
4.18 Immortal Zhao

Far, far away from the dormant volcano was a secluded mountain that was bereft of people for its peculiar location that was surrounded by the Valley of Abyss. Oftentimes, travelers could hear the mournful wails and screams from deep below and it was said that being in the valley's vicinity could give people hallucinations that bewitched them into jumping by themselves. Some even said that a vengeful immortal resided there. Stuck in the mortal realm and unable to ascend, they were consumed by loneliness and longed for the company of human beings. Since then, the area became a forbidden one despite the allure of the lush and thriving mountain.

It was in that exact mountain that Immortal Zhao settled in after centuries of wandering around. He was none other than the kind old man who introduced the male protagonist, Shan Duoyin, to the world of cultivation for the first time. 
