
Arc 1 - Chapter 6: Nyx's Contract

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Chapter 6: Nyx's Contract

This is crazy!

Chikao did not expect that the longer he looked at Nyx, the more he 'sees' the 'numbers' forming around her and even inside her! He can literally see numbers forming and changing within Nyx's eyes!

"Hey, why are you having a nosebleed?" Nyx asks Chikao, because she knows men would sometimes if they see a sexy woman acting lewd or revealing a bit of skin. Even then, some men wouldn't due to some pride or whatever, but Nyx can say for sure, that this person before her isn't having a nosebleed due to her appearance and must be something else. After all, she doesn't see any lust in his eyes, but more out of curiosity and horror. The latter, she can understand, but the former was a bit new.

"Because of reason." Chikao glance above Nyx's head, to stop seeing too much and realized that there are certain fatal weaknesses of his abilities. However, Chikao knew this is just due to seeing someone like Nyx for the first time and should build up resistance from being too much affected by the numbers around Nyx.

"Oh?" Nyx looks at Chikao with amusement as she watches him wipe the blood with a napkin take out from his right pocket, making Nyx a little curious if this human like to carry around a napkin all the time just for something like taking care of his nosebleed.

It's a good thing he kept those free napkins from buying the cheeseburger to eat, for later used. Though, Chikao expected to use these napkins for just appearance sake before using his [Human Magic] to do with his hands as a cover. Well, at least he has them for his nosebleed.

"Yes. Reason." Chikao didn't go into detail, nor did he feel like making up excuses. Since he has no idea if this world's Nyx has the ability to sense lies or not. Plus, the only reason why he knows this is Nyx is due to a small memory, with a picture of her and the name Nyx as well as being a Primordial Goddess of the Night.

However, that doesn't change the fact, that most being from Greek mythology are always troublesome being. Actually, nearly all gods and goddesses are troublesome beings. Making it better for Chikao to avoid making any problems with Nyx, or else, she will find the worst way to deal with him. And to make it worse for Chikao. He knows that it's impossible to face Nyx with his present strength. No matter if he uses [Human Magic] or not. After all, he just started practicing [Human Magic] not that long while Nyx have since her birth of gaining experience, that would surpass Chikao's experience no problem at all while Issei has plot armor on his side, to beat Nyx.

Chikao understands he does not have plot armor like Issei's and is completely different. While Chikao, on the other hand, can be killed without a chance of gaining a third life.

"Mind... Telling me what the reason is?" Nyx asks, curious what kind of excuse this human before would come up with. It's so amusing to see many tried to gain her attention, her favors, and even her wrath.

"Give me 10 seconds?" Chikao decides to gamble it and hope for the best.

"Sure." Nyx smirk and place both her hands on her hips, eager to see what this human would do. Only to be surprised, to see him literally disappear out of thin air. No [Magic Circle] whatsoever, nor any trace of [Mana] or any type of energy that she familiar with is present in the area. The human just disappears!

Chikao wipes the cold sweats off his forehead before spitting out some blood. Chikao managed to use a risky formula for teleportation by literally manipulating the fabric of reality itself without the help of the [Magic Circle] he had created meant for only [17th Period Math Time Magic]. This is the result of some side-effects, but not too fatal that Chikao would be forced to go to the hospital meant for helping people in the supernatural world.

Touching his nose, not to be surprised to see he is bleeding again while only to feel nothing. Chikao's sense of touch is temporarily messed up and can't feel a thing. Not even the blood on the tip of his fingers. And now that he thinks about it. Chikao also temporarily lost his sense of pain too, which is somewhat bad, because then he won't know if he really injured or not.

Nonetheless, this will take no time to recover thanks to [17th Period Math Time] with the right formulas.

A few hours later*

Chikao decided not to teleport through the use of mathematical formulas until he finishes making a safe version first. Because it took too long to fix everything before Chikao deems it's safe enough to relax his guard a bit; however, thanks to the encounter with Nyx. He is now for sure, to stay indoors unless he really has to. Like for food, which Chikao will have to come up with another formula to help satisfy his needs for food. The water part is easily taken care of.

Now, that he is no longer in bad shape. Chikao rests on his couch, debating if Nyx would detect him using [Numeromancy] on her or not. Then, figure it wasn't worth the risk of her coming after him. Therefore, better to just rest and wait for a few days until he knows for sure Nyx not searching for him in town. Hopefully, she would leave soon, because Chikao doesn't think his heart could handle being near Nyx at all.

"Ugh, just when things were getting good for me." Chikao groans to himself.

"Why would you say that?" Nyx asks, leaning from behind the couch, which she is, once again, surprised to see how nice it feels. If things don't go bad with this mortal. Nyx hopes she can take this couch with her or at least find out where he got it. Because, wow, this way better than the one she usually used back home.

"How long you were there?" Chikao gave up running away, because there is a low chance of surviving the second jump with the teleportation. It was plain lucky he didn't lose anything more important like his brain or something.

"About the same time you begin to heal yourself. I must say, whatever you used to teleport away from me must have some very faulty. I'll advise not to use that again if I were you." Nyx look at Chikao with a playful grin. "And for your unspoken question on how I've found you. Well, I just have to look through the shadow in this town to find you." Nyx paused for a moment to look around the place. "I must say, you have some unique taste to want to stay here."

"If it's free and have no holes in the roof, nor on the walls, and it's not owned by anyone. I'm claiming it. After all, no one is using it. So I might as well use it." Chikao said to Nyx, while thinking about the best way to avoid gaining Nyx's wrath and end up being killed by her, including maybe destroying his very soul too.

"I can't fault you for that." Nyx climbs over the couch, not caring for the mortal for a bit, and sits on top of his stomach, causing him to grunt. "Now, I'm sure you must be wondering who I am." Nyx is a little delighted to see the defeated look on his face, but there is still a hint of cold calculation of how to get out of the situation he is in. "I'm Nyx, the Primordial Goddess of the Night. Yes, the very same one from Greek mythology."

Chikao looks at Nyx with a deadpan and trying to ignore how nice Nyx's butt feel. While taking the risk of using [Numeromancy] to find the best way to escape the death routes. Hopefully, Nyx won't detect him using it. If so, things will become a lot easier to deal with Nyx and Chikao seriously hope [Numeromancy] won't be too badly affected with Nyx in it.

"Why are you not surprised? Unless... You knew who I am beforehand?" Nyx leans a bit closer to Chikao and pokes the tip of his nose playfully, not caring if she is in someone's personal space.

"Yup." Chikao didn't want to go into detail, not that he could due to only a few important facts, but the rest are missing and still haven't come back to him. Even using [Numeromancy] won't be much help nor did try to use [Human Magic] to see if he could recover back his lost memory. Only to see that this current body of his doesn't carry those lost memories; therefore, impossible to recover. Though, Chikao wonders if he asks a powerful god or goddess in the domain of memory. Who knows, but he knows that's just a bad idea straight from the start.

"Weird, because I don't know you." Nyx narrow her eyes at Chikao.

"I'm Chikao Fukui, nice to meet you." Chikao introduces himself, then pauses for a moment. "My surname is Fukui and given name's Chikao."

"Hm. Weird name." Nyx tried to translate it into Greek, but just came up as a mess and then tried to go with other languages. English makes it still weird. Fukui means Fortunate or one who is from the Fukui prefecture while Chikao just means either clever or wise.

Chikao didn't comment on how rude Nyx is and just continue to stare at her silently while continuing running the numbers in [Numeromancy] while at the same time placing a [Magic Circle] on his back, with the [17th Period Math Time: Me + Refresh] to keep his mind from being overwhelmed as he stares at Nyx. So far, Chikao still can't find the best route to go with. The longer this takes, the more Chikao starting to take a bigger risk of using teleportation with a very risky formula to leave this world. Something he came up as a last resort for days now.

"Anyway, I wanted to see what kind of Magician you are, for being able to use [Human Magic] without the usage of [Mana]." Nyx still can't wrap her head on how in the world a human mortal would be able to use [Human Magic] without any [Mana], nor does he possess a [Sacred Gear] from what she can sense this close. Furthermore, she can literally see Chikao's eyes, that he thinking about something dangerous, not to herself, but himself. Making Nyx very curious about Chikao.

"I don't know how to access [Mana] and just use pure formulas." Chikao didn't have any reason to hide this since the secret is already out.

"Really now." Nyx looks surprised at this, then quickly comes up with a math problem for Chikao to solve, who easily solved with just a second. "Hmm." Nyx starting to think before she let out a dramatic gasp, for Chikao answered correctly. "Amazing! How do you solve it so fast?" Nyx looks directly into Chikao's eyes, to see anything interesting other than the cold calculation.

"I just can." Chikao replied, then begin to sweat as Nyx rapidly start coming up with numerous math questions with him answering them as quickly as possible, not knowing if Nyx knew if his answers were correct or not.

A few hours later*

"Okay, I can see that you're the real deal. Amazing, to see such a monstrous person could do such fast calculation without the use of any tools to help you out." Nyx not once moves from her spot, even went fast as ruffle Chikao's hair often as a reward for answering her math questions correctly.

"Does that mean you will leave me alone now?" Chikao has long stopped using [Numeromancy] after realizing he needs all the focus he needs when Nyx begins to speed up asking her math questions.

"Now, what gave you that idea?" Nyx snort with amusement. "In fact, I think I will just hang out with you a bit longer." Nyx leans over, to lay on top of Chikao, who hasn't moved for hours now. "Plus, wouldn't most men love to have a lovely lady like myself on top of them?"

"They would if they use their actual brain, not the lower one, to know that the said lovely lady can and could kill them with just a single snap of the finger." Chikao knows his limit and even with [Human Magic] won't be enough to deal with a goddess like Nyx. Let alone a primordial one, which is an even bigger threat. Making Chikao continue to envy Issei's plot armor.

"There is that too." Nyx could see that Chikao must be doing something, to make it so his mind doesn't react to her beautiful body. "But, I can say your body is honest." Nyx can see the boner and felt it while she getting in a good position while laying on top of Chikao.

"Just to show that I'm not gay and my lower half is working just fine." Chikao said calmly, resuming the use of [Numeromancy]. Once there are no more math problems from Nyx.

"I see." Nyx continues to think of another way to get more of a reaction out of Chikao without causing any harm to him. The last time she did find someone interesting like Chikao. Well, they no longer among the living, and Nyx has been very bored lately. So long as Chikao doesn't do anything to piss her off. All harmful methods are off-limits with Chikao. "Want to make a deal with me, Chikao?"

"As long it's not some kind of curse, an oath that leads to my death, or making me do anything under your commands aka having absolute control over me. Then, I'm willing to listen." Chikao replied to Nyx's question. While calculating the response Nyx might do in case he overspoke and came up with a very low chance of Nyx being offended by this.

"Form a contract with me, Magician. I can see your very essence hasn't been touched by any other race so far. Even your [Mana] is untouched by even the Devils that many Magicians would form a contract for the chance of improving their [Mana Reserve] and access to the knowledge they would give up many things to gain. Yet, there a Magician like you, who is using the [Human Magic] without even the needs of using [Mana]." Nyx leans closer until her nose is just an inch or two from touching Chikao's. As she looks directly into Chikao's eyes and at the same time giving him the chance to look directly into her own, letting him see that she has no reason to cause any harm to him.

"And why would I want to form a contract with you? Also, what do you get out of this whole contract thing too?" Chikao wasn't going to form any contracts with anyone. All routes he used base on Nyx with [Numeromancy] leads to his death or something worse.

"If you form a contract with me, I'll make it a lot easier to learn and using [Darkness Magic] as well as giving you access to my domains, making it so that whatever you used anything under my domains would become even more. Furthermore, the very night will empower you." Nyx gave enough benefits for this contract, that nearly anyone would eagerly accept it no matter what. "And in exchange. I would like you to do me a few favors. No worry, I'll even give you the option to reject them with no backlash other than you will continue to owe me some favors, which will become more valuable each time you reject it. Of course, none of my favors won't lead you to death. So how about it?"

"I'm good. Thanks for offering." Chikao saw a few couples of routes where he accepted this contract, and like Nyx said how they won't lead to his death, but it will make him wish it could. After all, there are many things that are much, much worst than death. And [Numeromancy] gave him enough proof of that. Even the [Danger Intuition] is screaming at Chikao to not accept the contract at all costs, even with the price of dying.

Nyx lost her grin, then slowly sat up and look down on this foolish mortal, to reject the contract. Reject her. "And your reason for rejecting me, mortal?"

"I rather rely on [Human Magic] alone, for it's what kept me alive so far. Furthermore, from what you told me. It's very important, that my [Mana] is untouched by anything. Therefore, there might be something goes wrong later on for me with my [Mana] touched by you, Nyx, leading to my [Human Magic] to become very unstable and placing me among the average Magicians." Chikao didn't know if what he said is the truth and mainly bullshitting his way out of forming a contract with the Primordial Goddess of the Night. Furthermore, his [Mana] might be untouched, but I can figure out a way to use it for something else other than using it for [Human Magic], which was not needed.

"Hm. You make some good points." Nyx no longer mad that Chikao didn't want to form a contract with her. In fact, if she was in Chikao's shoes and have such amazing talent in using the [Human Magic] up to now without anyone's help. Only to have accepted the help aka contract would briefly bring some good outcomes only to bring ruins later on when it is too late to fix it. Stopping one from reaching the top. "Alright. I won't fault you for not wanting to make a contract with me. However, that still won't change my mind wanting to hang out with you, Chikao."

After all, if Nyx so much as leave Chikao unattended, then she won't be surprised if he came up with some sort of spell with his [Human Magic] to avoid her detection after she told him how she found him in the first place. Sure, she would still find him no matter, but in time, Nyx got the feeling he will do many amazing things that will shock the world and among them is being able to avoid being detected by her.

So, Nyx shall stay in the mortal world for a bit longer and see what this special Magician could do by himself without the aid of others.
