
2.07.2 Sorry for breaking the planets crust.

'Single male, Karabit, mutant path.' These were her search parameters. Whenever she found a target who fulfilled these requirements. She will turn that man to dust after some torture.

She didn't mind if the man was innocent. They just became collateral in her path of revenge and her search was going fine until the last outburst that exposed her to the secret police of Thorn City. Which later linked her to the multiple disappearance cases, her previous victims.

Since the massacre of the brothel, Thalia had been in hiding. The only time she ever went out in search of her target was at night when the activity of the city lowers. But this also meant the dark activities of the cities were at an all-time high and the security forces were a lot more active.

The increase of crime at night also made her unnoticeable. And the veil the night provided made it easy to hide away from prying eyes.
