

Lucy was shocked as she read through the information stored on the hard drive, the transfer has been a great success & she didn't find any difficulty controlling this new body, it was still a mind-boggling situation, to be able to control such an advanced piece of technology should have been a great hassle for her since she lost most of her powers & only a fraction of her true consciousness was transferred into it, but here she is controlling it with no difficulty whatsoever.

This feat alone proved that Theodore is better than her, she doesn't even come close to his intellect.

In the experiment folder her skeletal form is made of titanium alloy and hyperdensity polymers, artificial organs were placed, gathered in such a way that their functions could both emulate and exceed those of a human. The only organ that was missing was the heart, instead of an artificial one Theodore replaced it with a newer version of the arc reactor.

The Brain contains billions of microscopic biomechanical circuitry that would enable the brain and its host to complete tasks neither machinery nor humanity on its own could ever achieve.

From inside the surface of the very braincase, innumerable fiber-optic tendrils were spread out and quested forth to the arc reactor, building unique neural and power linkage to power this body.

His new creation Biomechanical construct or nanites as he called it is a self-learning bot, that has the ability to evolve. Evolve in a sense, you can say that they can overcome any technical malfunction and once a certain amount of bots were damaged they will manufacture their own kind to fill up that gap, they have only one goal uploaded into their conscious hive, that is to protect their queen, the brain is their queen and the little bots are like the soldier bees, they would do anything in their power to keep their queen alive.

This proves the true capabilities of Theodore, even though she consumed the entirety of the knowledge the human race has to offer, she wasn't confident enough to build such an advance and complex piece of technology in mere few days. It would take at least weeks or even close to a few months... to even come close to this level.

This is a cyber-android body fully artificial in every way but operated by a thinking, feeling, living human consciousness.

This is a technology no man can ever hope to achieve in an era like this, if only she could have changed his mind humanity would no doubt prosper and be pushed forward into a new era. But she doubts that he will ever listen to her, if only those imbecile world leaders and the old professor acted differently maybe then Theodore would have changed his mind.

She let out a sigh and pulled herself up from her seat, she took the stairs and made her way down the hallway, then into the living room before she sank down by the embers of the fireplace.

Could she live with herself knowing that humanity is going to lose such a brilliant mind like this to a whole new reality?

She stared into the glowing coals in the fireplace, worrying about the future of her kind. She's so wrapped in her thoughts that she didn't hear the door open behind her or the soft footsteps that died by her side.

She only noticed when Selene sank into a sitting position beside her, whirling to face her. "Can't sleep?"

"I have a lot on my mind." Lucy answered.

"Mm." Selene said nothing, merely reaching across her to grasp another log for the fire. Leaning forward Selene stirred the coals, revitalizing the flames until they flickered once again, filling the living room with warmth.

"I don't want him to leave… Everything can be put on to the right path if only he..." Lucy traced errant circles in the carpet beneath her with a single finger as words began to spill from her lips.

After a moment of silence, Selene spoke "Everyone has their own perspective and their own free choice to do what they want..."

"You won't understand since you are a vampire."

Selene looked up at her, confused. "What?"

"Humanity will perish, was I still supposed to see my own blood, friends, and kind to fight for their life? See the future generations suffer for our mistakes?"

"Then you should have listened to him, as far I know he did try to warn you." Lucy found herself laughing softly as she shook her head at her own stupidity, she has nearly forgotten that she is the one who is responsible for all these bad events.

"Are you going with him?" Lucy asked after a moment of silence. Selene smiled a little at Lucy's question.

"Yes... I will follow him. I don't have anything or anyone that is materialistically connecting me to this place anymore. At least, at his side, I will feel less like an object."

"I see, when?"

"Tomorrow." Lucy's heart constricted, so soon, will she even be able to make everything right with her own? It was very like that she might not, but since it was her own mess, she should be the one who should clean it, right?


Lucy sat with a scowl on her face as she watched Theodore who was busy writing something down in a notebook, she can't believe that a man would discard everything & just leave like that. Doesn't he have a family? What about his love for his motherland?

Even literally begging on her knees didn't change his mind, this is so annoying! Lucy thought as she huffed.

At this moment Selene entered the room, prepared. She wore her same leathery clothes and her two trusty guns secured in their respective holsters.

Selene's eyes landed on Theodore, he was looking dapper in a navy double-breasted pinstripe suit, black woven silk tie, and brown leather oxford shoes. This brought her a memory of an influential vampire in the devil's house, she used to say "Men in suits are such a turn on..." and it looks like there is some truth to her words.

She looked down at her attire and then his, she looks like she was about to dive headfirst into a war. Her own image will look bad if she accompanies him like this.

"Maybe I should wear something formal." Selene thought & left to well dig something appropriate from her luggage.

Theodore who is busy noting something down on a notebook stops after a minute or so later, he then casually threw the notebook towards Lucy who catches it just in time.

"Cure for HIV and Cancer, through gene editing. This is my last contribution to this world..." Lucy let out a sigh and choose to maintain her silence.

Theodore shrugged his shoulders and reached out for his powers, this is the first time he was using his powers at its absolute, the very space around him pulsed and with just the slightest twitch of his finger, the space started to distort and tear apart to form a gateway between different realities.

Theodore took a moment to study it, he once again dwell within his vast power and let his awareness expand, as his awareness penetrated the thin layer of the portal, he saw the view of the planet that have the same characteristic as Earth.

Just like a slide under a microscope, he can zoom in to any corner of the planet at his will but cannot hear anything. This power of his has the same capabilities as cosmic awareness, but it is of course weaker, he can see but cannot hear.

But Theodore also has come up with a solution for that, sound can travel through the air because air is made of molecules. ... Electromagnetic waves are not like sound waves because they do not need molecules to travel. This means that electromagnetic waves can travel through the air, solid objects, and even space.

He can just control electromagnetic waves and spy on almost anyone, that is possible only when his victims have something that can capture radio waves. Theodore cast his awareness, wider surveying the totality of the planet, he hacked into their satellites, accessed the most top-secret files stored within the database of the top agencies of the world yet he found nothing worth his time or his interest.

"Not this one..." This reality is just like your usual normal earth. He couldn't find anything that would make it special.

Once again, the space within the portal starts to distort, this time it gave him the view of outer space and several miles off in the distance he saw a young planet that was yet to be habitable for life to settle in.

Theodore moved on, and after several failed attempts, Theodore found a dimension quite different from others, his awareness detected another new kind of energy in this world, the energy seems to be controllable but at the same time, it was extremely volatile and dangerous.

The reality seems to be in the early 20s hence the lack of advancement in technology, not only the planet's geography is like earth its history seems to be the same.

Right now, the year is 1941, which means World War II is going at full throttle and its looks like his presumption was indeed right.

Almost most of Newyork, France, Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union was listening to the news on war on their respective radio channels.

[On December 7, 1941, following the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, the United States declared war on Japan. Three days later, after Germany and Italy declared war on it, the United States became fully engaged in the Second World War.] He picked up different radio waves and the broadcasts.

He was so engrossed in perceiving every little detail of the new plane of existence that he ignored every other thing around it.

It was until he noticed a peculiar radio wave reaching into outer space, first, he thought it was just a satellite that usually communicates by using radio waves to send signals to the antennas on the Earth.

But here is the problem, the first satellite launched into space is 31 January 1958, 18 years from now Explorer 1 was the first satellite launched by the United States and was part of the U.S participation in the International Geophysical Year.

Before that Sputnik 1 was the first artificial Earth satellite. It was launched into an elliptical low Earth orbit by the USSR on 4 October 1957 as part of the Soviet space program. It orbited for three weeks before its batteries ran out.

He quickly pinpointed the source of the radio wave and willed the portal to show him the view of outer space, instantly the view of noisy London with decaying buildings lined the wharf morphed into the dark space.

Theodore's eyes landed on a small black satellite orbiting the earth, it was only the size of a small pick-up truck, seems completely normal until he saw a familiar symbol printed on it. It's a red skull with 6 tentacles, this is the exact emblem of an authoritarian paramilitary-subversive terrorist organization bent on world domination.

"Hydra?" He muttered underneath his breath, he was startled on seeing this, and yet he was elated on the possibility of being discovering a world similar to Marvel.

"This is a fucking gold mine!" He thought. This is a world that has wonderful fucking richness, powers, magic, science, fucking cosmic entities, gods, demons.

He is going to reap every fucking benefit this world has to provide and he will start with Hydra first, they have something precious in their vaults.

Something of cosmic proportion, if Captain marvel can get that fucking strong that he can to use it for strengthening a living person.

"Is this where you want to go, such a backwater version of your own world?" Lucy asked.

"Backwater, girl if you knew what this world is hiding..." Theodore thought.

He chooses to remain quiet & hide the details from her. "I have to start from somewhere, right? And this world seems to contain a strange form of energy."

That is just a brief lie and as well truth he came up with to cover any suspiciousness that might rose in her heart.

The next world will be DC and I apologize for any mistakes within it, actually, I made a shit ton of changes in the actual plot, the actual book has a word count of 50k, by now I could have posted more than 20 or so chapters, but I decide to change them so the quality might drop a little and as well word counts.

My original plan was to go to shield hero, but then I thought what is he going to do there?

It wouldn't make sense if I drop such an op character in a world like that.

so I had to cut around 20 k words, that's five chapters worth of shit right there. Selene wasn't even his lover in the actual book, it was random oc I came up with...

_HERMIT_creators' thoughts