
Mysterious Man (3)

The man shrugged. "What could a dead man want?"

"You are just going to give us a domain, just like that?" Xasha's suspicions increased.

The man smiled. "Of course... not. This place is special, as you can see. We found this world already intact and do not know who created it. We repurposed it... let's say to fit our needs, but the original owners built this place for a reason. That reason was to suppress something. I don't know what it is, and the fact that this place is still standing means that the thing being suppressed has yet to escape. You will accept the responsibility of keeping it that way along with the mountain," the man informed casually.

"Take the good with the bad kind of thing," Xasha commented.

"Exactly. We discussed it back then and decided the risk was worth it. The stronger we became, the more prepared we will be to handle whatever came next."

"What happens if we decide that the reward is not worth the risk?" Xasha asked. 
