
[51.6] The Garden of Felix

I followed him on the cobblestone path. As we walked, I was shocked by how much care went into the garden, "It's like a jungle."

Cyrus nodded, "They are Earth attributes. It's only natural that they focus more on their garden than their estate."

I ran my hand along the plants lining the path, "Does Felix have a garden at your estate?"

"A bit, but he focuses more on trees and vegetables rather than plants like this… Honestly, I thought he would put more effort into the garden at our estate, but he doesn't. I guess all his effort goes here."

We made it to the center of the garden where the path ended. I looked around, "Where is he?"

"I'm not sure."

As I looked around, movement caught my eye.

I paused, "Eh? Root?"

I followed the plant which led into the high grass with several other Roots dancing.

Since when has there been this many!?

I caught sight of a pair of feet, "He's over here!"

Cyrus and I peered at Felix, watching his sleeping expression closely.

Dark circles were under his eyes and his skin was so pale it almost looked sickly. The plants danced around him as if trying to soothe his pain.

Gradually, his eyes opened revealing a lifeless and despondent look. His expression grew dark when he realized we were staring, "...Who let you in?"

"Priscilla." I stared at him closely, "Is that a problem?"

He stood up slowly with effort, "No. Did you go into the South building?"

I shook my head, "Priscilla specifically told us we would die if we did."

He let out a dark laugh, "...That's right. I would have-"

He pondered his words, "-My father would have killed you."

I raised an eyebrow, "It's really that serious?"

He passed by us and walked over to a bench where he sat down, "Yeah. No one is allowed unless you're the head of the family. It's like our family secret or something."

I sat next to him and Cyrus followed me to do the same, "Are you feeling okay, Felix? You look-"

He cut me off, "-I'm fine."

"But you don't seem to be yourself."

He laughed spitefully, "And what makes you say that?"

I pressed my lips together.

Usually, he is always smiling happily without any trace of malice.

But now…

Now he's a bit scary.

Cyrus's expression turned dark, "You had a backlash, didn't you?"

I flinched and looked at Felix for the answer, but he didn't deny or admit it. He casually reached over to pick up a Root dancing around him, "So why did you two come here?"

Cyrus and I both gave each other a glance.

Felix is…

Acting strange.

I cleared my throat, "We wanted to check on you. Is that not okay? You kind of disappeared and left no explanation."

His eyes slowly turned to look at me without any sense of emotion, "You should know more than anyone that people don't want to be around someone who had a backlash. My family is keeping it a secret so that my family doesn't become a laughingstock of Noble society."

Cyrus watched his expressions closely, "But how have you been feeling?"

Felix stared coldly at us, "I've been feeling like destroying this d*mned Kingdom and watching everything burn."

Both Cyrus and I were surprised by this.

Felix let out a sigh, "I'm just being dramatic. You two don't need to look so shocked. Ever since that day, I've had a headache that won't go away and no matter how much sleep I get, I always feel exhausted."

I spoke up, "Can't you just heal yourself?"

"My magic doesn't work like that." He laughed to himself, "Besides there's no way to heal from a backlash… Unless you want to give me some of your mana, Reika."

I held out my hand, "Okay."

He looked at me perplexed, "...Huh?"

"I said okay. Just give me a vial. I will fill it for you."

Felix's eyes widened in shock.

Cyrus interrupted, "Reika! You can't do that!"

"Why not?" I looked at him quizically, "I've done it before. It hurts a bit, but I have such a limitless supply it's not like I will miss it."

Cyrus added in a firm voice, "I won't let you hurt yourself. Plus this is a serious matter. It is illegal for a reason. The side effects can cause you to lose your mind and for Felix to grow addicted to the point of lunacy. You can't do this."

Felix forced himself to avert his eyes, "I-I also can't ask a friend to do that for me regardless of how much they are willing to do it."

I watched Felix struggle to hold himself back.

Looks like he really needs it.

Then I will just do it when I get home and send it to him secretly.

I pretended to relent, "Fine. I won't. But if there's anything you need from us, you just have to ask."

For the first time since we arrived, Felix smiled softly. He whispered, "Thank you… I really appreciate it."

Cyrus stood up, "We will let you recuperate now. Don't forget to keep in touch."

Felix struggled to stand, "Let me show you out."

Cyrus smiled, "No need. We can find our own way."

I nodded and went to follow Cyrus, "Bye Felix. See you soon."

He smiled and nodded, "Goodbye."

Just as Cyrus turned his back to leave, I quickly leaned over to whisper into Felix's ear, "I will send you a vial soon."

Felix looked surprised and turned to me to determine if I was being honest. I didn't give him a chance to decline and quickly hurried to follow Cyrus.

The corner of Felix's lips curved up slightly as he watched us leave, "...Lovely."

After Cyrus and I left, I pondered something while in the carriage.

Something is nagging me…

But what is it?

I closed my eyes to think.

Cyrus glanced at me, "Is everything okay?"

"Hm… Well. It's just that something is irritating me."

"What's that?"

"I'm not sure exactly. But I got this bad feeling after what Priscilla said about her Royal Magician."

"Oh… You're upset?"

"Yes, death is always very upsetting, but it's nagging me for some reason."

"What do you mean?"

"She said he died… But why do I feel like-" I suddenly froze midsentence, "Oh my gods…"

Cyrus looked at me a bit panicked, "What is it?"

I turned to him in shock, "I know who took the ring."


I felt a cold sweat on my back, "It was Priscilla's Royal Magician."

Cyrus was shocked, "But they said… He died."

"I know… But now that I think about it… I think-" I gulped, "I think he had orange eyes."

Commit this chapter to memory because it will be very important in future events...

Okay. That is all for this week.

Neko out.


Nekorucreators' thoughts