
Chapter 127 : Not again

The Morrell brothers moved extremely cautiously as they approached the gates of the Merian palace. It was insane how their home town now felt like enemy territory, is this how quickly things could change?

A tall man with black hair and silver eyes who was standing gaurd at the gate with his friend, approached the brothers. "The Morrells?" He asked in a deep raspy voice.

Bahram nodded at the silver eyed man, "Aye, we received word from the prince.. umm king.. that our sister was returned here."

The tall gaurd stared at Bahram's face before turning around and giving his friend a signal to open the gates for them. The four brothers rode their horses slowly passed the open gate and into the palace grounds, so much had changed over the past few months, the place looked completely foreign to them.

"They are expecting you inside," the gaurd spoke to the four men as he closed the gate behind him.
