
Ch 271: Where did you go, Master?

Hello, dear readers.

I would like to express my gratitude for all the support you have provided me throughout the year. During this year I have had several moments in which it has been really difficult for me to continue writing this story due to different personal circumstances, but I really enjoy writing stories, and I want to tell you that knowing that there are so many people who like what I write motivates me to continue publishing each new chapter. 

Thank you very much for reading Emir's story. 

I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


After defeating the griffins that were threatening Denir City, I took Alessia's friends back to their city, stopping once again at the Solitary Temple to explain the details of my request and the ways in which I want them to repair the temple.

I left them 50 gold and told them that they should not worry about money in regards to my errand, as I would give them more if needed.

I don't care how many people they hire, as long as the temple, at the end of the process, is in a better state than when it was built.

I don't know how much it will end up costing to repair and refurbish the building, but I am willing to do anything to get back on favorable terms with the Solus god.

Lately, karma has been playing a lot of negative tricks on me, and it's about time some beneficial things start happening for me.

Alessia's friends told me that they would get there as soon as the city finished healing itself and that probably the amount of money I gave them would be enough to repair and improve a place as small as the Solitary Temple.

Perhaps they'll cheat me and keep the money, but I doubt it.

They are good people.

I know this because, if it weren't for them, I wouldn't have met Alessia.

Furthermore, they now respect me deeply and treat me like a hero, which I am.

Or, at the very least, I have the class of one…

It's noon, and I see that the sun is already high in the sky when I use space travel to create an illusory doorway into the bedroom of our house in the capital.

Obviously, the bed is already empty at this hour.

'It was to be expected...

But they'll have to get used to it....

If all goes according to plan, from now on they'll be waking up alone in bed quite often....

Will I be able to get used to not waking up with a morning blowjob?'

When I go down to the second floor, I head for the garden, walking in the direction where my map shows Alessia and Delia's dots.

Through the windows, I see that they are both sitting on the ground, chatting with each other while their backs are to me.

I don't see the spear anywhere, but it must be somewhere in the house, because suddenly Delia says something in Alessia's ear, and they both turn to look in my direction at the same time.

I smile back at them and open the front door to go out to our garden.

'Hmm... What could I possibly say to them to justify my absence? The truth, as is obvious, is a big no.'

"Welcome home, Emir," says Delia with a beaming smile.

"Where did you go, Master?" asks Alessia with a strained voice, even though she automatically smiles back at me as well.

'I wish Alessia wouldn't be so controlling with my movements.... Haaa... but I guess I've given her reasons to be like that with me'.

"I went to the war zone." I say, realizing that's the only place I can mention that won't raise suspicion.

"Yes? So early?" asks Alessia suspiciously.

'Hmt... Alessia is too perceptive lately'

"Yes, I had some errands to run, and I thought, the sooner I went, the sooner I'd be back," I say quickly as I get to where they are and sit down next to Delia.

"And why didn't you tell us anything?" Says Alessia as she crawls over to change positions to avoid the fox girl sitting between her and me.

I'm now sitting on the floor with one of my girls on either side of me.

"Becauseee.... because I didn't want to wake you up, and yesterday I fell asleep before I could tell you," I say, blurting out the first excuse that comes to mind.

I don't think Alessia is buying my story, but Delia probably is. 

As long as I have Delia on my side, Alessia can't get too pushy.

' - Haa... He's obviously lying, but, knowing him, there's no point in questioning him further. If I do, he'll keep lying until he can divert the topic of conversation in some way.... I guess he was with Melisa.... Anyway, she also has the right to spend some time with Master. As long as we have Master most of the time, I don't see the problem. I'd rather that than him going to other places without telling us anything.'

' - Delia, you should learn a little more from the blonde in this regard. Aren't you interested to know where my creator was and WHO he was WITH? Why don't you ask him about it?'

' - Yes, of course I'm interested. But I think Emir would tell us if it was important. I can't imagine where he would have really gone, but I don't think I need to worry about that'

' - So you realize he's lying to you, and yet you don't ask him about it? Haa... There are times when I don't understand you, no matter how hard I try.'

' - It's a matter of faith. I believe in Emir, and that's why I know that whatever he's been doing has been for our welfare or other people's welfare. That's all that matters to me. If there is anything I need to know, I am confident that Emir would tell me.'

' - Do you think that even when he didn't tell you about Alessia and Melisa until he was forced to?'

' - Surely Emir had good reasons for acting the way he did, even if I fail to imagine what those reasons were. God put me in Emir's path. To doubt him is like doubting God, and that is impossible for me.'

' - I... I don't know how I could counterargue that. It's just that there's something about my creator that makes me uncomfortable, even if I don't know exactly what it is. And his parents are even worse! I've never felt people as unpleasant as them before. They generate in me a feeling of rejection even stronger than the one I feel for my creator.'

' - Well, you should try to overcome that feeling you have. If it weren't for Emir, you wouldn't even exist. It would do you good to remember that every time you try to get me to walk away or fight with him'

"So… What were you girls doing while I was gone?" I ask when already the silence between us starts to become uncomfortable.

"Nothing really. Having breakfast and... waiting for you," Alessia says, looking absentmindedly in the direction of the trees around us.

"Have you had breakfast, Emir?" asks Delia in a concerned tone.

'Now that I realize it, I haven't eaten anything since I left.... With the whole griffins thing and the Solitary Temple, I didn't even notice that I was hungry.'

"No. Not really.... I left too early and didn't have time to eat anything," I say as my stomach rumbles sonorously, now that hunger has made its way into my mind.

' - If he was with Melisa, he should have been able to eat something at her place.... Besides, why should he hide it from us? No, it doesn't make sense... That's precisely why I tried so hard to get Melisa to accept our relationship, so that Master can't have any excuse to hide his visits to the farm from us.... Maybe I'm just being too suspicious of Master, and he really did go to the war zone.'

"That's not right!..." says Delia, looking at me with a frown.

"... If you don't eat properly, you won't have energy during the day, and then-"

I do not know what intrusive thought has invaded Delia's mind, but it must have been something embarrassing to her because her cheeks flush slightly and she leaves her sentence unfinished.

"No problem. That's an easy thing to fix..." I say, as I pull out some of the cooked food I have stashed in my inventory.

Sometimes I don't know what I would do without my inventory's ability to keep food in its most optimal state.

A steaming bowl of bear meat stew appears in my hands, and I begin to eat under the watchful eyes of Alessia and Delia.

"... But let's change the subject. Alessia... I'm interested to know where you learned those things we did last night."

I need to know who's been teaching my girlfriend those things.

It's not a topic of conversation I'd like her to have with other people.

If she's curious about anything, I'm more than willing to teach her everything I know.

"Hmm... I don't know if I should tell you; I don't want you to get jealous," Alessia says, looking at me with a mischievous expression.

Emir: !!!

'S-so... it's a man...

I see...

I think I'm going to have a little... talk with that guy...

He needs to learn that there are some things you don't talk about with another man's girlfriend...

But I need to calm down...

I have to make sure that Alessia doesn't find out my intentions; otherwise, she won't want to introduce me to him...

The first thing to do is to find out this individual's name and location...

It's probably someone from the war zone...

Hmt... I thought the three annoying beauties would keep her away from that kind of influence.'

"Is this someone I know?" I ask, slowly chewing my food, trying to look like I'm not interested in the conversation topic.

' - It's so obvious what he's thinking. I wasn't planning to keep up the joke much longer, but since he's reacting like this, I'm going to have a little fun with him.'

"Yes. I think you know him very well... it's impossible for you not to remember him. He's the most handsome and intelligent man I've ever met in life...." says Alessia with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.


Despite my efforts to appear disinterested, I can't stop the spoon from hovering in mid-air, halfway between the bowl and my mouth.

".... He has taught me many things, and he has made me feel things I have not felt with any other person..."

' - Is Alessia saying what I think she's saying?...That... I didn't think she was capable of something like that. Poor Emir'

' - Oho! I like the blonde more and more.... I love to see that there are times when my creator is speechless.'

Emir: !!!!!!!!!!!

The spoon falls out of my hand and makes a thud as it clatters against the edge of the bowl as I choke on my food.

Suddenly the world around me seems to get a little grayer and a little sadder.

'I'm going to kill that man, whoever he is.'
