
Chapter 73 : I’ll be your blood bank

Ella clamped her legs together and released a small yelp. "What do you mean kiss me there?!" Ella was mortified, why would anyone want to put their mouth on someone else's privates? She'd never heard of such a thing before.

Adam arched his eyebrow and smiled in amusement at the beautiful woman on his lap, "don't tell me Nathaniel has never done that before?"

Her face flashed bright red as she released Adam's shoulders and placed her hands between her legs that were firmly clamped together. "Of course not!" She yelled, "why would he do that?!"

Adam studied the woman's blushing face and chuckled tauntingly. Oh this was very amusing, so even though Ella had slept with Nathaniel before, penetration was the only thing they had done? What, was that silver haired bastard a barbarian? The information made Adam a little happy, he was elated that there were things about coitus he could still explore with Ella, gosh he couldn't wait.
