

Semi-translucent energy waves revolved around a head-sized sphere. 

Its color was milky white, with the colors of the rainbow sweeping through. 

The colors looked like wisps that were circulating through the sphere in a chaotic manner.

However, when the Queen cut open her hand so that a single droplet of blood could trickle onto the sphere the chaotic wisps attempted to break out of the sphere to reach the drop of blood.

Less than a second passed before the Queen inserted her Mana and Primordial energy in the Sphere which lead to a unique reaction.

The seven wisps merged with the milky color of the Sphere. Through this, the Sphere turned into a replication of an imprisoned rainbow.

Only seconds had to pass before a bright shining rainbow emerged from the Sphere.

A beautiful arch was created, spanning over ten meters before the rainbow reached its end already.
