
Chapter 455 Absolutely Unwilling to Have Yue Jiannan Visit

Having a brother who owns a bustling department store and is very wealthy certainly has its perks.

The very next morning, as soon as Yue Jiannan got up, he found high-end cigarettes, liquor, and beautifully packaged health supplements already arranged on the living room table.

Zhang Ying handed him a gorgeously brocaded pouch.

"This is the initial meeting gift money. Don't just take it out in front of everyone. Sneak it into the box with the gifts to avoid any awkward refusals later on," she instructed.

Yue Jiannan was a posthumous child, with a significant age gap between him and his eldest brother, Yue Jiandong, and his family had always cared for him.

Yue Jiannan's eyes reddened as he saw the bills in the pouch were brand new and even had consecutive numbers.

Without a doubt, his sister-in-law must have gone to the bank early that morning to exchange them.

It was a spur-of-the-moment decision to bring his partner home, but his family had thought through everything for him.
