
Setting Off

I locked the door to my apartment and muttered, "What a mess."

The day turned out decently well at first, but it ending in that tangled mess.

I sighed and sat down at my sofa before touching my fingers to my lips. "Seonhwa... You're really a ridiculous woman."

Declaring that she was fine being hurt. That she wouldn't give up on me after I came back. But the problem was...

"I'm not Jihu, you know?" I stared off into space and muttered those words.

The guy she knew. The person she loved. The one whose memories I had but that weren't my own...

Like this, she was going to get hurt. But at the same time...

"I'm an idiot too."

I couldn't say no. I couldn't cleanly cut it off there. Faced with that gaze and those words, I couldn't let her down and leave her alone.

I knew it. Of course I knew it. It was impossible not to know, seeing the faint threads of red string floating around her with my eyes. Even so...

"You bastard. Shouldn't you be complaining?"

'Jihu' was silent. But of course. After all, that guy vanished when I arrived.

I sighed and stood up.

In the end, it seemed like we were both idiots. That guy for hurting her in the past so much, and me for not being able to say no, a time bomb that would inevitably hurt us both in the end.

I glanced at the thin slip of paper kept in my desk drawer and muttered, "Should I go back?"

Things were taken care of on this side for the most part.

If there was any cause for concern, it was that Seonhwa might probe around a bit too much and cause trouble later.


Suddenly, a bell echoed through my apartment. The doorbell.

I blinked and walked over. "...I don't remember having any guests." Muttering that, I opened the door-

"So you are here. Couldn't you have picked up your phone?"

-And stood face to face with an irate Kim Hannah.

I blinked and pulled out my phone to check, only to realize that I had missed her calls. As to why, it turned out that I mistakenly put it to silent mode.

I sighed and let her in. "Sorry about that. The last time I charged my phone, I put it to silent mode."

"Mm. Well, you aren't lying at least." Kim Hannah walked in, shutting the door behind her. After that, she took a look around and nodded. "You also seem to be doing pretty well for yourself. Though, I figured that'd be the case considering what you do."

I nodded and walked over to the cupboards. "Did you want something to drink? Tea? Coffee?"

"Some coffee would be good. Black."

I pulled out what she requested and then started up the water to brew it. After that, I turned back around.

Kim Hannah was already making herself comfortable, sitting down on my sofa and kicking her feet up on the table. "I was surprised coming up here, you know? For a former gambler, you're doing great. Or maybe I should say it's as expected?"

"Ha ha." I sat down across from her and said, "This is the result of a lot of hard work, you know?"

"Mm. Well, I suppose that's true. Your apps *are* sweeping across the world. Ah, speaking of that though-"

"Yes, you can manage them. I've already hired you on as head of marketing, etc."

Kim Hannah blinked and then laughed. "A step ahead of me, are you?"

I shrugged. "I'd like to think I have an understanding of how you operate by now."

"Mm... Do you?" She leaned forward and placed her face close to me. "What if I want something more, too?"

"Then you should get ready to get hurt." I didn't back down and said, "I'm a pretty selfish and greedy guy, you know? I might end up stealing your heart before you know it."

Kim Hannah smirked and then leaned back, adjusting her glasses. "Well, I guess I don't have to worry about you falling into honeypots over there." She pretended to put on a calm expression, but I could see the faint traces of red on her cheeks.

I raised an eyebrow.

"What?" She stared back and said, "Lots of great men have fallen because of beautiful women, you know? I have to make sure."

"I appreciate the advice... but I'd like to turn it back on you. Plenty of women have thrown their lives away for the wrong person. You should be careful too."

Kim Hannah waved her hand and said, "I'll be fine. I haven't gotten as far as I have without being able to handle my emotions."

The coffee finished brewing, so I walked over and poured her a cup. After that, I placed it on the table in front of her. "Here you go."

"Thanks, Partner Jihu."

"Heh. No problem, Partner Hannah."

After taking a sip, she nodded and said, "Well, now that the pleasantries are out of the way... Should we get down to business?"

I nodded.

Kim Hannah adjusted her glassed and stared off into space a bit, her brow furrowed in thought. After a few moments, she said, "Do you know Sinyoung's situation right now?"

"A bit?" I paused, remembering what I could about the situation from my fading memories. "They're in a pinch, right? While they've got some pull here on Earth, they're waning over there."

"Mm. That's right." Kim Hannah took another sip from her coffee and said, "Right now, they're stuck between a rock and a hard place, going nowhere. It's... really complicated." She sighed and said, "Not long ago, they lost their most powerful combat force. As a result, while their foundation hasn't crumbled, it's undeniable that they've weakened. In fact..." She looked at me and said, "You're pretty fortunate. If it was before, there would have been no way for you to have gotten away with raiding a Sinyoung owned establishment and even killing off valuable members."

I nodded. "I'm actually surprised nothing came of that."

Kim Hannah smiled. "Like I said, you're lucky. I happened to be the one in charge on that night and the guys you offed were people with known poor reputations. It was inevitable that someone would take care of them since our abilities are lost here on Earth."

I started to nod, but then that last part clicked in my head. "Wait." I looked at Kim Hannah and said, "Our powers are lost on Earth? What do you mean?"

I thought they were just sealed, not lost. But if that was the case...

"Hm?" She frowned and said, "Haven't you experienced it yourself? Our status and abilities go away when we come back to Earth-" She stopped herself and then looked at me, her eyes wide. "Wait. Don't tell me-" She stood up and shook her head. "No. It can't be- Ah. But then that would explain how you were able to get in and out... But then...?"

"Kim Hannah?"

She looked at me and then said, "You... Don't tell me you still have your powers from 'there'?"

I shook my head. "Of course not. That place is separate from Earth."

Kim Hannah let out a sigh and sat back down. "That's a relief. If you were able to bring that over-"

"But I have my own innate abilities from the beginning that were strengthened by being over there."


I held up my hand and formed a delicate ice crystal.

Kim Hannah stared at it and then slowly said, "There... isn't mana on Earth though?"

I nodded. "That's right. This isn't mana." I twisted my fingers and dissolved the ice, turning it into a flowing stream. "If I have to describe it... I'm manipulating the pure energy and molecules?"

Kim Hannah froze, just like the ice crystal I made earlier. And then, after a long time, she let out a deep sigh and set down her cup of coffee. After that, she rubbed her forehead. "Let me get this straight. You... Not only are you trained and combat ready on Earth, but you had an innate superhuman ability before going to that place... that was strengthened as a result?"


"And you aren't restricted by anything or anyone from using it?"

"No... But it'd be pretty bad to rock the boat." I paused, remembering that Martial God guy. While I couldn't detect his presence, now that I was stronger, I *could* detect powerful signatures nearby. For the time being, they hadn't noticed me, but I didn't doubt that they would if I went too far.

"Rock the boat? What are you-" Kim Hannah paused and then rubbed her forehead again. "Oh god. You're not the only one, are you?"

"...That's a secret."

Kim Hannah straightened and said, "Let's pretend this conversation never happened. It'll be easier for both you and me, got it?"

I nodded.

She sighed. "Though, suddenly your courage about facing Sinyoung makes sense. What is that guy even going to do if you decide to kill them off here on Earth? Can't fight back if your powers are sealed, right?" She shook her head. "Whatever. Anyway... What was I saying? Right, the power balance."

Kim Hannah focused again, willfully shoving aside the previous topic, and said, "Sinyoung rose to power by backing the royal family when Earthlings rebelled. Of course, such a thing would be difficult to do considering that it was an entire region that rose up. But they had a trump card. A single Unique Ranker that they let loose onto the battlefield: Sung Shihyun."

"Sung Shihyun, huh?" A familiar name. One mentioned in comparison to me.

"That's right." Kim Hannah nodded and said, "His combat prowess was out of this world. A never before seen prodigy that could crush an army alone. Using him as their spear, Sinyoung forced negotiations and shoved the rebels to the south. Of course, the royal family wanted to wipe them out, but Sinyoung saw an opportunity."

"Yeah... A power vacuum, right? Take all of the competitors out of the picture and then grab what was left behind."

"Mmhm." Kim Hannah sipped on her coffee and said, "It was a rosy time period for Sinyoung. But stuff like that doesn't last forever. About two years ago in the flow of time on that side, a new problem occurred. One nobody saw coming."

"That guy went rogue, right?"

"I wouldn't say he went rogue," Kim Hannah said. "But you're right. He went missing. Nobody knows why... and he wasn't that good of a person, so there could have been any slew of reasons. But because of that, Sinyoung is in a pinch. You see." Kim Hannah held up her coffee cup and said, "That guy was what you'd call an Irregular."

"An Irregular?"

"Yep." Kim Hannah sipped her coffee again and then set the mug down. "No matter what organization, there's a limit to the manpower you can mobilize for individual requests and missions. The reason why Sinyoung was able to grow at such an explosive rate was because of the full support from the royal family... which came from fulfilling their demands. And the most impossible missions and difficult tasks..."

"Were taken care of by this Shihyun guy."

"Mmhm." Kim Hannah finished her coffee and said, "As a result of that guy vanishing, Sinyoung's swamped with work. They have way too many business interests to look after. Not to mention the fact that they have to keep an eye on the royal family too." She shrugged and said, "Even now, I'm supposed to be handling eight different assignments."

I raised an eyebrow and said, "You must be pretty capable then."

"Damned straight I am. Of course, even somewhat like me didn't expect you." She stared at me, mixed emotions in her gaze and said, "A Warrior who can use mana and was qualified for the Magician class. The first ranked and Gold Mark survivor who cleared the Impossible mission on his own. Not only that, but an 'arrogant rookie' who made enemies the moment he walked out the gate, looking down on everyone around him." She shook her head and said, "Putting it like that, you're remarkably similar to Sung Shihyun. The only difference- No, the major difference would be in the matter of degree. After all, even that guy didn't clear the Impossible mission on his own merit. You, on the other hand..."

She crossed her arms together under her chest and said, "Although you almost died, you cleared it with your own abilities. I don't know how you did it... No one really does, but the fact was that it was done legitimately, not through a loophole like Sung Shihyun. Knowing that, and knowing how similar you two are... How do you think Sinyoung would respond? Even if they found out that you killed their employees?"

"They'd try to recruit me."

"No." Kim Hannah shook her head and said, "Not just 'try'. They would do everything in their power to get you. Not only that, but they would put every restriction possible to ensure that you wouldn't escape like Sung Shihyun. To put it bluntly... Right now, you're like juicy prey, waiting to be devoured."

I scoffed.

Kim Hannah smiled. "Funny, right? That's what everyone thinks... But the truth is the opposite. If anything, you're the one that'll be preying on them, you damned cheating bastard. Though." She frowned and said, "Did you really have to go that far? You're making my job a lot more difficult, you know."

"But you can handle it, right?"

"Hmph. Glad to see you trust me that much." Kim Hannah's smile widened... and then it vanished. "But still, you have to be careful." She frowned and said, "You might be stronger than anyone expected and able to weather whatever is thrown your way. But that isn't true for everyone around you. If you keep standing out like this, your enemies might start looking for ways to hurt you that don't involve direct confrontation."

It was natural. If you couldn't kill the hero, you made him wish he was dead instead.

"While I can deal with some of it... In the end, I'm just one person and my pull only goes so far. It's why I wanted you to make some friends, actually."

"I know."

Kim Hannah sighed. "It's good that you connected with Hao Win and Odelette Delphine. Those two will be a great help in keeping things settled on this side... And then there's Miss Agnes and Cinzia too. But still, be mindful. You didn't make a big effort to hide your identity, so it's easy to find your information. And with what happened to your sister before-"

"They'd be stupid to try something like that."

Kim Hannah froze and then sighed. "Right. You're an exception on this side too... Even still, it'd be annoying to have to deal with the fallout, so keep it in mind."

I took a breath and then nodded. "I will."

"Good. But I think things should be fine for a little while." Kim Hannah nodded and said, "No matter how incredible you are, you're still Level 1. While you killed a few people at the banquet, all of them were level 3 or below, so it isn't beyond the realm of belief. Sung Shihyun did something similar in the past. In short... you have time. Enough to build your foundations and network so that by the time the large organizations realize it, it'll be too late."

She paused. "At the same time... It might not be a bad idea to start building things on this side too. Your influence from the apps is quickly spreading, so it'd be good to capitalize on it." She adjusted her glasses and said, "You don't mind if I do, do you?"

"Of course not. In fact, the sooner the better."

A bright smile crossed her face. "Good. But you better not come whining to me later." She stretched and said, "With that... I think we've sorted out the important information- Ah." She looked at me and said, "Did you meet with your family to explain things to them?"

I nodded. "I did. Though I'd appreciate it if you helped out with that when you can. Maybe you can pass yourself off as my personal assistant?"

"What? Demoting me already?" She adjusted her glasses and said, "Don't make me start plotting a company takeover. As strong as you might be, this is my area of expertise."

I laughed and said, "I'm just kidding, Hannah."

Kim Hannah's eyes widened and then she scoffed and said, "Time and place, Jihu."

"Right." I stood up and stretched as well. "Then... should we get going?" I glanced at my phone and said, "There's not much else we can do here, right?"

"Mm. That's true. And it'd be good to take advantage of this grace period." She stood up as well and then pulled out a paper from her purse. "Shall we?"

"One sec." I pulled out my phone, placing it on my desk and charging. After setting up a quick automated response and then pulling out my paper slip, I turned back around to face Kim Hannah. I nodded at her.

"Okay. Then, let's go." She ripped her paper, causing a circular light to appear in the middle of the room. With a nod, she said, "See you on the other side, Jihu." With that, the light welled up and swallowed her. When it faded, so was Kim Hannah.

I glanced at my phone one last time, remembering Seonhwa and Jinhee. "...I'll be back when I have everything settled." Muttering that small promise, I ripped my paper as well.

The light from the portal emerged and swallowed me whole.

I saw time and space distorting, a gate sending me through the cosmos. I caught powerful gazes sweeping throughout the stars, as if looking for something and passing over me.

And then... I was back in Paradise.

The first thing that I saw was an empty marble hall. The transfer chamber where I left last time, with a person sitting behind a counter in the distance. The temple that I left my things in.

"You're finally here." Kim Hannah was standing there and waiting.

"Sorry it took so long... Or did it take long?" I paused and said, "I left right after you."

She shook her head. "Transfer times can vary a bit... I haven't been waiting long though. It's only been a few minutes. Anyway, don't forget your things." She waved and said, "I'll meet you outside."

I nodded and walked over to the counter, presenting my slip. With it, I got back a key for my locker. Withdrawing my bag and equipment, I made my way to the entrance.

Kim Hannah was already there, arms crossed and waiting. When she saw me, she said, "Did you check everything?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

"In that case..." She gave me a wistful look and said, "It's not too late, you know?"

A seeming non-sequitur. But I could read her intent. After all...

Yellow lights were filling the road, people idling nearby and seemingly minding their own business but quietly listening in.

"I know. But I want to go try things out for myself a while, you know?"

Kim Hannah sighed and said, "In that case, I guess there isn't much I can do." She looked up and said, "Please, do give me a call when you change your mind, okay? Sinyoung's doors will always remain open for you." At that time, she presented me with an ivory-colored bag. Supplies that she had prepared under her own name.

I had already prepared my own bag and supplies, but I couldn't turn down her goodwill. With a smile, I grabbed it and tucked it under my other arm. "I won't forget."

Kim Hannah nodded and then made a show of glancing at her watch. She frowned and looked up at me. "Will it be fine if I don't accompany you?"

I nodded. "That's alright. I know you're busy, so it's fine."

"Then... How about only until the South gate?"

A persistent effort. The show of a woman persistently sticking to a clearly irritated man.

That was the act we were putting on, so I sighed and furrowed my brows. "I said it's fine."

After a few more exchanges that caused the yellow lights to die down, we parted ways.

And then I was on my own.

Since it was like that, I decided to take a brief tour around the city, something I didn't get a chance to when we were here last.

"Scheherazade, huh?" I mumbled to myself as I looked around.

Uniform rows of earthy stone buildings. Clean and well-maintained avenues. Throngs of people going about their daily lives wherever I looked, as expected from the capital of a kingdom. A lively place that stood in stark contrast from the reality that war and battles loomed in the distance.

Not only that, but it was the picturesque view of a fantasy city. Blacksmiths, shops selling potions and other goods... It was enough to where I was tempted to linger and scope it out.

But I couldn't. After all, this was Sinyoung's backyard. And, while I would be fine to whatever they tried to do to me, like Kim Hannah said, that wasn't the same to those around me. Not to mention that I would make my dear partner's life more complicated the longer I was here.

So, without much more thought, I decisively headed to the South gate that Kim Hannah mentioned.

A towering stone gate that looked straight out of an RPG. Then, next to that, stables and horse-pulled carriages... Which were just rickety wooden carts, unlike the covered coach we took on the way here from the Neutral Zone.

I scanned the area to see what to do, and then I noticed a man laying on a stack of hay while chewing a piece of grass. The archetypal 'farmer' appearance, with skin bronzed from the sun, a mustache, and disheveled hair.

He noticed my gaze and then nodded. "You an Earthling?"

I nodded and walked over to him. "I am."

He stretched and then sat up, turning towards me. "Where do you want to go?"

I remembered the brief chat I had with Kim Hannah before and said, "Haramark, if that's possible."

"Harmark?" The man shook his head. "No good then. I only go as far as to Zahrah."

Zahrah... That was the road we took on the way here from the Neutral Zone.

I frowned and said, "Only that far?"

He nodded. "You don't often hear the news of an attack taking place on Zahrah road, but the Haramark road on the other hand..."

My frown deepened.

In that case... Should I just set off on foot? I could probably make it there without too much trouble. And if there were monsters, I could do with some training...

"Mm." The man stared at me for a bit more and said, "You want to go to Haramark, right?"

I nodded. "That's right."

"In that case, wait a bit." He turned his head to the side and said, "Oi! Maktan!"

A short distance away, there was another man standing in front of a wooden wagon that looked to be for carrying goods. He frowned when he noticed the first man waving and then walked over. "Why are you calling me? I'm about to set off."

"You have a spot left?"

The new man nodded. "There will always be a spot left."

"Very good." The first man pointed to me and said, "This fell here, he wants to go to Haramark."

The man named Maktan looked irritated as he walked closer. But when he started studying me, his opinion changed. After a bit, he said, "You must be an Earthling."

The first man snorted and said, "Of course he is. Can't you see that?"

"Shut up. I heard you ask the same thing earlier, okay?" He shook his head and stared at me, humming. "I'll calculate your fee separately, okay? 30 copper coins to Zahra, but if it's to Haramark, 300 up front. But, if you're willing to work as a mercenary, I'll halve your fee to Haramark."

"No problem." I pulled out a silver coin from my bag and handed it to him. "Keep the change."

Maktan's eyes widened.


"Call it an investment." I looked at him and said, "I might come back here in the future, so when I do I expect good service, alright?"

Maktan looked at me, his expression changing. A complicated look appeared on his face before he nodded. "Understood." He looked up at the sky and said, "Hm... We should get going. If I push hard, we might reach Zahrah before the end of the day."

"And from there to Haramark?"

He lowered his gaze and said, "If everything's smooth and trouble-free, two days. If we're unlucky, be prepared to spend four nights outside." He paused and said, "Is that alright with you?"

"Four days, huh? Mm... Well, I suppose it isn't like I have anything better to do." I muttered and then nodded.

"The let's get going." Maktan turned around and beckoned for me to follow him.

I did.

As he started setting up the wagon, I climbed into the back and sat onto the wooden bench. As I did, Maktan called out.

"By the way. It hasn't been long since you got here, has it?"

"It hasn't."

"Thought so." Maktan looked back at me and said, "Not many Earthlings treat us like proper people like you."

I frowned on hearing that. "Not proper people...?"

That... didn't make sense. We were all human- No, all living beings, right?

He shrugged. "Mm... It's probably better for you to see it for yourself later. Anyway, get comfortable. The others will come by soon. Better to claim a spot before they do."


Haramark. It was a city located on the southern end of the human's territory. While a royal family also existed there, Earthlings were allowed free reign in that place. Of course, that came at a price.

The security in Haramark was supposedly so bad it earned the nickname City of Crime. Part of that was because the organizations that rebelled were forcibly relocated there. The other was because it was close to the frontlines.

In short, it was a chaotic region that would be hard to get a handle on to look for a particular individual, no matter how exceptional. Too many interests collided there, and most importantly, Sinyoung wasn't welcome in that place.

Thus, it was the most convenient location for me. Unfortunately...

'This is boring.'

...It was pretty far away.

If I knew some of the other passengers on the trip, it might have been alright. But the three others here were all strangers.

Besides the driver, Maktan, there were three other travelers. One, sitting next to me, was a black guy that looked like he could have been a professional NFL player, donned in sturdy armor and holding a huge battle axe.

The other, sitting across from me, was a young man with a kind face and well-combed blonde hair. Judging from his white robe and the discolored cape on his back, he seemed to be a priest.

And the last, sitting next to the priest, was a fairly attractive woman with wild red hair and a longbow on her back. Her arms were crossed on her chest, and she was nodding her head in slumber.

After a bit, the black guy called out to woman. The details weren't too important, propositioning her and negotiating a price. Then, she asked me to switch before getting it on with the black guy.

Watching the two start to go at it, I sighed and leaned back in my new spot next to the priest.

"First time seeing something like this?"

"Hm?" I opened my eyes and noticed that the priest was calling out to me. "Ah." I glanced over at the two and frowned. "I knew this place was different, but seeing it first hand is a bit..."

Was it the difference between hearing about a movie from a friend and seeing it yourself? It was a pretty drastic difference seeing and hearing the moans from a few feet in front of me compared to reading about it on a screen.

The Priest looked at my two swords sheathed at my side and said, "But you look like you're at least Level 2... Have you been staying in Scheherazade all this time?"

"Mm, you could say that. It hasn't been too long since I left the Neutral Grounds."

"Huh?" He blinked and then a broad grin spread on his face. "So you're a newbie! I thought you were just trying to be a gentleman, but it was like that..." He laughed and then held out his hand. "Name's Alex. I'm a Level 3 Investigative Priest from Area 4. You?"

I took his hand and said, "You can call me Seol. I'm a level 1 Warrior from Area 1."

He grinned again and said, "You're going to have the shock of your life when you get to Haramark if you're bothered by things like this." He tilted his head over towards the other side.

I shook my head.

"Anyway," Alex said. "Since you're a newbie... Want to hear some advice from an old timer?"
