
Heading Back To The Base

"Okay then, I will kill him, I never knew that he was a horrible person" Kelan replied.

[Master be quick, someone is approaching] Tina's voice sounded in Kelan's head.


"I need to leave Jojo, I promise to finish him off,"  Kelan said and he proceeded to fly out through the window.

"Wait!" Jojo shouted and she pulled  Kelan's face closer to hers, she gave him a deep kiss and parted her lips after she heard a creaking sound from the living room.

Kelan tickled her elven ears and he bent the metal of the window then he jumped out from it and fixed it back, he sneakily walked towards the fence before climbing it and landing outside. 

However, before he began heading back home, he could hear Jojo screaming faintly.

"That son of a pussy! I would brutally kill him" Kelan clenched his fist before he began walking home. He wanted to head back inside and finish Lugard once and for all but he held back himself.

While walking home, a notification popped up.

