
9.73 Do I Taste Good? [M]

Something must be wrong with me, Zhao Bolin thought distantly as he laid on the bed, eyes misted over and lips parted to take in quick gasps of air. 

Black dotted the corner of his eyes and his entire body felt so weak that he could not even move the tip of his fingers. "Ah…!" A faint cry escaped his lips when Lu Yizhou's fingers nudged against the sensitive spot inside him and almost at the same time, it was followed by a sharp pain on his calf! He weakly tried to kick Lu Yizhou away to no avail. "Stop… Y–You… You're going to kill me…!" he repeated that incoherent sentence again and again, his mind was numb with the explosion of pleasure and pain.

"I won't…" A rough voice came from somewhere between his thighs, accompanied by the thrust of those wicked fingers which tore another scream out of Zhao Bolin's throat. Lu Yizhou sucked another mark on his fair thigh and licked the blood on it. "So good…" he panted heavily. "You're doing so good, sweetheart…"
