

i hope it is Sword Birth or Blade blacksmith so I can make a full counter knockoff.

also if i can use the Judgment Dragon balance breaker could i empower it with Down Fall Dragon Spear or Nereid Kyrie ? does it count as a dragon? can it be transferred or transformed into an artificial sacred gear?

can I transfer part of Albion's power or consciousness to it ?

can I absorb Draig's power like Issei did with Albion's by absorbing fragments of his sacred gear's orb?

Can I absorb Draig?

seal him?

trade his sacred gear with another ?

can I pit the consciousness of the respective sacred gears against each other?

can I manipulate the thoughts *ahem* change the views of the other descendants of the old Satan's faction?

i can greatly influence Ingvild if i manage to awaken her ahead of time.

how do I leave a better impression than the one OG Valí left to team Slash Dog so as to convince Natsume and Laviniaof joining me?

i believe that is of the few times Valí gets flustered with women when he interacts with them.

well I'll focus on that later on there are more pressing maters.



Do devils spank the baby after birth?

how does a baby devil act? how the fuck will i start learning Japanese? ..... wait I've understood what they have been talking about , aren't they speaking japanese? why do i understand it like if it were English?


took me long to notice that... guess I'm an airhead.

i have managed to give the impression that i like hi s voice as Everytime I hear his voice i start moving till he places his hand on my mom's belly.

gotta make his paternal instincts kick in well if he has any... i think he has some from his interactions so far , he might get overwhelmed with the fear of my potential once I'm born though.

once i grow up i have to get into Grigori and i don't think he will like that idea , perhaps if i convince him that I'll be his spy?

the amount of connections i can make there are great i mean just the hero faction and team Slash Dog are pretty powerful by themselves.if i can influence the five clans by the means of the possesors of the sacred beasts i should have a giant web of information and power in the human world.

if i can somehow temporarily seal my devil side and act as a human while using my other sacred gear or an artificial one i could create a persona to get closer to the church i can get information on the artificial Excalibur, Holy magic and powerful artifacts and/or sacred gears that they could have sealed much like Klein Moretti does with his persona of Sherlock Moriarty and Gehrman Sparrow . but which characters should i reference with that persona? since i will deal with the church perhaps famous demon hunters or paladins from my past life ? mercenaries too perhaps?

there was a demon who acted like a pirate right he even has a ship i think? what if i go all one piece persona on him?

since there are youkais here and Shinto magic, shrines and touki how about a ninja one too i can use talismans and rituals like Tokyo Ravens too and i could theoretically use the power of gods that way since it ain't the bible gods power.

perhaps i could also use the power of other pantheons too if i could replicate the authorities of Verethragna from Campione it should shock everyone hehehe i can act like a total battle maniac with zero repercussions by shifting blame with that one kukuku.

well then I should be born any day now .
