
Chapter 47 - The Last Bit (2)

Firdaus's phone trilled.

"Hello, Auntie," he said coldly.

"I see," he said after a long time. "Yes. I will."

"Was that Great-Auntie?" Miles asked. "Is Grand-mère all right?"

Firdaus nodded. "They are both in Leeds at the moment, and safe. Why does Jacques want you?"

"He primarily wanted the Pierre estate, we think," Margaret said. "We heard him quarrelling with Grand-mère and Maman. Grand-mère wanted us to move in with her. Maman told him she didn't care, he could help himself to whatever he wanted. Maman thought we would be safe in Edinburgh. We have our own trust funds, all three of us; we don't need any assistance from the Pierre estate or the Rana Mehta estate."
