
The beggining of the strongest army


We find Talion in the kingdom of light, he went to see his generals in order to inform them of the creation of portals and to give them the scroll, which allows them to use the portals efficiently.

Once this was done, Talion went directly to meet Baranor.

Baranor is on the great training ground of Nurn, facing Haleth, getting used to his new skills that Talion's magic has given him.

Talion arrives near them and watches the fight.

The two men stand face to face, swords in each hand, ready to pounce on their opponent at the first opportunity.

They observe and gauge each other, they try to determine an opening but nothing makes it, the two men are well positionned.

Then, deciding to take the first step, Haleth leaps on his opponent, sword in hand.

He concentrates his strength in his blow and directs it in the direction of Baranor's neck.

The latter, not very worried, reacts quickly and places his sword to parry the blow.

But this is without counting the trickiness of his opponent, Haleth feints at the last moment and changes direction, a specialty of Haleth's fighting style.

This last one feints constantly, and thanks to a prodigious muscular play, he is able to change direction at the last moment in order to surprise his opponent as efficiently as possible.

But Baranor, skilful and experienced, is able to defend the blow, pushing back Haleth's assault with the most incredible ease.

Then, like a skilled warrior, Baranor takes advantage of this moment of hesitation to return the blows.

He goes on the offensive, thanks to his physical abilities increased by Talion's magic and his ring, he is able to destabilize Haleth with his acceleration.

But Haleth, being a sword prodigy, recovers quickly and manages to defend perfectly all of Baranor's offensives.

Quickly, Haleth takes the upper hand technically, which compensates for the physical difference between the two.

Wishing to turn the match in his favor, Haleth feints again and tries to hit Baranor between the joints of his armor, under his armpit.

Baranor seeing the blow raises his sword to defend himself.

But Haleth accelerates, he leans on the ground and pounces, then with his sword he pushes aside Baranor's sword and stabs his sword in Baranor's head.

Baranor, having a great dexterity, avoids the blow by a short margin.

However, the latter was also a feint, due to Haleth's trickery and his well worked style.

When Baranor dodged the blow, Haleth retracted his blade and struck Baranor's leg, who could not dodge the blow.

However, Baranor, being robust, doesn't let himself be tricked and returns the blow while hitting Haleth in the stomach.

The two men hit each other in a game of dodge and counter which shows their very similar levels.

And yet, Baranor only manages to even the score because he possesses the power of Talion, allowing him to strengthen his body and his blows.

And that's not counting the unique magic he has obtained, which if he had activated, Haleth would be dead in a matter of seconds.

Technique isn't everything, if there is too big a difference between technique and raw strength or magic power, the technique can't close the gap alone, unfortunately.


Seeing this interesting spar, Talion applauded the two fighters.

*Clap Clap*

"Beautiful display, you are progressing very quickly" he said while observing them.

"My lord, I thank you for your compliment" replies Haleth as he leans his chest in greeting.

"Oh, Talion, what news do you have for me?" Baranor asks, used to sudden visits of his king.

"I have created portals that allow us to travel and transport troops very quickly between our cities, I give you this scroll, you will find all the information you need" Talion says, handing him the scroll.

"Very well, I take note of it, it should help us for our war, anything else? Baranor answers him

"Yes, the enemy armies will come in a day, is the elite army ready?"

"Haleth and I have selected the best warriors available, at the moment we have a unit of 100 people training with me and Haleth, but even so we don't have enough time to train them properly" replies Baranor

"Very well, I will forge rings to increase their firepower" says Talion

But just as he was about to offer something to Haleth, he received a communication from Fram.

"What's going on Fram?" He asks curiously

"Hello Talion, I managed to trap the khand's army east of Nurn, they should be forced to join the army in the north approaching Seregost, we lack Soldiers to defend the city properly, the enemy army is a few hours walk away, could you send us some reinforcements ?" says Fram anxiously

"Baranor will join you through a portal with reinforcements, I hope that will be enough, in the meantime I will have to equip another part of the army, contact me if there are any problems" answer Talion, surprised by the rapid advance of Khand's troops.

"Very well Talion, with a few more reinforcements I should be able to guarantee our victory in the north" Fram said, relieved to receive reinforcements.

The latter then cuts the communication.

"Baranor, I will need you in the north, take an army with you and join Fram through one of the portals" Talion orders.

"I'm going now" Baranor replies, knowing that every second the enemy is getting closer.

After Baranor leaves the training camp, Talion turns towards Haleth and asks him.

"Haleth, you are clearly the most talented fighter in my army, I offer you to become one of my generals, if you accept"

"A general, what does it means, my king?" Asks the interested one

"I will simply mark you with my magic, this will create a link between us allowing me to communicate with you, it will awaken your magic and you will gain some of my skills, globally this will be a huge boost to your power, and you will be able to become stronger, so, what is you answer ?" Talion asks him, interested by his answer

"If it will make me stronger, then I accept" Haleth answers, trusting his king.

Without waiting, Talion put his hand on Haleth's head, and begin the process.

The whole process is quickly completed, and Haleth, is more powerful than ever.

"I feel a new energy in me, is this it? Magic?" Asks Haleth, inspecting his hands and curious about this new form of energy he is feeling coursing through his body.

"Indeed, it is magic, you will learn to master it in time, talking about time, I need to go, I will forge the rings for the soldiers, can you replace Baranor as the head of the armies ?" he says.

"I accept your request, thank you for doing me this honor" answers the valiant Haleth while getting on his knees.


After this discussion, Talion once again goes to the forge.

Although he spends a lot of time at the forge, he has no choice but to work hard for his kingdom.

As a king, he must lead his people and show them the right way.

At the forge, he uses his new technique which consists in using his specters to forge faster.

Having now used this technique several times, he is confident in it and knows that it is a real time saver to use it.

Once his specters are in place, he begins directly to create rings for his army.

Runic assemblers are not able to reproduce rings with the properties that Talion wants to include, so he has to create them himself.

Of course, these rings will be connected to himself, this way he can easily take them back in case there is a problem, for exemple the same type of problem he encountered with Aldamir.

The rings he wants to create have several interesting features.

The first one is an increase of the 5 senses of the wearer.

Thanks to the increased senses, the wearer will have improved reflexes which will result in a greater efficiency on the battlefield.

The second property, is called natural recovery, thanks to the absorption of magic in the air, this will accelerate the regeneration of the individual's wounds, this will also reduce his body stress and improve his stamina.

The third property is a shield that draws its source from the magic of the environment, which allows the user to parry enemy blows that could injure him.

This shield is designed to last for about ten uses before needing to be recharged.

Although Talion doesn't have the time to create overpowered rings for each individual, he can afford to add one last function to the ring.

This last function concerns the wearer's physique.

This property include an increase in strenght, the wearer will have the strenght of an olog, this power draws the magic from the environment to directly inject it in the wearer's body, assuring the increase in his physical prowess.

To forge this Ring, Talion planned the entire process.

One specter will be in charge of melting the materials.

The second will be in charge of modeling the Ring while a third will creates the runes of the Ring.

Talion on his part will do the modeling and coding alone.

This way, two rings will be forged instead of one in the same time.

Talion then starts this process with great fervor.


Meanwhile, in the north of Gondor, the delegation led by Allen heads for Rivendell.

Knowing already the dates at which the council meeting takes place, Talion wishes to send a spy directly into the fellowship of the ring.

Although he could teleport directly to take the one, Sauron's ring, in order to try to absorb it and reduce Sauron's strength.

The latter knows very well, that the young Frodo is protected by powerful and very influent people.

Not wishing to fight the entire free peoples of Middle-earth, because stealing the ring would lead to a war, the elves could suspect the appearance of a new lord of darkness.

He has to play it smart, and that's why he intends to integrate Allen into the fellowship in order to keep a permanent eye on the ring, and take it at the right time.

Allen and the delegation are on their way to the council that will be held soon, with the objective of revealing their kingdoms to the world, as well as integrating them into the community.

Will Allen be able to join the fellowship ? This is still to be discovered.


Here you have one of the chapters I have, I'll post other, but after this there will be a rewrite, I don't know when, but it will happen.
