
Touchless death

Livell chuckled at his threat, "with what strength?"

Mukan screamed, and massive quantities of Imperium gushed from his body. The Imperium turned into solid rocks and rained down on Livell, who tossed out seeds that instantly grew into a net of vines to catch the incoming rocks.

He and the other elves tossed seeds onto the ground that all turned into giant trees that let off a strange aroma.

"This is poisonous gas? Why do such a petty trick in a battle of this caliber?" Libia wondered aloud.

"It's for the same reason we use the lighting rain, to catch our opponent off guard and also to back them in a corner, so they panic. If they end up in a damned if I do, damned if I don't situation, they become desperate and lose their calm. Leaving them vulnerable," Emily informed. She had not taken her eyes off the battle for a second.

Xasha stood there, calmly looking at the fights, but he was also making a series of hand signals below his sleeve.

With the introduction of vlast to the battle, the surroundings crumbled under the shock waves. Xasha and his team retreated thousands of feet in the air above the ocean to avoid becoming collateral damage.

This was another learning session for the team from Sutherland. Unlike them, they did not use any spells, which had Xasha surprised. Based on how Lyn and Xan explained it, he thought vlast and spells were one and the same. A vlast was any attack using Imperium as its power source.

Spells, on the other hand, are a bit more complicated. They were vlast cast using a magic circle as a medium. The difference between them was night and day, as spells were much more powerful than simple vlasts.

Low and his men were water cultivators, and the ocean below their feet was the ultimate weapon. It was water, earth, and, plant life in an earthshaking battle that caused the fog covering the basin to flee. Letting in the sunlight that had not touched this place for several thousand years, at least inside.

The tide of battle changed after another of Mulan's men died. Men fell one by one after that. There were elves amongst the deceased. The battle lasted several dozen hours, and the sunlight encompassed more of the basin. The sunlight hit the surface of the water, spreading deeper inside.

The scene turned tragic as the morale of Low and Mulan's men dropped, and a massacre ensued. The elves turned to Low and Mulan, helping Livell by casting vlasts from afar. They were now in a precarious situation, the heartbreak of seeing their sons, daughters, nephews, and brothers dying one after the other right before their eyes were almost too much to bare.

Lovell tossed the dead body of a slim fellow from Low's camp into the ocean, then turned to Low himself. With a flick of his wrist, a wooden sword came in his hand, and with a smooth slice, he aimed for Low's neck.

The attack was easily deflected. Low, with full power, moved to take Lovell's life. He immediately put him on the defensive, taking heavy damage, but he was not in despair. Everything was going according to plan. Mulan was bloodied after a brief bout facing Livell by himself.

Livell had gone on the offensive, not giving him a second to breathe as he launched relentless attacks from strange angles. Mulan barely held on. It was only a matter of time before he joined his brethren on the ground or in the ocean below.

He gritted his teeth in frustration as he fought for his life. He screamed, bellowed, rained down insults and threats at Livell and the rest of the elves. No one paid him any attention as his shouts got weaker and weaker as his injuries multiplied.

Livell had a serious expression on his face. As Mulan's injuries piled up, so did Lovell's. He had to defeat Mulan right now before Lovell got any worse. He pulled out a seed from the sack tied to his waist and held it up before his eyes for a second, with a reluctant look in his eye.

The seed was a clear orb with rainbow-like gas floating inside. The other elves saw it and had a change in their expression. It seemed this seed was some kind of treasure. Livell tossed out the seed with a stream of Imperium behind it.

All eyes were on the seed as it sprouted. The seedling grew into a massive tree with white leaves. The branches on the trees spread out for hundreds of meters and were still going. Loose leaves that fell from the tree moved like a river as they floated up to Livell.

The leaves were all hard like metal, and their thin makeup had them like thousands of small blades under his control. The massive stream of blades headed straight for the Mulan. He created a stone wall to shield himself, but they cut through it in no time, then struck his body.

Death by a thousand cuts could be the only way to describe Mulan's fate. When the stream of white leaves passed by, there was no evidence of a person called Mulan having ever existed.

Livell chuckled lightly and turned to the battle between his son and Low. But the sight immediately disrupted his good mood. Lovell stood frozen before Low, who at the moment had a palm moving swiftly towards his chest.

Livell recognized that palm. It was his touchless death, a move that made him famous. It caused all the liquid in a person's body to explode, killing them on the spot with nothing left behind. Livell willed the stream of leaves to take out Low before he could end his son, but...

By the time the leaves pierced through Low's chest, Lovell was already a mist of blood fog floating away with the wind. Livell screamed in devastation. His body went limp, and he fell to the ground with hot tears streaming down his cheeks.

His men rushed to catch him and showered him with words of comfort, which were to no avail. A few minutes later, he stood to his feet and looked at Xasha's group in the sky, observing them. Their carefree attitude and their discussion of the battle with bright smiles, as if everything they had just been through was for naught, but their entertainment made his blood boil.

"My son died, so I can rule over this place. I do not know who you kids are or where you are from, but you should have run when you had the chance." The leaves that had been falling loosely to the ground after killing Low once again gathered into a white stream of death.

Xasha tensed up and pulled out his ruler. Those behind him also got ready for a fight. The atmosphere became heavy, and the killing intent was asphyxiating. Both the Elves and humans moved. A glorious battle was about to begin, but suddenly a heaven-piercing roar filled the basin and caused everyone to stop.
