

5 1/2 square miles of the cities it's only stopped because Zeus forced fields to force it to remain in the area. but after claiming into the Force fields the shock waves return with the same force it comes from like a ball this time it broke two force fields of heroes and with that heroes lost seven force fields three they lost from the initial blast and heat 2 they lost from shock waves and 2 now with reverse shock waves. now only one force field remained standing but more were created by heroes.

If you look around it was looking like HELL OF EARTH.

Inside the force field, we see everyone looking frightened even batman is sweating while John Stewart, Carol Ferris, and Artrocitus Stargirl Booster Gold have already lost conciseness from the Nukes as their force fields are the first force fields that have to collide with Nuke. while others who were standing supporting the force fields were sweating badly and it looked like they will not stand for long.

While who did this all was Unconsciousness and has been split into two people Ronnie Raymond and Martin Stein while blue beetle is continuously supplying oxygen in the forefield and all the Magician also out cold with strongest heroes and their strongest weapons were gone.

As we looked inside the force fields of Kara she seems to be fine but her emotions were not as we can see fear and worry on her face while nothing much happened to the force fields from Nuke or shock waves besides they were slightly damaged which automatedly gets repair same scene was inside the force fields of Tamaranean sisters but Blackfire looked more fearful then Starfire as Starfire looked lost and in a mental battle with herself while she looked at her sister who looked very in anxious and worries while she was grabbing her hand.

Now she didn't how to feel or think about the situation as she should be happy or sad as her sister has find something she care for and loved she also said she always loved her and the man don't look that bad as he was not the first one to attacked them as he doesn't seem to care about anyone as she touches the force field she knew if he wanted the force fields only paper around her sister then why she was inside the force field with her sister.

She didn't know why that man also created force fields around her and why her heart cared about the current conditions of that man or why she is not happy that they were able to do some damage to the man who looked invincible to them. she truly was lost she doesn't know why just after her sister said she loved her those feelings just come out of nowhere why she is feeling this the love and care towards that man who has killed so many friends of her yet she still thinking about its safety of that man and now she is asking her self where this love and care come from.

In the next second a loud Snap sound comes out of the center of the blast As then out of nowhere miracle happens every tress of a Nuke just disperses the damage on the ground in the area the heat nuclear radiation the mushroom cloud and all the force fields diapers as everyone looked at the miracle as everything reverses back beside the damage buildings. As every type of eukaryotic life form returns to its previous glory.

Then we heard the loud laughter of the Devil as everyone as heroes with its world people looked at the center cameras also zoom towards the center

Kara and both Tamaranean sisters as we see a 8-foot tall skeleton with a sword in his hand laughing like a mad man but that skeleton nothing looked like a human should have as it has more bones they looked denser than any human they looked white yet black but people aren't able to look at this long time as next second the Skeleton tosses his sword as the sword goes in forty meters into the sky as something more miraculous happens as Cancellous started to appear with these osteoblasts osteocytes osteoclasts and then Skeletal muscle started to appear Smooth, or involuntary, muscle as stem cells, light golden blood cells, and Golden platelets, and some types of Silver blood cells.

Then the organs and other things started to reconstruct but the organs don't look like a human should have there are No livers and stomach and lungs but other organs that no one knows the only thing was there a heart and blood veins and dick of course as after organs were completely built more veins and muscle started to reconstruct themselves.

As it continues eyes appear in the eye sockets Then skin tissue started to reconstruct itself then as it comes down we see most of his skin has returned now the last layer was reconstructing itself while the sword was coming down as the skin with clothes appears on his face then the hair appear as long as it was before as Zeus grabs the coming sword and looked at the heroes who aren't even able to follow what happens as it all happens in 3 seconds that fast Zeus whole body reconstructed itself from a Skeleton truly only some fast people able to see what happened.

Zeus: Hahhahaha that was fantastic as even going into the Sun not able to do this to my body who knew and my own heat can't hurt me no matter how hot it is I always wanted to see how much I can take before getting my body destroyed obliterate but still it was not enough to destroy my body completely but still, amazing, a mortal can create such blast so call me more impressed but let's end this we all know the conclusion of this play. Shell be. Zeus said while looking at heroes who remained standing with a demonic look.

In the next second, Ronnie Raymond and Martin Stein disappeared our of nowhere.

Sorry about small chapter I am super busy and sleepy


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That's it my lovely reader thanks for your support



Batman Made A Plan For Destroying His Teammates, Just In Case

Along with becoming increasingly darker and grimmer, Batman's become less and less of a team player over time, Even when he's on a team, he conducts himself like a lone wolf who doesn't trust anyone (Lego Batman's obsessive paranoia in the Lego Justice League videos skewers this perfectly). In the JLA's 2000 "Tower of Babel" arc, it came back to bite him.

Batman began plotting against the League long before the story. After seeing the team repeatedly mind-controlled and duplicated, he figured out ways to cripple or kill them. Zap Superman with red kryptonite, induce water-phobia in Aquaman, and so on. You might think the Caped Crusader could keep all that in his head ("use kryptonite!" isn't that complicated) but instead, he wrote it all down. Which proved convenient for Ra's al Ghul, who stole the plan and used it. After the League defeated Ra's, they and Batman decided to take a little time apart from each other, though they eventually reconciled.

Given some of the things Batman's done to Robin over the years, perhaps his bad judgment wasn't that surprising


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