
Chapter 4 - False Beginning

There are many things in life that could be considered a man's joy in life.

Food, sleep, lust, video games, there are many things.

One of them, however, cannot ever be waiting in the lunch line during the lunch rush.

"I can't do this!" I moaned in annoyment.

Sakura looked at me with an expression of pity in response to my mini-tantrum that I was throwing.

"I'm sorry about forgetting to make lunch today," She apologetically said. "I didn't mean to inconvenience you this much..."

Seeing Sakura's apologetic face made me instantly reconsider what I had said and made me feel like a bad person as a result.

"I didn't mean it that way!" I cried. "I was just complaining about the long line, not about you. I'm sorry..."

I genuinely felt bad about making Sakura feel like it was her fault, so my atonement was bowing ridiculously hard at a perfect 90 degree angle in front of her.

"W-w-wha?! S-stop! You're embarrassing me..." Sakura stammered.

Ah, an embarrassed Sakura can cure any ailment that I'm inflicted with.

After we finally got our lunches, Sakura and I went to the designated lunch space that we had been going to for the past year or so.

There is a space behind the school with good shade and an almost nonexistent student population, which is a good place to peacefully eat your lunch.

The reason why no one has found this place beside us is due to the odd way of entering the location.

There is a slight gap between two bushes which is just enough space for a high school student to squeeze through.

Arriving at the hidden spot, there was already a silver-haired girl waiting there.

Sitting on a picnic sheet with an elegant and refined posture, the transfer student was looking like a try and through young lady.

Feeling bad about making her wait for us, I sincerely apologised on Sakura and I's behalf. "Hey, sorry about the wait."

"It's fine," the girl replied. "I'm a patient person."

Sakura happily trotted up from behind me and presented the new girl with our spoils of war. "Miss Shizuku~ Look at what we got!"

Surprised by Sakura's enthusiasm, the silver-haired beauty reeled back a bit in response.

"O-oh, um... thank you." She hesitantly replied. "But, you don't need to refer to me with a miss at the beginning?"

The transfer student was not the most enthusiastic about being referred to with a prefix since both parties were the same age and grade.

I could see why, but she felt like an entity outside of our reach.

Sakura could sense the discomfort oozing from the cool beauty, so she adjusted accordingly. "Okay, I'll try. Nice to meet you, Mi- Shizuku."

A bashful smile appeared on the new girl's face once Sakura managed to say her name correctly.

"It's nice to meet you too, Sakura."

Seeing the two beauties smile at each other made me feel extremely happy inside.

It's a reward to be able to see two flowers in bloom.

A thought came to my mind as I was observing this scene.

How do I address her?

Shizuku felt a bit too familiar, but calling a classmate by her last name was a bit too distant.

Suddenly, a memory of the past flashed through my mind.

"Call me Shizu! I like that nickname!"

When that memory flashed through my head, I couldn't help but let out a mutter in surprise.



For some reason, uttering that name made the transfer student react weirdly.

Her body began to tremble as her hands refused to stay still like she wanted.

It was as if she had deeply resonated with the name I had said.

But, why?

Why should she react in such a way?

To such an unimportant and random nickname, why would the silver-haired girl react in such a way?


Nah, it can't be.

I won't ever meet her again.

Ignoring her odd reaction, I decided to ask her how I should address her.

"Can I address you as Shizuku?" I cautiously asked.

Being on a first name basis with a pretty girl was too big of a hurdle for me to cross, but it needed to be done.

The transfer girl seemed saddened by my question, but she still answered it nonetheless. "Shizuku... is fine."

And so, my relationship with Shizuku began with a rocky start.
