
Where it all went wrong

Max and Marcy sat with their toes in the water slashing the cool refreshing waves that crashed on their calves like children in pure Bliss, watching Ian swim laps like some award winning athlete. "Has he always been like that?" Marcy asks as she tilts her head. Max laughs "what a show off? Yepp always". "Makes since I just don't understand we're supposed to be on vacation relaxing, and there he is acting like he training for a Olympic sport". Max shakes her head and rubs her belly "just makes me hungry" she laughed. Both girls lay back on the sand and inhale the salty air for a while.

Ian swims tword the shore having burn off some of his pint up energy. He takes in the view while he swims watching Marcys almost naked chest rise and fall as she breathes, the sweat glistening on her skin like little dew drops on a flower, Her thick thighs jiggling like the tide pushing and pulling as she shifts positions to sit up as he approaches the shore line. "Hey, all out of stamina?" she calls out as Ian approaches giving him a wicked smile. "Not that easily"he said winking back at Marcy. "Good then you wouldn't mind getting us some snacks from the house?" Marcy asked as she batted her eyelashes and Max fallowed suit. "Plllleeeeaaaaasseee!" They both begged in unison. "Fine, but only bc I planned to grab us some beers from the house anyways" he said as he rolled his eyes and turned twords the house. "Thank you, we love you" max called after him. Marcy looked at Max questioning what exactly she meant by that.

Is she right, do I love him? She questioned herself. Marcy was abruptly brought back from her thoughts when Max elbowed her and the rib cage to get her attention. Only then did Marcy hear the men approaching. There were three of them, the tallest in the middle was clearly the leader the other two were following him like lost puppies with a need for approval. I looked at Max and Marcy like they a were a three-course meal and these men are clearly starved. You could see it in their eyes a hunger and a violence, it was purely primal. Hey girls what you up to, need some company?" the tall one asked though it clearly wasn't a question. Because they immediately tried to sit and they didn't even get close. Max quickly jumped to her feet and as if that wasn't enough to surprise the three men that were now stumbling backwards. Max had also lost all color in her face, her eyes narrowed, her cheekbones raised and her mouth was now shaped into a snarl. Max looked like a completely different person enough so to almost scare Marcy as well. "We're fine thanks!" Grawled Max who was no standing toe to toe with the large man . Marcy would feel the stadic in the air and time seemed to slow as the large man snatched Max's wrist aggressively pulling her towards him. "Oh come on love we just want to have some fun" he said and his best seductive voice, But he sounded nothing but threatening. As Max tried to rip her wrist away from the tall man Marcy jumped up ready to defend her. With that it appeared that a time bomb had went off. The two creeps who had stood by idly until now jumped in to assist their friend. "Fu***** stop" Marcy yelled as they slung max aside. The tall one kicked max in the rib cage keeping her on her knees gasping for air and then one of the smaller men grabbed max by the wrists forcing her face down in the sand to restrain her. That's when the other two men went after Marcy. One of the men grabbed her arms by the back and twisted them so she couldn't move while the other one grabbed her face. "You have a smart a** mouth" he said while holding her face firmly in one hand and forcefully kissing Marcy on the mouth. Marcy tried to pull away but when she did she heard her shoulder pop and the man closed the gap once more but this time punching her square in the jaw. Marcy hit the sand hard, "Ian help Marcy" Max screamed.

Max thrashes under one of the men, trying to get up trying to do anything just to get to Marcy. The men are viciously cackling at this point Marcy had never heard anything so vile and her life, it was enough to make her want to vomit. Knowing that the three monsters hovering just overhead we're so sinister and vile, that when they couldn't have their way they would beat them into submission. Marcy rolls to look at Max, feeling a sharp pain in her shoulder. It was almost as if someone had set every nerve in her body on fire. "Ian" Marcy cried just in time to to see Ian come running with a fury in his eyes. Maybe it was just Marcy's eyes bc everything was starting to get blurry. Max crawled to Marcy and tried to pull her up and when she pulled on her Marcy started to become very lightheaded.

Ian ran to the men who were no retreating and shock, never had a expected to encounter Ian. Then again Ian never expected to shift in front of them and take on his wolf form. His wolf self muscular with sleek ink black fur and piercing green eyes, was enough to scary anyone. But that wasn't enough Ian snarled at the vile men, and pounced and bit one of them bringing them to fall into the sand. The same way they had max restrained only seconds before. Ians wolf self was now on the large man's chest inches away from the pulse in his neck ready to rip it out. All three men cried in fear, this must be karma or the devil they thought. "Marcy" max yelled gently patting her face. Ian heard this and leaped off the man landing next to max and Marcy, letting the men run for their lives. "She passed out Ian, we have to get her to the hospital now" max cried. Ian shifted back into his human form picking Marcy up, "go get the car max" without hesitation Max fallowed the order and went to retrieve the car. "Hang on Marcy, I've got you" Ian whispered as he ran to where max was now pulling the car around to. you're gonna be okay is all he kept thinking to himself as he closed the distance from the sand to the car. "come on" Max yelled.
