

Queen Diana waited for the answer; she was confident that their Guild had enough funds to pay for Rare items.

The handsome NPC uttered his words out of his mouth, ''Most of the price will come from Rare items, but the value should be...'' He pressed a few buttons in front of him, and instantly a notification appeared in front of everyone.

[Value: 126,023 White Coins]

Queen Diana's eyes almost bulged out of her sockets, ''So expensive?!''

Darth chuckled and looked at Isaac, ''You will make us go bankrupt.''

Isaac wryly smiled, ''You guys don't need to buy the rare item; I can sell it somewhere else.''

Queen Diana instantly pinched his cheeks, ''Nonsense! That Rare item is much more important than money!''

''Oh...'' Isaac nodded dumbly and saw Queen Diana going to a metal cabinet at the end of the room.

She took a silver-colored key from the Inventory and opened the cabinet.
