
[24.2] Pieces of a Puzzle

The next day was as normal as it could be. Della and Patrick took another job escorting a merchant into town.

I could only watch them both get ready for their job feeling a bit melancholic. I knew they would return in a few days, but it was always so boring when I was home alone.

Della suddenly covered her mouth and coughed roughly.

Patrick glanced at her, "Della. Are you feeling okay? You don't look so good."

She shook her head, "I'm fine. I just haven't been getting enough sleep lately."

He walked over to her and checked her complexion. He couldn't hide the worry in his tone, "You should stay home this time and relax."

She shook her head, "I can't. We already committed to that important caravan job and I can't let you go alone."

He paused and glanced at me, "But… I think you should stay home with Reika… Just this one time."

I tilted my head.

Why am I being brought into this?

Did he figure out I didn't want to be left behind?

She looked at me deep in thought, then turned back to him, "But what about you?"

He laughed, "Relax, my dear sister. I'm not as strong as you, but I'm not weak either. I will be safe."


He rubbed her shoulders to placate her, "It's just one time. Plus, there are several other people going too. It's not like it will just be me protecting the caravan."

Finally, she relented. She gave a nod, "Okay… But be careful."

"I will, don't worry." He reached his hands out to me, "Give me a goodbye kiss, my darling niece!"

I made a face, "No way!"

He ignored me and embraced me tightly, covering my cheeks with kisses.

I let out a laugh, "You're so weird."

He pulled back and placed a kiss against Della's forehead, "See you both in a few days… Now be careful and… And don't burn the house down."

I raised an eyebrow.

Della threw a pillow at him, "Just leave, Patty!"

He laughed and rushed to the door, waving frantically, "I will make sure to bring back something good for both of you."

We both walked over to the window and waved him off. I watched as he skipped down the road whistling before his figure eventually disappeared over the horizon.

Della turned to me with a smirk, "Okay, now that the strict man is gone, let's take a nap."

I laughed, "You're so lazy."

She crawled into bed and patted the bed beside her. I smirked and crawled in beside her.

She gave a big yawn before cuddling up to me, "I can't help it. Back when I was a slave, I could never do what I wanted. I probably only got three hours of sleep per night."

I felt my chest tighten and reached out to rub her head, "I'm sorry."

She smiled, "It wasn't all bad. I managed to get you because of it."

I muttered under my breath, "The father of this body… Who was it?"

She let out a sigh, "That's not the knowledge a small child should be burdened with."

I scoffed, "Did you forget I am technically older than you?"

"...I did."

I pulled my hand back, "It's okay if you don't tell me. Everyone has something they want to keep secret and they have every right to."

"Oh, it's not that I want to keep it secret." She gently grabbed my hand and intertwined her fingers, "It's just a bit embarrassing to have to admit."

"I won't judge you."

"Well… It wasn't love if that's what you're asking."

"Then what was it? Lust?"

She laughed, "No, not that either."

"Then what else could it have been?"

She opened her eyes slowly, revealing a dull, lonely look deep within her icy eyes, "It was out of necessity."


She played with my hands whispering softly, "He was a nice man… But he wasn't the kind of man I would ever fall in love with. Just like me, he had an ice attribute and was a slave. Having an ice attribute was extremely rare and our Master wanted to have more people like that. He was the only man I could have a child with, so unfortunately neither of us had much of a choice. It was either that or be beaten to death."

I grimaced, "That's what you mean by necessity?! You both were forced?!"

She sighed, "You have to understand, our way of life in the desert country is very different. Slaves don't have a say in the matter. We are happy just to be fed and not be beaten to death. And it wasn't so bad. When we were forced to get together, we were given our own room and even food that didn't come from scraps. We were treated like diamonds to be mined and sold for exuberate prices."

I scoffed, "You weren't diamonds. You were livestock."

Her eyebrows pinched together, "I suppose I was…"

I held my breath.

I said something cruel again.

I averted my eyes, "I-I'm sorry…"

She shook her head, "No, you aren't wrong. We really were like livestock…"

I stared at her hesitantly, "What… What, uh… What happened to him?"

"Do you remember when we mentioned that a demon saved us?"

I nodded.

"Well, it wasn't the complete truth. We were actually caught up in a battle between two sides. At the time, we tried to escape, but most of us had been locked up because slaves weren't allowed to be unchained for fear they would run away… I was about to give birth at the time, so I was even more trapped than anyone else. Your Uncle Patrick and your father stayed by my side and… When those evil people broke in… Your father… He…"

I grabbed her hand firmly, "If it's difficult, you don't have to tell me."

She shook her head, "No, you have the right to know… That man sacrificed himself so we could escape. However, we didn't get very far before more men appeared. Just as we were going to be killed, a beautiful demon warrior suddenly broke into the room and fought off the evil people."

I looked at her bright smile entranced by the beauty, "What was she like?"

"Oh! She was magnificent. She hid her lower face behind a cloth, but it couldn't hide her elegance. She had this long braid that went to the back of her knees and she used it to slap around those jerks! When I saw her fighting, I wondered… Perhaps I could fight as well?"

I tilted my head, "And did you?"

She grinned, "I did! As a slave, I was used to creating ice whenever I did have mana. It made me wonder, couldn't I use that as a weapon? So I found a broken stick on the ground and forced my mana through it and BAM!"

I flinched from her sudden shout.

She grinned, "I fought off all five attackers with a single strike."

My eyes glimmered in admiration, "How cool… I didn't know you could make a wand from a simple stick."

She shrugged, "Well… I'm not so sure you can either, but I did it. Most wands come from trees with magical roots. Perhaps I just got lucky."

I laughed, "Or maybe you're just a master magician."

She squeezed my cheeks with a laugh, "If anyone is a master, it would be you. I've never seen a child learn so quickly."

"It's because I have the advantage of having an adult mind."

She stared at me lovingly, "I wonder about that."

My laughter died down as I watched her, "...What happened to that demon who saved you?"

She pulled her hand back, "I'm not sure. After she saved your uncle and me, she helped me birth you, then she brought us to the border where we could cross as refugees. However, the entire time she never spoke nor did she ever remove that mask from her face."

She let out a sigh, "I only wish I could meet her again… Then I would thank her properly."

I reached out to play with her long braid, "You never know… You could meet her again in the future."

Her eyes fluttered close as she drifted off to sleep, "I certainly hope I can…"

I smiled at her softly before closing my eyes as well.

I guess not all demons are bad.


The Desert Territory: a lawless land where magic and resources are rare.

The Odalis Kingdom: Where Reika is living. It is a country that is bountiful with magic and opportunities.

The Macabre forest: Rumored to be where demons live. Since strange things happen there it is forbidden to enter.

The Northern Snowcapped Mountains: Rumored to be where the Great Fairy lived before dying and turning everything to ice. Magic is irregular and no one is known to survive living there.

Nekorucreators' thoughts