
Chapter 38

We did manage to find a little underground garage that we could move our flight units into, allowing us to finally be able to set out the tent I brought as well as a small air mattress that folded up pretty well and wasn't really a big weight in my oversized travel rucksack.

But sadly, I had to put my foot down firmly about allowing 9S to jump upon my air mattress as for one, it was a one-of-a-kind item in this apocalypse, and secondly... Androids weigh a lot more than humans and they always weigh high heels which would murder any air or water mattress.

I only allowed the girls to come onto the mattress after they removed their heels and it was pretty chilly with it being a dark twilight once, we reach California it would be complete darkness except for the excessive amount of bioluminescent materials providing the vast majority of light for the wildlife and Androids and Machines to operate by.

Honesty, I miss moonlight and unless I head across the ocean to Hawaii or further west into Asia, I won't ever be able to see the moon with how the planet was tide-locked.


"Alright, Jake it's time for us to get a move on." 2B woke up gently taking my hand and almost tickling it as the androids had come to the consensus that seeing as I was a deep sleeper and they as androids hated the idea of violently shaking me awake they could strike a happy medium by making my nerves flare with precise tactical tickles to my weak spots and cajoling toned words to get me up and moving about,

"Jake we were able to get a wild pig." 6E told me and the idea of actually making some bacon made me blearily crawl out of my tent and into the cool dark underground parking lot we too shelter in.

After having my personal pod turn on a powerful spotlight, I saw the massive mutated wild boar in question was a solid three meters tall and even longer. "Damn now thats a good catch." I grinned and then I had the girls go out into the city and grab some dry wood so I could build a little stove/smoker and while they were doing that, I used a hunting knife to gut and clean up the animal like my grandfather taught me. "Wish I had enough time to properly hang this up to bleed out..." I muttered as I hung up the animal to at least drain out some more while I built a little flat stove top with a nice flat stone the androids brought over. I made sure to basically power wash it with my water magic and then rubbed a lot of fat onto it as I built a hearty fire within the stone enclosure and then I put the clean flat stone atop the fire.

"Let's just hope the stone doesn't explode from being heated up." The androids looked at me in surprise hearing my words, but I was already walking back over to the huge boar and had started skinning the boar to get to its short ribs to harvest the meat of the gods...

Bacon, I missed you dearly...

Canned and dehydrated bacon doesn't come close at all, to the natural flavor of bacon, and I bet this boar's bacon is going to taste fantastic as it doesn't have any of the old world's weird chemical growth nonsense being fed to it.

"Jake, why are you grinning so much at eating this? You weren't this excited when we killed Elk before." A2 asked and I could sense a bit of frustration in her tone then I noticed 2B's sword still had a bit of blood upon it and I realized that A2 was jealous that I was so happy for the dead animal 2B brought to me in comparison to when she brought me some Elk.

"Aww A2 you are so adorable!" I grinned pulled her into my chest and spun her around. "Don't worry it's nothing you did, it's just that boars and pigs are much suited for humans to eat than Elk." I consoled her and her expression relaxed, and she shifted herself to basically plaster herself to my back so she could listen to my heartbeat while I worked to dismember the boar into its components, which were the shoulder, loin, side, and legs. Honestly, I will probably throw away the legs as I have no idea what to do with them and I don't want to bother trying to experiment on making brazed pig trotters with no idea how to.

After getting everything settled, I threw the bacon onto the hot stone that thankfully didn't explode from the fire heating up and then I used my wood magic to make another box out of some wood I had no idea what it was and attached it to the firepit and some of the smoke from the fire started going into the box which I had stuffed a lot of meat into.

"Alright let's eat some bacon and while the fire smokes the food for a few hours we can try to explore some of Las Vegas,"

9S shrugged showing how she didn't mind the plans. "Thats fine but is there something in particular you want to see?" She asked.

"I want to see if there's any underground casino rooms that survived as I never got a chance to actually gamble within a casino before," I answered with a wry grin as I was never much of an extravagant person and certainly didn't have enough money to go lose it in a casino as the saying goes. The house always wins.
