most likely happen to her…

~~~~~~~~~Inventions/Tech/Sacred Gears~~~~~~~~~~~~

Freedom Scale Mail MK III

Since MK II was built by Quinella's predecessor, the Aurora v.1, the Inventor's assistant decided to create an upgraded version of the current main flagship Scale Mail, the Freedom MK II and upgrade it.

Going through roughly 3.1 million simulations, The Artificial Intelligence found that the current weakness of the suit is the connection between the suit wielder and the suit. So thus the new upgrades. 

Of course, she won't be leaving it as it is… As the armour was not safe enough...

Classification: Neo-Class G-Sacred Gear, clocked at Super Class 

Balance Breaker: Meteor Drive

Composition: Sacred Gear alchemical metal, Diamond, transmuted electronics, plastic, rubber.

Key magic system and technology:

Exoskeleton Nerve Reader system: A system built into the Scale mail which allows the wielder to feel that the armour is like part of your body.

Aurora Borealis HUD: The HUD system was reworked with Realitus Holograms which makes the wielder see HUD as if it's a part of the world around them.

Aurora-Quinella OS Support: The scale Mail runs on the up to date OS fully synchronised with the Aurora Network.

Second generation G-Force Max Support: A System designed to mitigate the G-Force which scale mail is exposed to when flying at high speeds.

The second-generation G-Force Max barrier support which mitigates G-Force and other exposures to the outside world

According to Quinella, the armour should technically take a hit from a Hydrogen Bomb with minimum damage and the person inside would barely feel it.

Diamond Triangle Core: Modified version of Diamond Core Heart based for the Scale Mails. It's used as a main power source for the Scale Mail and is independent from the user's energy source.

Crystallised Energy Flight Support (or C.E.F.S for short): Magic energy crystallised in the form of wings. It gives an unprecedented ability to fly. 

Solomon's Negation Magic Support System (or S.N.M.S.S for short): A specific type of energy is dispersed through the energy wings which affects other types of energies in the area of effect(AOE) type of fashion 

Recoil To Magic (or R.T.M for short) Is a branch magic system used in the arms of the scale mail. This system is directly connected to the energy wings which release the newly created excess magic.

Balance Breaker system: The armour has a build in Balance Breaker which amplifies the armours output up to 10x 


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Along with the advanced chapters, there are also a lot of other fanfics I wrote and did not upload to Webnovel.

Chapters are coming out Monday, Wednesday and Friday around 9:00 AM British time.
