
[21.9] The Weak Links

I jumped to my feet, completely forgetting about the stone embedded inside my body. I rushed over to where the screaming was coming from and saw Hazel in the fetal position while three shadow men went to attack.

I shouted, "Zephyr!"


He jumped forward, brandishing sharp claws. While he ripped one to shreds, I used my wand to summon a giant ice ball and threw it at the others. They were crushed beneath it and disappeared.

I ran over to Hazel and checked her body for any wounds.

Ah, good. She seems to be unhurt.

I watched calmly as Hazel trembled and bit down on her lips. Blood started to pool on her lips as she grabbed her knees.

She looks so scared…

It makes me feel a bit sorry for her.

I used my sleeve to dab at the blood on her lips, "Stop biting so hard. You're going to rip off your lips."

Hazel gaped at me as if she was shocked I was there.

I met her eyes, "Why are you biting so hard? If you're that scared, you should cry instead."

Her voice trembled, "I-I don't want to cry..."

I tilted my head, "Why not? Just cry. It's therapeutic. Also, it can get you things. Felix taught me that."

She shook her head quickly, "I-I can't cry… If tears come out… Then it will be bad…"

Hasn't she cried before?

I guess she mostly just trembled and hid her face.

Before I went to ask about it, I heard another cry. I looked over in a panic to see Felix running from a group of shadow men, bawling his eyes out.

Seriously. They really are the weak links.

Ugh… Guess I will go save the crybaby now.

I clenched my jaw and went to stand up, but my sleeve was caught by a strong grip. I looked back in surprise to see Hazel wearing a strange expression.

I could see something dark behind her eyes as she spoke in a low voice, "Don't leave me…"

I sighed and rubbed her head, "I'm not leaving you. I just gotta go save our crybaby. You'll be safe here."

She reluctantly pulled her hand back and watched with dark eyes as I ran off to save Felix.

Zephyr went running after me but paused. He glanced back at Hazel with an innocent look, "You could just come with us."

Her eyes lightened up, "Huh?"

He nodded, "Yeah. You should follow. Plus, you are such a weak chicken that you'll be picked off right away. It's better to stay in a group."

She smiled gently, "Okay."

He reached out his hand and helped her to her feet. He went to pull his hand back, but she held on tightly.

She stared at him with a twinkle in her eyes, "You'll protect me, right? You won't leave me?"

He blinked in confusion, "Huh? Oh. Sure?"

She grinned and nodded quickly, "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go help Reika!"

As she pulled on the confused Zephyr, he muttered out, "Have you always been this strong???"

I ran towards Felix who was sprinting at such a remarkable speed. I gasped as I tried to keep up, "Why are these kids so athletic!?!"

Wait! Why am I not using magic??

I pulled out my wand and threw out giant snowballs, knocking down the shadow men trying to grab Felix.

His eyes widened as he watched the giant snowballs roll past him. He turned around quickly, "Reika!?!"

I panted as I tried to catch up, "Y-Yeah so stop- *GASP* -running!"

He stopped so abruptly that I smashed into him. We rolled on the ground until coming to a painful stop.

I groaned, "Why'd you stop so suddenly?!?"

"You told me to!" He sat up and went pale. He shook me crazily, "Reika! They are back up!!"

I looked over to see the shadow puppets had now doubled in size.

I cried out, "Seriously!? I'm too old for this!"

I noticed Zephyr had finally caught up, followed by Hazel. I hopped to my feet and pulled out my wand, "Zephyr! Attack!"

He gave a firm nod in understanding. His body started to transform into half man and half fox. Ferocious fangs extended in his mouth and long sharp claws appeared. He jumped to attack the shadow people while I prepared to attack with magic.

I shouted out, "Felix! Hazel! Stay behind me!"

Before I could attack, something sharp shot through me like a bullet.

I cried out in pain and dropped my wand.

I could feel a large gash forming on my stomach, dripping with blood. I held my stomach and slowly looked down to see the gruesome injury.

However, there was no wound.

But the unmistakable and unbearable pain was clear.

I collapsed to my knees, gasping for air.


It hurts!

It feels like my chest is being pressed down by cement blocks!

I lurched forward coughing and felt a mouthful of blood hit the ground. My eyes widened.




I wasn't hurt!

I have no wounds!!

Zephyr shouted in a panic, "What's wrong!?!"

However, I couldn't respond.

My voice was gone.

He wanted to run to me, but he was the sole person holding back the advancing Shadow puppets.

My sight turned hazy as the strength in my limbs started fading rapidly.

Although the corners of my vision were starting to grow dark, there was one thing that was frighteningly clear.

The single string that I had seen from my chest to Cyrus in the past was now vibrantly visible.

The string was being pulled taut, looking like it would snap at any moment.

Red liquid dripped down it as if originating from the other end.

My eyes followed it to see Cyrus on the ground in the distance. It should be impossible for me to see him, yet there he is.

My heart stopped when I noticed he wasn't moving and looked heavily injured.

He was the only thing I could see.

He's… hurt…

Near him, Caldwell frantically tried to reach out to him despite his own bloodied and broken body. I could almost hear his painful screams as he threw his body over Cyrus to prevent any more attacks on the poor child.

The two had been successfully separated from everyone else, overwhelmed, and destroyed.

All while I was distracted by Hazel and Felix.

My hands shook as I reached out to find something to save him.

I no longer cared about the Shadow puppets trying to kill me.

I have to save Goldilocks.

But where…


Where is my wand…

My body collapsed on the ground, depleted of energy.

The searing pain crushed my lungs.

I can't breathe…

Why can't I breathe…

Am I…

Going to die?

Please… I don't want to die…

I thought I would be safe here.

I have magic.

I have power.

So why…

Why isn't it enough!?!

Who wants to bet that she'll die?

Nekorucreators' thoughts