
King of Campers.

In a quiet part of the snow forest.

A crouching figure was seen next to a tree that was entirely covered in snow.

He was in a firing position while carrying a Musket Rifle. A thin blade reflected the light coming from the sky, which was getting brighter after clouds started to part away.

The crouching figure had a buzzcut hairstyle with bushy eyebrows and full lips. He looked far from attractive, and his bulky figure was not muscular, instead somewhat obese, around his waist.

Every Player has noticed something else during their time in the snow forest.

Name tags aren't visible. Instead, they are invisible.

Everyone has their nameplates located on their chest's.

This crouching figure had one as well; his nameplate had words CrouchingKing.

CrouchingKing took one small step forwards, but instantly he heard a loud banging noise.


He quickly pulled his foot back and saw a bullet landing on the spot where his foot was only a second ago.
