
Lost memories Part 6

Meanwhile back in Siberia, Emily was still trying to figure out how to turn off the machine.

"Okay, this is not good." Emily said as she turned on her commlink to contact Optimus for help.

"Optimus? I need help." Emily said but didn't get a reply and only head static which is not good.

"Scrap! Well, I guess I'll have to do this the other way around. Hold on, Arcee, I'm coming to save you!" Emily exclaimed as she started getting on the assembly line.

After she does she starts running to where Arcee. The shredder was getting closer and closer and Arcee didn't have a lot of time before she got destroyed. Luckily Emily was able to reach her and when she did, she summoned her sword and started to use it to cut the web fluid.

"Hold still." Emily said as she started to cut it as fast as she could but it wasn't enough.

Both her and Arcee were about to be dead in a matter of seconds as Arcee looked at Emily to tell her to hurry.

"Mmmmhhh mmmmmmhhhh!!!" Arcee urged her.

"I'm going as fast as I can!" Emily said as they were getting closer to the shredder.

"Almost there." Emily exclaimed sand was able to cut the web from Arcee as the femme took off the web gagging her mouth.

"Hold on!" Arcee exclaimed as she grabbed Emily in her servos and quickly jumped off the assembly line as they both avoided getting shredded.

"You okay?" Arcee asked as she glanced down at her as they both pant lightly from their near death situation.

"I'm fine. What about you?" Emily said as Arcee set her down.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good." Arcee replied but from the sound of it, Arcee didn't feel okay as this concerned Emily.

"You sure?" Emily asked to be sure.

"Yes, I'm fine. Let's just go." Arcee told her as she started to run to where the battle was as Emily watched her run.

"Oh Primus. Something tells me this is not gonna end well." Emily said before running after Arcee to catch up.

Meanwhile back to where Optimus Prime and the others were facing Airachnid. She was about to kill Optimus while Smokescreen and Bumblebee were trapped against the machine and were both completely unable to go help their leader as Optimus was desperately trying to get himself free but it was no use.

"I believe that the correct term that humans use for this kind of repetitive situation is déjà vu. It's funny how history often repeats itself. Only this time, I won't restrain myself." Airachnid said with a hiss as she approached the trapped Prime.

Back at the Nemesis, Megatron and the others were watching how Optimus Prime was facing a terrible slow and painful death.

"You and Megatron had fought one another in countless battles. But today, the honor of ripping your spark is mine, all mine. To think that I was able to get the best of you, something Megatron never did. He will certainly rip my spark for killing you. But it doesn't matter. Letting you and your friends live for so long proves how weak he is."

The others had to wince quietly at that as they could clearly tell that Megatron would surely punish her for calling him weak.

"Now that's a pretty good television show." Knock Out commented as he decided to break the silence but shut up quickly when Megatron growled at him.

Meanwhile back at the factory, Bumblebee and Smokescreen were trying to get free but that web was so thick that they could barely move.

"It's no use, Bee. We're stuck." Smokescreen said.

Bumblebee was using all his strength to at least get his one arm free. Seeing how that's not working, he whirs to ask Smokescreen how they are going to get out of this one.

"I don't know. But we have to do something fast." Smokescreen said as he continued to try and get free. They had to help Optimus.

"Let me ask you something, Prime. What scares you the most? That if you die, you won't be there to save your friends? Or that they will all suffer?" Airachnid questioned but her only answer was narrowed optics.

"I'm not scared of you, Airachnid." Optimus warned her and she couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"Hahahahaha, oh, Prime. So defiant. Megatron often mentioned how he would be impressed about your current defiance. I have to admit that I'm impressed too." Airachnid said as she was now towering over him.

Bumblebee, not willing to watch his leader, his best friend and father figure die, decides to free himself despite how strong Airachnid's web fluids are. Thanks to that, he was able to use one of his servos and he's able to unstick some of the web fluid without Airachnid noticing it.

"How does it feel to be powerless? Knowing that, soon you will be no more." Airachnid said as she prepared her claws.

"If this is how I'm going to die, so be it." Optimus said as Smokescreen couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Optimus, don't say that! We'll get you out of this." Smokescreen pleaded as Airachnid just rolled her optics.

"Please do yourself a favor and stay where you are. There's nothing more you can do to save your leader." Airachnid said as Smokescreen glared daggers at her before Bumblebee got his attention.

Bumblebee whirred quietly and asked Smokescreen to distract Airachnid while he tried to free himself as Smokescreen looked at him.

"You sure?" Smokescreen asked as Bumblebee whirred and nodded to tell him to trust him.

"You got it." Smokescreen whispered with a grin. Distracting and taunting is what he's good at as a rookie.

"Hey, ugly. Mind if I ask you a question? If you're such a good hunter, then why did you get me and my friend stuck in your web? What's wrong? Are you scared of us?" Smokescreen taunted her as Airachnid turned to him with mild annoyance in her optics.

"You just wait until I'm done with you. You're gonna regret saying those words." Airachnid hissed as Smokescreen wasn't phased by her hiss or threats, well, minus that incident at the canyon back then.

"Oooh scary. I think I know why Megatron sent you here. For him, it's a way to get rid of you. Guess buckethead doesn't like eight legged bugs like you." Smokescreen said and had to stop himself from laughing as he seemed to have struck a nerve.

"Silence!" Airachnid shouted as she glared daggers at him. How dare he!

"I mean, come on. No one likes ugly bugs. Especially those with eight legs. Just seeing those legs gives me the creeps." Smokescreen continued to taunt her.

Smokescreen's comments had hurt Airachnid's pride as a Decepticon so much that she started to reconsider her original decision to kill Optimus and then dispose of the others without actually realizing that she was getting fooled so easily. Which worked so well for Bumblebee as he was almost free.

"You know what? I think I want to save the best for last. So which one of you shall be the first to taste my claws? Hmm, how about you? Nothing would make me more happy than to silence you forever." Airachnid said as she approached Smokescreen.

"Truth hurts right, ugly? Get used to it." Smokescreen continued as she was now in front of him.

"Keep talking, Autobot. You're only fueling my desire to rip your head off." Airachnid said with a hiss but was confused as Smokescreen just smirked.

"Sounds neat. But I think my yellow friend here has a better proposition for you." Smokescreen said.

Airachnid, who didn't know what Smokescreen was talking about, got hit by surprise. Bumblebee had freed his arm. His punch had surprised Airachnid to such a point that it made her back off. After that, Bumblebee started to free Smokescreen but he stopped him.

"I'm okay, Bee. Go help Optimus, hurry." Smokescreen said as Bumblebee nodded and quickly ran to help Optimus as Smokescreen started to free himself.

Seeing how she wasn't gonna get close to Bumblebee, Airachnid decided to do what she had planned to do. Kill Optimus Prime. However Bumblebee wasn't going to let that happen. To save Optimus, he had to get there and stop Airachnid. Since running wasn't the best option, Bumblebee quickly transformed and started driving at speeds. And when he was close to Airachnid, he quickly made a turn and made his trip and at that same moment he transformed back to his robot mode and started aiming his guns at Airachnid while standing in front of his leader protectively.

"Rah!!! You'll pay for this!" Airachnid yelled before using her spider legs to make a drill below her and was able to escape.

Bee wanted to go after her because she probably went to where Tailgate was but he knew that Optimus needed immediate assistance, so instead of running after the elusive spider-con,  Bumblebee decided to help his friend. When he got to where Optimus was, he took off the web fluid restraining his shoulders,and after that, he took the web that was blindfolding Optimus. With his optics free, Optimus was finally able to see as he smiled gratefully behind his mask at Bumblebee.

"Thank you, old friend. Ahhh!" Optimus thanked him before letting out a pained sound when he tried to stand.

But he had forgotten that Airachnid had wounded his leg. He and Bee saw how it was leaking Energon and it looked bad. Bumblebee beeped to ask Optimus if he wanted to return to base.

"No, Bumblebee, I must stay here in case she comes back." Optimus told him as he had to stop another grimace from forming.

"Hey, guys. Do you mind helping me here?" Smokescreen asked as the two quickly went over to where he was and started to free him.

Meanwhile back at the Nemesis, the cons all saw Airachnid's huge failure as Starscream smirked.

"Ha, Airachnid finally had what was coming to her." Starscream said with a small laugh. Breakdown had to stop himself from frowning and giving Starscream an angry look.

"Hey look. They're leaving." Breakdown said as he noticed the three were going off somewhere.

"Soundwave, tell Laserbeak to follow them. I wanna witness everything." Megatron ordered as Soundwave just nodded.

"But, sir, Airachnid escaped what's the use of-" Starscream started to protest but stopped when Megatron let out a warning growl.

"Very well, Lord Megatron." Starscream quickly said.

"Big M showing Screamy who's boss. I like it." Knock Out whispered to Skyquake and Dreadwing who just smirked.

Meanwhile back at the factory, Bulkhead was keeping Tailgate busy to buy Wheeljack some time to tackle him to the ground.

"Stop shooting! You have no idea of what you're doing. And I don't want to hurt you, kid." Bulkhead told him and tried to calm him down which wasn't working.

"Be quiet! I will not fall by your lies, Autobot!" Tailgate exclaimed as he didn't stop shooting.

"Can't you see I'm trying to help you?!" Bulkhead tried to reason with him while shooting back.

While both were shooting at each other, Wheeljack was able to successfully come behind Tailgate and he was ready to strike him down. Cliffjumper started to get back up from the early beating that he got and saw Tailgate shooting at Bulkhead and vice-versa.

"What? No stop!" Cliffjumper shouted.

Not knowing that Bulkhead was distracting Tailgate because he and Wheeljack had a plan, Cliffjumper quickly got in front of Tailgate which made Bulkhead stop shooting.

"Bulkhead, stop! You're gonna kill him." Cliffjumper exclaimed as Bulkhead had to stop himself from hitting himself on the helm. 

"Cliffjumper, get out of the way!" Bulkhead told him as Wheeljack shook his head. This was not gonna end well.

"What is that guy thinking?" Wheeljack asked himself.

Cliffjumper wasn't able to get out of the way in time and was grabbed by Tailgate who decided to use him as leverage to make the Autobots back off as he pointed his blaster near his faceplate.

"Stay back! Or I'll kill him!" Tailgate warned them as Cliffjumper's optics widened at this.

"Oh no." Bulkhead felt his spark drop at this. This is not good.

Optimus along with Bumblebee and Smokescreen had finally joined the others and so did Emily and Arcee but they were all horrified by what was happening. Tailgate has Cliffjumper and was using him as leverage.

Laserbeak was flying around, filming the whole scene and back at the Nemesis, they all saw how things were going bad for the Autobots. But Starscream was confused since he never saw the other one who's holding Cliffjumper as leverage.

"Who's that guy?" Starscream asked in confusion.

"That's the Autobot called Tailgate." Megatron answered him as Starscream turned to him in surprise.

"That's Tailgate?" Starscream asked in surprise. Wasn't Tailgate dead? But he's alive!

"Wait a minute if he's an Autobot, then why is he grabbing Cliffjumper as a hostage?" Knock Out asked in confusion. Tailgate was an Autobot from what Megatron said but the confusing part is why he's holding Cliffjumper as a hostage.

"Maybe he went crazy." Breakdown suggested since they were all confused except for Megatron.

"Not at all, Breakdown. You could say that Tailgate hasn't been the same for quite a while." Megatron said as Dreadwing turned to him. What did he mean by that?

"What do you mean by that, Lord Megatron?" He asked curiously.

"During the war, we had captured the Autobot called Arcee and put her through an intensive interrogation. The officer in charge of that interrogation was Airachnid. Unfortunately all her methods proved to be useless. However she knew that Arcee had a partner. One that could've been used as leverage. A way to make Arcee tell us the information we wanted. Airachnid was supposed to bring him in but during the fight, Tailgate was severely hurt. So hurt in fact, that he had lost his memories. He didn't remember who he was and on whose side he was." Megatron explained and Skyquake knew what that meant. If Tailgate doesn't remember after being injured so severely, he must've lost his memories.

"Amnesia." Skyquake said as Megatron nodded with a smirk.

"Precisely. Even if his memories were all gone, we had developed a way to get a look inside his mind and retrieve the information we wanted." Megatron said and Knock Out knew what that meant.

"A Cortical Psychic Patch." Knock Out said with a smirk.

"Yes. We thought that with this method, we could extract all the information that we needed to win the war. But his memories were all shattered into fragments due to his trauma. In the end, we had come to the conclusion that as long as Tailgate wouldn't remember anything, we would never get the information we wanted. And when we found out the Autobots were leaving Cybertron, we had dispatched him onboard the Harbinger. We believed that if he encountered an Autobot, that would bring back most of his memories. Allowing us to proceed with what was planned." Megatron finished explaining as they were all in disbelief yet shocked by the development. They weren't notified of this yet the turns of events that's happening now are intriguing.

"Yeah but the information he has is useless now. The war on Cybertron has been over for eons. What do you plan on doing with him?" Breakdown question.

"Simple, Breakdown. If something you have doesn't serve your purpose, you get rid of it." Megatron simply told them.

"So you plan on killing the poor Autobot? This is going to be fun to watch." Knock Out asked before smirking as they all turned back to the screen.

"That is if he comes back alive." Starscream said as they all waited for what was gonna happen next.

Back in Siberia, the Autobots were all at a standstill while watching how Tailgate held his own brother as hostage.

"Autobots, be careful. We cannot harm our comrade." Optimus told them all as Tailgate aimed his gun at them all with a glare but deep in his optics he's scared and confused.

"Put your guns down! Or else he's done for." Tailgate exclaimed as he was aiming his game at Cliffjumper's helm.

"You better not push me, kid." Bulkhead said as he and the others tensed.

"Put your guns down now!" Tailgate exclaimed heatedly.

The other Autobots except Optimus, Arcee and Emily started aiming at Tailgate as everyone was waiting to see who would make the first move.

"Easy there. No need to make things worse." Smokescreen said as he tried to calm him down.

"We're already at the worst, Smokey. Now put your gun down and release Cliffjumper immediately." Bulkhead told him.

"Either you put your guns down or I'll kill him." Tailgate told them as he narrowed his optics to them.

"Don't do this, Tailgate. You may not believe us. But I know that deep down, you think that what you're doing is. You're not a killer." Arcee reasoned with her but for some reason he listened to what she said but didn't let Cliffjumper go.

"You're right I'm not. But then again I could be falling into one of your lies." Tailgate said as he narrowed his optics to them.

While the Autobots were trying to keep Tailgate calm so that he wouldn't kill Cliffjumper, Airachnid started coming out from the hole that she had been hiding in.

"Wretched Autobots. I'll make them pay." Airachnid hissed angrily before seeing what was happening and hid in the shadows to see what would happen.

"Guys, let's put our guns down so we can talk about this." Emily told them as she was concerned for Cliffjumper and Tailgate.

"I hate to burst your bubble, Ems, but I don't think this guy wants to talk." Smokescreen told her.

Airachnid started to see how Tailgate was using his own brother as leverage and she couldn't help but smirk gleefully at this. 

"Well, well, well. It looks to me that Tailgate believes that everything I just told him was true. This is my chance to make a Decepticon out of him. And perhaps get rid of some pest. But first, I must put his determination to the test." Airachnid said before heading to where the Autobots are so she can sway Tailgate to become a Decepticon.

Meanwhile the Autobots were still aiming their weapons at their ex-comrade but didn't shoot as Arcee stepped forward.

"Tailgate, listen to me. You have to-" Arcee started but was cut off by Tailgate who aimed his gun at her.

"Stop it. Stop talking to me. I shall not fall into your lies." Tailgate told her with an angry look that made her pause.

What he said confused the others. What lies is Tailgate talking about?

"What is he talking about? What lies?" Smokescreen asked in confusion as Optimus felt that it was all Airachnid's doing.

"I don't know. But we have to assume that Airachnid has something to do with it." Optimus told them.

"If you ask me, the guy decided to join the cons and that's why he took Cliffjumper." Bulkhead said as Smokescreen tried to think of the reason.

"Could it be?" Smokescreen asked as Bumblebee whirred to say that he doesn't know.

"What do you say, guys? Let's show this guy what happens to traitors." Bulkhead said but Arcee quickly stopped them before they could fire.

"What, stop. You can't shoot him." Arcee told them as Bulkhead looked at her in confusion.

"Why not?" He asked in confusion.

"Because Tailgate is not a Decepticon. He's acting like that because he has amnesia." Emily told them which made them except for Cliffjumper and Arcee to become shocked by this.

Everyone was shocked by what Emily said and even Wheeljack who was hiding, was shocked. If Tailgate didn't join the cons, that means he doesn't remember which side he was on.

"No way." Wheeljack muttered in shock.

"Emily, are you sure of what you say?" Optimus asked her as he looked at her as she gave him a nod to confirm it.

"I'm positive." Emily said.

"Yeah, well, I'm not convinced." Bulkhead said as he still didn't believe it but the others hesitated as they looked at each other.

"She's right. Tailgate doesn't remember anything. That's why he's doing this. He thinks we're the enemies." Cliffjumper agreed with Emily and Optimus saw a reason for them to put their weapons away.

"Autobots, put down your weapons." Optimus said as everyone turned to him in surprise.

"What?" Smokescreen asked in surprise as Bumblebee whirred and asked if he was sure.

"We can't do that, Prime. If we do, Cliff's gonna be scrapped." Bulkhead said as Optimus understands his concerns but they have to do so in order for Tailgate to calm down so they can help him.

"Trust me, Bulkhead. Tailgate won't do anything harsh. He's just confused about all of this. Please, put your weapon down. We must prove to him that we are not a menace." Optimus told him as Bulkhead felt reluctant about putting his weapon down.

But seeing that this was what Optimus wanted, he had no choice but to obey Optimus' orders, so he put down his weapon. The others did the same right after him as Optimus turned to Tailgate who visibly relaxed but was still on his guard.

"Tailgate, we had put our weapons down. Now please let go of Cliffjumper so that we can talk about this rationally." Optimus told him calmly.

"You think I'll let you capture me that easily? I won't let him go." Tailgate said with narrowed optics.

"We do not desire to capture you, Tailgate. We only want to help... Ahhh!" Optimus said only to let out a pained sound as the injury on his leg protested when he tried to stand to his full height.

"Easy, Optimus. You're still hurt." Smokescreen said as he steadied him while Emily looked at Optimus in concern.

"You're lying. You are all lying. You Autobots are nothing but filthy traitors." Tailgate said through gritted dentas as Arcee and everyone looked at him in shock.

"What?" Arcee whispered in shock. He can't possibly view them as traitors, does he?

"Us, traitors? What is this guy babbling about?" Smokescreen questioned in confusion before a voice made them minus Tailgate to tense up quickly.

"Well done, my servant. I knew I could count on you." Airachnid said as she came out from her hiding spot and Tailgate glanced at her with what looked like gratitude in his optics.

"Thank you, mistress." He said in a relieved tone which confused and shocked everyone.

"Mistress?" Emily asked in shock.

"Did he just call her mistress?" Smokescreen asked in shock as Bumblebee whirred while nodding sadly. Arcee turned her angry optics towards the con that did this to her old partner.

"Airachnid, you'll pay for what you did." Arcee told her angrily while taking out her arm blades and was about to attack Airachnid but Emily stopped her quickly.

"No. If you attack her, Tailgate will think we're the enemies." Emily stopped her as Arcee looked conflicted on whether to attack Airachnid or not.

"What's the matter, Arcee? Are you scared of me? If you attack me now, you will lose everything. Believe it or not, I'm glad you're still alive. Now you will see what it feels to lose something you care for." Airachnid couldn't help but laugh in her processor. Arcee won't dare attack her and if the Autobot Femme did attack her, Tailgate will view her as an enemy completely with the rest.

"This doesn't look good. I better find a way to attack her from behind." Wheeljack whispered quietly.

From his hiding place, Wheeljack started to look around for a way to attack Airachnid from behind before she even noticed him. He soon found the right way to do so and started moving carefully.

"Let's show Miss Ugly a good old wrecker rear attack move." Wheeljack whispered as his mask covered the lower half of his face plate as he grinned.

While Wheeljack started to move so that he could surprise Airachnid from behind, the others were handling the situation and trying to find a way to fix things.

"Tailgate, I do not know what Airachnid has told you. But I can assure you that we do not wish you any harm." Optimus told him truthfully.

"Lies, do not trust him. He's their leader. And he wants to use you." Airachnid said. She was not about to let Tailgate fall for this.

"That's not true. Do not believe her, she's the one lying to you." Arcee told him.

"They betrayed you. If you listen to them, you will never be free." Airachnid told him as he started to feel conflicted.

"She's a Decepticon, she won't hesitate at betraying you or worse." Arcee tried to reason with him.

"I am the only one you can trust." Airachnid said.

"That's not true. You must trust us. Trust me." Arcee said as she looked at him pleadingly.

"Stop it." Tailgate said quietly as he can feel a pain in his processor appearing.

Airachnid and Arcee's voice started echoing through Tailgate's mind while he was seeing other memories flashing inside him. The echo of both of their voices was disturbing him. He felt like he was going crazy and all he wanted was for both Airachnid and Arcee to stop talking.

"Stop it, stop it, stop it. STOP IT!!!" Tailgate exclaimed as he let Cliffjumper go unnoticed as he gripped his helm to make the memories stop.

Tailgate was shot by accident but luckily enough no one got hurt. And that distraction allowed Wheeljack to hit Airachnid from the rear as he tried to hold her down but she was very squirmish.

"How do you like that, freak?" Wheeljack smirked as he pinned her down.

"You have made your last mistake, Autobot." Airachnid hissed angrily.

When Airachnid was about to use her spider legs to kill Wheeljack, Bulkhead came in quickly to hold Airachnid to the ground and help his friend.

"Good work, Bulk." Wheeljack said with a grin.

"Mistress!" Tailgate exclaimed and was about to help her but Cliffjumper quickly stopped him and pinned him down on the ground.

"Let me go!" Tailgate exclaimed as he struggled to get him to let go.

"I can't. I won't let you go, brother. I already thought you were dead once. I'm not gonna let you go again." Cliffjumper told him as Tailgate sent him a glare.

"You really think I'm gonna listen to you? You betrayed me. I will not listen to anything you say." Tailgate told him before looking up as Emily approached them. She wanted to help Tailgate remember. He already heard one side of the story but he has to hear the other side of it.

"Tailgate, please. We are trying to help you." Emily told him as he looked at her in confusion yet curiosity. He has never seen something like her before and yet she looked so small but she helped like she was born to fight.

"What are you? You're such a small organic being. I have never seen anything like you before." Tailgate said he stopped struggling to look at Emily with curiosity in his optics.

"She's a human, a liar. She's also an ally of the Autobots. Whatever you do, don't believe a single word coming out of her. Humans are known to be good liars." Airachnid said only to get smack against the ground by Wheeljack.

"Keep it down, eight legs." Wheeljack said as she hissed at him.

"Look, Tailgate. You may not know me. But I've heard a lot about you. And that's why I ask you to listen to us. You heard Airachnid's side of the story. So it would be fair to listen to our side of the story. If you don't wanna listen to me or your brother, I beg you to at least listen to what my friend says. Please." Emily said as she looked at him almost pleadingly as he looked in her eyes and saw no malicious intent in them.

Tailgate felt reluctant about hearing what Arcee had to tell him. But this organic, human, had a point, since he heard one side of the story it's best to at least listen to what the femme Arcee had to say. 

Meanwhile back at the Nemesis, the others were seeing what was going on through the main screen as Dreadwing turned to his leader.

"My liege, what guarantees us that this… Autobot won't believe this child's words?" Dreadwing asked curiously.

"Nothing. Although that won't matter." Megatron simply said.

"I doubt Tailgate will believe the Autobots. We all know how Airachnid is an expert when it comes to manipulation." Knock Out said with his arms crossed.

"Even the greatest expert tends to fail." Starscream said with a sneer.

"Lord Megatron, I hope you don't mind me asking this but are you expecting for the Autobots' retrieval to fail?" Skyquake asked as he turned to him but didn't receive an answer as Megatron stayed silent and didn't answer the question as they all continued to watch.

Meanwhile back in Siberia, Tailgate was still trying to figure out what to do as Emily spoke up again.

"So what's your decision? Are you going to listen or not?" She asked him.

Tailgate didn't say anything. He started to think that he should at least hear the other side of the whole story. Even with all his doubts, Tailgate decided to hear what Arcee had to say and perhaps her answer might bring clarity to all of this confusion but most of all answers.

"Alright I'll listen to whatever you have to say. But first, I want him to let me go." Tailgate finally agreed but struggled a little since Cliffjumper was still holding him down. Optimus nodded and turned to Cliffjumper.

"Cliffjumper, stand down." Optimus said as he turned to him.

"But, Optimus, what if he hurts Arcee?" Cliffjumper questioned as he didn't want Arcee to get hurt.

"He won't. He needs answers that will take away his confusion. And he knows that she might be the only one to provide them." Optimus told him as Cliffjumper nodded slowly.

"Very well." He said as he let Tailgate go but was ready to hold him down again.

"Speak now. But choose your words well. If you dare to try and betray me, I will end you." Tailgate said as he looked at Arcee after he stood back up.

"I wouldn't dare. I couldn't hurt my old partner." Arcee told him slowly as Tailgate looked at her in confusion. What did she mean by old partner?

"Old partner?" Tailgate asked in confusion.

"Do you think he is?" Smokescreen asked hopefully but Optimus shook his head.

"It's too early to tell. Ugh..." Optimus said before letting out a small groan as his injury hurts yet again.

"I don't like this." Smokescreen muttered as Bumblebee whirred in agreement.

"What do you mean old partner? It can't be true. My mistress said that the Autobots betrayed me. How can you be my partner?" Tailgate said as his optics held confusion.

"Calm down." Arcee told him slowly as she started walking down slowly towards him.

She was being careful to not make any sudden move that would make Tailgate do something rash.

"I want you to focus on my voice. Focus on what I'm saying. I know you're scared and I know you're confused." Arcee told him gently.

"How could you not know? You and your friends did this to me." Tailgate said as he calmed down slightly.

"No, we didn't. She did, your mistress is a Decepticon. Airachnid likes torturing people and playing with their minds. Just like she did with you." Arcee explained as Tailgate looked conflicted. His mistress is a Decepticon?

"Is that the best you got, Arcee? How pitiful." Airachnid taunted.

"How about you keep your mouth shut before I put my grenade on your mouth and blow you up to tiny bits, con?" Wheeljack warned her as he put his pede on her back and caused her to grunt slightly.

"Maybe you ought to put that on hold. At least until after we have proven we're the good guys." Bulkhead told him as Wheeljack snorted but knew he was right.

"Party pooper." Wheeljack muttered.

"What is a Decepticon?" Tailgate asked in confusion as he looked to Arcee after hearing that.

"The Decepticons are our mortal enemies. For eons, we Autobots have been at war with them." Arcee told him as her voice grew grim at the end as Tailgate felt his optics widened.

"A war?" He asked in confusion and shock as Arcee nodded sadly. The Autobots and Decepticons have been at war?

"Yes. This world we are in now isn't Cybertron, our homeworld. It's a small planet known as Earth." Arcee told him but this confuses him. They were on another planet?

"Hold on. If you say that this Earth planet is not our homeworld, then why are we here? What happened to our world?" Tailgate asked in confusion as Optimus in turn decided to give his answer.

"Cybertron has been… ravaged by the war between Autobots and Decepticons. We had suffered many casualties. But none was more painful than the core of Cybertron shutting down. In the end, we had no choice but to leave our world to survive. And that's how we came here on this planet, rich with Energon." Optimus told him as his spark almost stopped at this. 

He grew saddened and upset that Cybertron shut down and that they are in a new planet. Airachnid just scoffed and decided to tell him one half of the story.

"Yeah that's right, tell him about the ravages of our world. Maybe you should tell him that the Autobots were responsible for what happened to Cybertron." Airachnid almost smirked when Tailgate took a step back as he looked at her then at the Autobots in shock.

"Is that true?" He questioned in shock but Arcee quickly shook her helm.

"No, it's not. She's only telling half of the story so that we would be the guilty ones. What happened to our world is because of them. There was a time in Cybertron where we all lived at peace. But then, the Decepticons began their first attack. Many died in that first battle. And those who survived, joined forces and became something that could oppose the Decepticons. We Autobots fought them with the hopes that one day. We could bring back Cybertron to what it was before the war. A peaceful and bright world." Arcee explained and he processed her words and found truth and honesty in them but he was still confused and needed more answers.

"Peaceful for you maybe. You say that the Decepticons are responsible for the war. But you Autobots are no better. On the first day of their birth, some had been forced to follow a life of inferior work while others could live a life full of freedom. You all had a name while most of us had nothing." Airachnid said as she scoffed as Arcee clenched her servos but calmed down.

"That wasn't our fault. No one wanted this." Arcee said as Airachnid rolled her optics at her as she looked at Optimus.

"Says you. Autobots created that Caste System. Especially the Primes. Like you, Optimus Prime." Airachnid said with a sneer as Tailgate looked at Optimus. 

Why would this mech be with ones who created the Caste System? He looked like he had fought in the war but something about his aura was different. He shook his helm at the question as he looked at him.

"You created this?" He questioned but his answer was a shake of the helm from the red and blue Prime.

"No, Tailgate. Even though the system was created by a Prime. This Prime wasn't one of the original thirteen. I am a Prime. And like many among society, I didn't not agree with the Caste System that was imposed into our world." Optimus told him but Airachnid just scoffed at this. 

"Save your excuses, Prime. Just like your predecessors, you are corrupted. What tells us that when the war is over, you won't bring back that old system." Airachnid said as Optimus narrowed his optics slightly.

"Because I believe in equality." He said with determination as Tailgate decided to ask Airachnid a question.

"Mistress, is it true that you're a Decepticon? And that you… destroyed our world?" Tailgate questioned her as she decided to lie yet again to keep him wrapped around her claws.

"Indeed I am a Decepticon. But if you want to blame someone for the destruction of Cybertron, blame those who are trying to befriend you with their lies." Airachnid said as Tailgate glanced at the Autobots as Arcee stepped forward warningly.

"If anyone is lying, it's you. You Cons start this war. You're the ones to blame for the destruction of Cybertron." Arcee snapped back with a glare.

"I would beg to differ." Airachnid said with a glare of her own.

"Arcee's right. You shouldn't listen to her. Cons like her are the reason why Cybertron is nothing but a huge scrapyard." Wheeljack agreed with Arcee and Optimus.

"As if you Autobots didn't have anything to do with it. Long before the war, there was a revolutionary who united part of the people to his cause. A cause that would bring changes. And make us all live as one. But when that revolutionary brought his plan for a better society, a sympathizing bot opposed the revolutionary's ideal. Ruining the chance for a united people. We declared war because we wanted to get rid of the corruption that had brought Cybertron to its ruin." Airachnid said as Tailgate looked to her but this only added more to his confusion.

"You've got it all wrong, Airachnid. If it weren't for that sympathizing bot you speak of, Cybertron would've turned out far worse than it is now. He did this to preserve peace and prosperity." Optimus told her as they were unaware that Laserbeak was close by and hidden somewhere as she was recording the whole thing and sending it back to the Nemesis.

Back at the Nemesis, Megatron and the others watched and listened as Optimus spoke up.

"Because the revolutionary wanted to bring order to our world by using violence."

Optimus' words only made Megatron get angry on the inside but the signs of his anger were his optics narrowing in a small glare as his servos clenched slightly. Some saw how this was making him angry and wondered why but only Soundwave knew why and the reason.

Back in Siberia, Tailgate was listening to both sides of the story but he was becoming more and more confused as he didn't know who was telling the truth and who was lying.

"Leave it to a Prime to think that peace can be achieved without violence. You may be wise, Optimus, but you're ignorant. Listen to me, my dear servant. You know in your spark that I'm the one telling the truth. If you come with me, I can promise you that we will bring Cybertron back to what it was. Think of it. All our ravaged cities were brought back to their former glory." Airachnid explained this as she looked at a confused Tailgate.

"Don't do this. If you go with her, you have no idea of the destruction she and others will cause. They'll destroy this world and many others. They will kill those who stand against them. Including innocent beings like humans. If we don't stop them now, this planet and its species will suffer the same fate as Cybertron." Arcee told him so he won't go with Airachnid to the Decepticons. 

"It's because of them that Cybertron lies in dust. The Decepticons can bring it back. We can bring it back." Airachnid said in false pity as Tailgate looked at her and Arcee.

"The Autobots want to bring back Cybertron too. But for now, we must protect this world from them." Arcee said as she looked almost pleadingly for him to trust her and her allies.

"I'm the only one who can protect you." Airachnid said.

"If you go with them, you'll be killed or worse." Arcee reasoned with him.

This was just too much for Tailgate as he held his helm in discomfort. He doesn't know who to believe and trust!

"Stop it! Both of you!" He exclaimed as the two femmes stopped arguing but they settled with glaring at each other as Cliffjumper stepped forward with comfort in his optics.

"Brother, please calm down." Cliffjumper said but Tailgate sent him a warning look as he stopped.

"No. I see now that I can't trust any of you." Tailgate said with gritted dentas.

"You can trust me." Emily then spoke up as she stepped forward as she looked up to him as he looked back down at her curiously. Why was she telling him that he can trust her?

"What makes you think I would trust an organic being like you?" Tailgate asked in confusion. 

Something about her reads trust but he can't put his digit on why. Emily sighs as she has to tell him about who or what she is.

"Because despite what you see, I'm like you. I may not look like it but I'm not entirely human. I'm actually Cybertronian just like you. My genetic code has been modified when I was a Sparkling who got sent here." Emily explained and the news had shock and surprise to Airachnid but most of all Tailgate as he looked at her in shock and surprise.

"You're Cybertronian too? How can this be?" He asked in shock.

Back at the Nemesis, everyone was shocked and in disbelief at this except for Megatron who had to stop his smirk. He was the only one who also discovered what she is. Knock Out blinked in shock a couple of times at this. This wasn't possible. How can this girl be something that he and the others are?!

"Trust me, I was shocked as you were when I found out. And just like you, I was confused. My whole life, I didn't know who I was. And when I found out… It hit me. Knowing that I came from another world and my human family wasn't even my real family."

That was enough information from her for Megatron to use for his plans. He then turned to Soundwave.

"Stop the transmission, Soundwave. That is enough." Megatron said as everyone looked at him in surprise while Soundwave sent a telepathic order to Laserbeak to stop recording. 

"What, already? It was just getting interesting." Knock Out said with a complaint. It was just getting interesting. Why stop now?

"Master, do you have any idea of what the human girl meant when she said that she was just like us?" Starscream asked curiously since that was the question everyone was having right now.

"This is none of your concern, Starscream." Megatron told him sternly as the seeker stopped quickly. He was the only one who could keep this information. But it looks like everyone is curious about the girl and of her origins.

"Very well, master." He nodded as he turned to Soundwave who retracted his tendrils back to him as he looked back at Megatron.

"Soundwave, prepare to activate the ground bridge. You will come with me to retrieve Airachnid. The rest of you stay here." Megatron ordered as Soundwave just nodded as the two left the control room as everyone watched them leave.

"Well isn't that great? They cut down our television service." Knock Out said with a roll of his optics as Breakdown shrug but had to agree with him. Just who exactly is that girl?

Back in Siberia, Tailgate is having a hard time believing that a human like Emily is Cybertronian just like the rest of them.

"You say that your human family wasn't your real family? Who was then?" He asked her as she smiled at him as she looked at the Autobots with Tailgate.

"For now, Team Prime is my family. All of them. They have been protecting me ever since the first time we met. And I know they will always be there when I need them. Just like we are all here today to help you. It's thanks to them that I know who I am. I'm the daughter of Alpha Trion." Emily finally concluded as Tailgate had to double back at that. This techno-organic is the daughter of Alpha Trion?!

"What?" Both Tailgate and Airachnid asked in surprise.

Both Tailgate and Airachnid were a bit surprised. Airachnid had all the reasons to be surprised since she knew who Alpha Trion was but she never knew that he had an offspring! Tailgate was extremely surprised by this. Ever since he had lost his memory, he didn't know who Alpha Trion was; however the mention of his name started to sound vaguely familiar to him.

"Alpha Trion? I think… I heard that name once… but I…" Tailgate said but stopped as he gripped his helm as he tried to remember but nothing.

"I can't remember… and what confuses me more is that whenever I see things in my head, you guys are the ones who appear. How do I know if I can trust you?" Tailgate said as he was unsure if he should trust them. Cliffjumper spoke up next as he stepped forward with a friendly smile.

"Because we want to help you. Think about it. During this whole fight, you didn't get hurt. Not even once. Don't you see it? We're not your enemies." Cliffjumper told him and Tailgate knew he was right. He didn't get hit by those shots and Cliffjumper never fought back.

"I wish I could trust you. But I don't know what's happening to me. It feels as if my own mind is playing tricks on me. All those things I'm seeing." Tailgate said with uncertainty as Smokescreen had to whisper to Bumblebee while watching everything unfold.

"Do you think he's gone crazy?" He asked as Bumblebee gave an annoyed whirred and beep to tell him to be more respectful.

"What? I'm just asking." He said in defense.

"Fess up, ugly. You did this to him didn't you?" Wheeljack told Airachnid.

"I didn't do anything." Airachnid said and that part was true. She didn't do anything to make him lose his memories aside from the lies she told him.

"You better talk now before my big friend starts getting mad." Wheeljack told her as Bulkhead smashed both of his fists together to intimidate her.

"You think I'm scared of him? What can that big lug nut possibly do to me? He's as smart as a Dinobot." Airachnid scoffed but that irked Bulkhead.

"How about I show you how smart I am?" Bulkhead said and was about to attack her but Emily quickly stopped him and Wheeljack.

"Guys, stop. This is exactly what she wants. If we hurt her, we'll be the bad guys here. And we cannot let that happen." Emily told them as she looked worried while standing next to Tailgate.

"You can hurt me all you want. But I will never talk." Airachnid smirked. She won't talk and they won't get her to talk.

Arcee looked at Airachnid with an angry look in her optics as she wanted to hurt her for what she did to Tailgate.

"You want to hurt me don't you, Arcee?" Airachnid said with a smirk. She could see it in her optics.

"You have no idea. But Emily is right. Hurting you won't fix things. That's why I won't do it." Arcee said as she didn't make a move to attack her as Emily sent her a smile as she smirked back at her friend.

"For once you're thinking cleverly. And yet I can't help but feel that your restraint is making you weak." Airachnid had to laugh evilly at this.

"I said I wasn't going to attack you. But I never said he wasn't going to." Arcee said as she held a small smirk as Airachnid looked at her in confusion.

Airachnid was a bit confused but then she realized that Arcee was talking about Tailgate. He started to approach her so that he could ask her some questions that he needed some answers to.

"Mistress, please tell me the truth. Did the Decepticons destroy Cybertron?" Tailgate question her as Airachnid decided to play dumb.

"Well that depends on what you mean with destroyed. In war, there's a lot of casualties. And sometimes things don't go as planned." Airachnid said and Tailgate was really getting confused but he needed to know the truth.

"Just tell me the truth. Did the Decepticons kill the Autobots and destroy Cybertron?" Tailgate asked again and Airachnid went silent at this before finally she came to the decision to answer Tailgate's question since she can't hide the truth from him anymore.

"Oh well. I guess there's no point in making excuses anymore. Yes we did destroy Cybertron. And caused the death of many Autobots. But you must believe that peace and change requires sacrifices." Airachnid admitted and got glares from the Autobots but a betrayed and angry look in Tailgate's optics as he looked at her.

"So you lied to me? How could you? I thought I could trust you." Tailgate said as he gritted his dentas while clenching his servos. How could he be so foolish to believe her?! The Autobots were telling the truth all along...

"This is one reality you will have to face one day or another. In this universe. You can't trust anyone. Not even those who say they are your friends." Airachnid said with a sinister smile as Emily decided that enough was enough as she spoke up.

"That's not true at all. You can always trust a friend. I am your friend. And so is everyone. Come with us, we'll keep you safe from the Decepticons." Emily told him as he looked at her as he finally knew that he could trust her and the Autobots.

"Do not do this, servant. You forget that you swore your allegiance to me. I freed you. You belong to me. If you join the Autobots, you'll be chased. There won't be any place for you to hide. If you wanna come out of this war alive, you must choose the side that will win. Become a Decepticon." Airachnid hissed angrily but Tailgate clenched his servos and gave her a small glare.

"The Autobots might not win this war. But at least they try their best. And unlike you Decepticons they're honest. I'm sorry, but I'm going with them." Tailgate said as he stood next to Arcee and Cliffjumper with Emily.

"You will pay for this. When I get out of this, I will rip your spark with my bare hands. You will implore me to spare you. And when this is over, I shall kill you all." Airachnid said with a dangerous hiss as Wheeljack rolled his optics.

"All show and no go." He said with a smirk.

"Yeah well at least she won't be getting away this time." Bulkhead said with a grin. 

Tailgate had to smile at how those two act. Maybe the Autobots will really help him remember about his past.

"Looks like today we achieved something great." Emily said with her hands on her hips as Cliffjumper pats Tailgate on the shoulder playfully.

"Welcome back, brother. I'm glad you're with us." Cliffjumper said as Tailgate had to smile at this.

"I said I would join you. But let's not celebrate just yet. I still need some answers." Tailgate said as he looked at Optimus who nodded to answer that they would help him no matter what.

"And you will. I give you my word, Tailgate. We will help you get your memory back." Optimus promised him before his comm link started to notify him that Ratchet was contacting them.

"Optimus, do you read me?" Ratchet asked through the comm link.

"I do, Ratchet. I'm glad to hear from you, old friend." Optimus said with a smile behind his battle mask.

"Hey, hey, doc, ask him if Arcee's ok. We're getting worried here." He heard what Miko said through the comm link and Jack as well.

"Miko, will you stop?" Jack pleaded for her to stop but Optimus can tell that Jack was also worried. He heard Ratchet sigh and muttered something before speaking up again in the comm link.

"Forgive Miko for her rude behaviour. Everyone here has been worried. Is Arcee ok? Have you found Tailgate?" Ratchet asked and Optimus gave Tailgate a reassuring look before answering.

Back at the base, everyone has been anxious the whole time when the team hasn't contacted them earlier. Optimus' answer made them smile in relief.

"We did. And Arcee is well." Optimus said as Raf and Miko high fived each other as Bolty was bouncing where he was.

"Alright." Raf said with a smile.

"Sweet." Miko grinned excitedly and she couldn't wait to meet him.

"Way to go." Fowler smiled.

"Ah, I'm glad to hear this." Jack sighed in relief and Ratchet couldn't agree more.

"Thank Primus." Ratchet said in relief.

"Hey, Prime, how's the factory? I take it that you didn't wreck the whole place." Agent Fowler wondered curiously.

"No worries, Agent Fowler. We kept collateral damage to a minimum." Optimus reassured him.

"Good to hear that." Agent Fowler said with a smile before Optimus addressed Ratchet.

"Ratchet, I'm gonna need you to do certain things for me." Optimus said as Ratchet stood in ready.

"Sure thing, Optimus. What do you need me to do?" Ratchet asked and wondered what it was.

"Prepare a containment cell." Optimus told him.

Back at Siberia, he briefly looked to where Airachnid is as she was still pinned by Wheeljack.

"We will bring a special guest." Optimus said.

"You hear that, ugly? You're gonna come with us and you're gonna get what you deserve." Wheeljack said as Tailgate looked confused.

"What will happen to her? Are you going to hurt her?" He asked in confusion as he looked at Emily who shook her head but gave him a reassuring smile.

"No. Autobots never hurt their prisoners." Emily reassured him.

"Okay, that's one thing. What else do you need?" Ratchet asked.

"I need you to prepare the sick-bay. Gah! Some of us are going to need it…" Optimus said but let out a small groan of pain and Ratchet grew worried.

"Are you okay, Optimus?" He asked in concern.

"I'm fine, Ratchet. It's just a scratch." Optimus reassured him.

"Alright then. Now that we're done here. It's time to get back to base." Emily said as she picked her jacket that she was able to find and tie it around her waist.

"To base?" Tailgate asked in worry but in confusion.

"You don't need to worry. We'll explain everything when we get there." Arcee said with a reassuring look.

All of the sudden, the sound of a ground bridge getting opened was heard and everyone was surprised by it as they looked to where it was as it opened up.

"Is that ours?" Wheeljack asked in confusion.

"I don't know." Bulkhead said. Even Optimus was confused.

"Ratchet, did you open a ground bridge just now?" Optimus asked in confusion.

"Negative, Optimus. I didn't open any ground bridges." Ratchet admitted and everyone started to get a bad feeling about this.

"If this portal isn't ours, then this means that…" Smokescreen didn't have to finish as everyone quickly got their weapons ready as they realized which ground bridge it belonged to.

"Get behind me, Tailgate. I won't let them take you again." Arcee told him as he nodded and did so as everyone eyed the portal cautiously.

"Come on. What are they waiting for?" Wheeljack muttered.

Everyone was standing on guard as they started seeing who was coming out of the portal and much to their surprise it was only Soundwave who stared at them blankly through his visor.

"Soundwave? The Decepticon's chief of communications himself." Smokescreen said in confusion.

"What are you doing all the way here? Came to free your friend?" Bulkhead question but the con just stayed silent as usual.

"Not too talkative huh? Let's see if you stay silent at the sight of my swords." Wheeljack suggested while everyone waited to see if Soundwave would make the first move.

All of the sudden, a weird noise was heard that sounded like shrill chirps as everyone looked around to where the noise was coming from.

"What's that?" Tailgate asked in confusion.

They turned around to see where that noise was coming from and they all saw that it was Laserbeak. She started flying down, heading for them at full speed.

"Get down!" Arcee exclaimed and they quickly duck down but luckily no one got hit.

She only flew up to reattach herself with his owner after everyone stood back up.

"Now that you got your pet down. How about I start putting some dents into you?" Bulkhead said.

"Not without me, pal." Wheeljack agreed.

Both Bulkhead and Wheeljack started rushing towards Soundwave but he quickly let out his two tendrils and grabbed Wheeljack by the legs and used him to hit Bulkhead. When the big guy was down, Soundwave slammed Wheeljack against the floor a few times. He then released him and used his tentacles to retrieve Airachnid but she wasn't very happy that Soundwave had come to save her as she sent him a glare.

"I didn't need your help. I could've handled this on my own." Airachnid told him but he just ignored her as there was a battle starting.

"She's getting away!" Cliffjumper exclaimed.

"Not if I can help it." Arcee said.

"I'm with you." Emily agreed with her.

Both Emily and Arcee started shooting at Soundwave as Cliffjumper along with Bumblebee assisted them while Smokescreen took care of Optimus who could barely stand up with the wound on his leg.

"Just hold on a bit longer, Optimus. We'll be out of here soon enough." Smokescreen reassured him.

"Why isn't he striking back?" Emily asked as she noticed that Soundwave wasn't counter attacking them  and was just dodging their shots.

"Dunno. Maybe we're too good for him." Cliffjumper said.

"I hope you're right." Arcee said but they didn't expect what happened next.

Soundwave used his tendril and it was heading to those who were shooting at him but none of them was his target. When they saw who he was going for, Arcee warned Tailgate to get out of the way.

"Tailgate, look out!" Arcee exclaimed worriedly.

But it was too late as Soundwave had already caught him again as he started to struggle. Not wanting to lose his partner again, Arcee used her side blades to cut Soundwave's tendril. But when she was about to do so, Soundwave grabbed her with his second tendril. Emily used her plasma cannon to take down Soundwave's tendrils but she was having a hard time hitting one. Especially since Tailgate and Arcee's were both in trouble.

"Ahhh! It's no good! I can't get a clear shot!" Emily exclaimed.

"Leave it to us. Bumblebee, give me a hand!" Cliffjumper said as Bumblebee whirred as Cliffjumper grabbed the tendril that was holding Tailgate while Bumblebee grabbed the one that was holding Arcee.

"Go ahead! Shoot, shoot! We can't hold on forever!" Cliffjumper said as he and Bumblebee held on.

"Right. Here it goes. Full blast!" Emily exclaimed and launched two fully charged plasma shots at Soundwave.

So that way he would let go of Arcee and Tailgate and to which he did. Emily's double shot made him let go of these two as they landed on the ground as Tailgate was impressed.

"Nice shot, human." Tailgate said as she smiled.

"Thanks." She said with a smile.

"Rah!!! What was Megatron thinking when he sent you here?!" Airachnid questioned him angrily.

While Airachnid has been complaining at Soundwave for his incompetence, both Bulkhead and Wheeljack were getting up from their beating.

"Oh my head. You okay, Jackie?" Bulkhead winced and asked him as Wheeljack got back up.

"I'm good." He said.

When Wheeljack started to get up, he saw that both Airachnid and Soundwave were trying to get to the portal that would bring them back to the Nemesis.

"They're getting away!" Wheeljack said as Emily looked to where the two cons are.

"No, they won't!" Emily said as she hit the ground with her fist as she was still in her quake mode and grabbed two balls of cement that were big enough to hit the two retreating Cons.

She threw two balls at them. And when they were both about to get hit, something destroyed the balls of cement. Everyone saw those two purple shots coming from the portal.

"What?!" Emily exclaimed in shock as she took a step back.

"No way." Cliffjumper said in shock as Bumblebee was in surprise.

"Who did that?" Smokescreen asked as they were all wondering who did it.

Before they all saw who it was and they quickly got into battle stances. It was none other than the dark lord himself, Megatron.

"Megatron." Optimus growled the name silently as Megatron had to smirk at the condition of his enemy.

"Optimus Prime. You're looking well considering what just happened." Megatron snided as Optimus narrowed his optics at him.

"Who is that?" Tailgate asked in shock and confusion.

"It's Megatron. He's the leader of the Decepticons." Cliffjumper answered him.

"And the one responsible for the destruction of Cybertron." Arcee said with a glare that was aimed at the fusion cannon wielding con.

"He looks so… powerful." He couldn't help but breathe in shock.

"That's because he is. Stay back, we'll take care of him." Emily told him as Bumblebee, Arcee, Cliffjumper and her stood in front of their comrades.

"I see you have regained your lost comrade. No matter, the information I seek isn't inside the mind of this pitiful Autobot." Megatron said and that triggered something in Tailgate as he sent Megatron a glare. What did he call him?!

"Me, pitiful? I'll show this guy who's pitiful!" Tailgate exclaimed angrily but Cliffjumper quickly stopped him before he got himself killed.

"No, brother. You can't do anything against him. He's too strong." Cliffjumper told him.

"You do well on keeping a tight leash on your brother, Cliffjumper. We wouldn't want him to get lost again." Megatron said as Cliffjumper glared at him.

"For someone who likes to brag a lot. You're all bark and no bite, Megatron." Emily said as she glared at him.

"Yeah how about you come down so we can teach you how it's done?" Wheeljack suggested as he readied his swords.

"A very tempting offer indeed. However, I do not have time to play around with you. Consider yourself lucky, Optimus Prime, you and your team shall live to fight another day." Megatron said with a smirk.

"What's wrong, rust bucket? You wanna turn tail and run?" Wheeljack taunted.

"Not quite." Megatron said before aiming his fusion cannon at the team and started shooting them as they quickly got out of the way.

"Soundwave, take Airachnid and return to the ship at once." Megatron ordered him as he just nodded and entered the portal with Airachnid right beside him.

Megatron was backing down slowly so that he could get inside. Wheeljack, who didn't want him to get away, grabbed one of his grenades and activated it.

"Hey, Megatron! Take this!" Wheeljack exclaimed and threw the grenade at Megatron only for the warlord to hit it away from him.

It started to bounce around the place until it stopped and landed in front of barrels full of flammable oil which is not good.

"Uh oh." Wheeljack said as the grenade hit zero and blew up.

The explosion quickly turned into a huge fire due to the oil and the whole place was on fire as the team looked around in shock and horror.

"Farewell, Autobots." Megatron said before leaving through the portal and left the Autobots to their fate.

Everyone started running to get out before it was too late.
