
White Death's Wraith.


Isaac's head separated from his body, and his head rolled across the ground. Blue blood sprayed out from the decapitated corpse, splattering across the Knight and the surrounding earth!

KnightOfHoliness lifted his sword in the air and let out a triumphant cry!



The audience's cheers echoed throughout the Colosseum once more, shaking the walls and ground. Loose pebbles rattled, and dust fell from the cracks.

The women in the stands waved their hands while sending winks and kisses toward the majestic fighter.

The men in the audience clapped their hands with respect and yelled out how much they enjoyed the match.

''Eek!'' Many of the children covered their eyes and turned away from the gore that had been displayed.

There were a few children who stared at the corpse. Their skin was thicker, but they still cringed back from the sight.

KnightOfProtection and KnightOfCharming high-fived, excited grins on their faces.
