
[20.3] *Chu Chu*

As we walked down the street, my eye caught something special at a nearby booth. I stopped and walked up to the table covered in jewelry. I pointed at the small rabbit hair clip, "How much for that?"

The clerk grinned, "Only three tin pieces."

Felix looked at it curiously, "I didn't know you liked these kinds of things."

"I don't." I reached into my coin purse, "I just think it reminds me of a certain someone."

Felix raised an eyebrow, "Who?"

I pulled out three coins, all of which were the same color. I stared at them with a blank face.

Uh… Yeah! These are tin!

...I think.

I handed the clerk the money, "Here!"

The clerk eyed the money hungrily and slowly reached out. Felix quickly snatched the coins, "Reika. This is silver."

"Ahh! I really thought I got it right this time…"

He laughed and switched out my silver for tin, "How come you can't tell the difference? Commoners may not come into contact with silver, but they certainly know what tin is."

I forced a smile, "I-I'm just more familiar with paper money!"

He gazed at me with a confused look, "Paper money? I've never heard of that. Wouldn't that be troublesome if it got wet? You wouldn't be able to use it."


He's not wrong…

I averted my eyes, "Anyway! It's not my fault I can't tell the difference! They are the same color!!"

"Yeah, but one is heavier and easy to bend."

I frowned, "You and Cyrus are the exact same. Do you really expect me to bite every piece of coin to figure it out?!"

He shrugged, "Couldn't hurt."

I stuck out my tongue, "That's gross!!"

"Then maybe it's best if you don't buy things without someone else helping."

"Ugh… But my independence!!"

I guess I will just have to figure a way around it.

The clerk handed me the clip and I slipped it into my pocket. As we started to walk away, I noticed a man in black following after us.

That man has been following us for a while.

I nudged Felix, "Psst. There's a suspicious person following us."

He looked behind, "Ah, yeah. That's a bodyguard my father hired to make sure I stay safe. I'm not good at combat so he gets worried whenever I go into town by myself."

"Ahhh. That's for the best since you're a crybaby."

He looked at me with teary eyes, "W-Why do you keep calling me that?"

I froze seeing his face that practically screamed that he was about to break out in a wail. I forced my eyes away and reached up to rub his head, "No reason."

He laughed in a low voice and smiled down at me, "If it's you, I don't mind if you call me that. If it was anyone else, I would tell my father so that he could punish them."

I pulled my hand back.

Children are really scary these days.

Zephyr pulled a random herb out from the bag and looked at it closely. He bit down on it, then stuck out his tongue. Felix grinned at Zephyr with a gentle smile.

Felix's smile grew larger when he noticed another person behind us, "It seems you also have someone following you, Reika."


I looked behind me and squinted my eyes. I noticed two people in cloaks, one small and one tall.

My face twitched in irritation.

Felix laughed, "He's really funny. I invited him before I ran into you, but he said he was too busy… But I guess he's not too busy to follow us."

That little brat!!!

If it's not the Headmaster then it's him!!!

I suddenly grabbed Felix's sleeve and started running. Zephyr jumped up to run after us. After sprinting several blocks, I pulled Felix into an alley and bent over gasping for air.

F*ck… Why did I… Run!? I hate running!!!

Felix gasped for air with me, "W-Why…"

Turns out Felix is just as bad at exercise as I am.

I wiped my sweaty brow, "Because!! I wanted to *gasp* escape!"

Felix winced as he struggled to breathe, "Escape from Cyrus? Why would you run!?"

"Duh!" I rolled my eyes, "So he couldn't follow us!!!"

Felix pinched his eyebrows together, "Which is why I asked why you would run!?! He's much faster than us!"

"We had a head start! He's not that fast!"

"Oh really?" Felix pointed to the opening of the alley, "Then who is that?"

I spun around to see Cyrus staring at us, not even out of breath. Cyrus frowned, "Why did you run!? Is someone chasing you!?"

I wanted to smack my head against the concrete wall.

How did he manage to catch us!? Is he really human!?!

Felix finally caught his breath and smiled, "Prince Cyrus… Why did you follow us? I thought you were too busy practicing."

Cyrus pointed at me, "You didn't say she was coming!!!"

Felix laughed, "I asked her because I happened to pass her in the hallway. Why are you so upset? Are you jealous?"


He shrieked so loud that I winced.

He blushed at his own response, then shook his head and pointed at me, "I just don't trust her!!"

"Haaaah?!" I looked at him in irritation, "Why don't you trust me? Do you think I'm going to cause trouble? Or go home with a strange man!?"

He flinched and shook his head, "N-No! It's just… You are really bad with money… I thought you'd be taken advantage of again."

Felix laughed, "That's actually a good reason."

I shot Felix a glare, "I'm not bad with money!!!"

Felix acquiesced with a grin, "Right. Right. I forgot you gave the stall owner the correct change."

My face twitched, "Urk…"

D*mn these kids!!! It's not my fault their money looks so similar!!

I turned my glare to Cyrus who shrunk back instinctively, "W-What!?"

I let out a sigh. Why do I even care?

I walked over to Cyrus and pulled out the rabbit clip from my pocket. I leaned forward and placed it in his hair carefully so I wouldn't pull on it accidentally. His eyes immediately shot down to look at his feet while his ivory skin turned pink.

I grinned at his flushing expression.

He looks just like a cute little bunny.

I nodded in admiration, "Just as I thought. It really suits you."

Cyrus trembled in embarrassment, "T-This-"

Caldwell leaned down and smiled at Cyrus deviously. He whispered, "Young Master… Do you remember how I said you should show your thanks to Little Miss Reika?"

He pinched his lips together and looked around anxiously.

Ooo! I'm excited!!! Is he going to give me something???

I hope it's food!

He stepped up to me and leaned forward.


My body froze.





My body trembled with anger.








I spun around and sprinted off with fiery determination.

Zephyr ran after me laughing madly, "BAHAHAHA! HE JUST KISSED YOU!!!"

Caldwell beamed with joy, "Oho~ She ran away."

I feel like it's necessary to point out that Reika is not into children and does NOT find this cute.

Nekorucreators' thoughts