

A girl wakes up from a horrible nightmare. She puts her hand to her throat, feeling as if her larynx had been blocked.

"Woah…. That was too vivid." She takes her feet off the bed and checks the time. She them finally gets up and goes to take a shower, 30 minutes later she's walking down stairs from her room in her school uniform. She could hear her father driving off to work, as was the daily routine. Her mother was in the kitchen, making breakfast. She gave herself a final check up in the mirror which was fixed to the walls of the living room. She could see a girl with caramel light brown skin and brown eyes. She has curly red hair which stopped at her shoulders. Dressed up in a white shirt, grey school jacket and skirt as well as white air Jordans which hid her feet away, she proceeded towards the kitchen where her mother had already set her meal on the table, already set her meal on the table, as she sat down her mom greeted her.

"Morning Lora."

"Morning mom." She greeted back

"You still on your periods?" Her mother asked.

"Who starts a conversation like that mom?"

"Oh come on! There's nothing to be ashamed of, it's just us women."

"Well they ended a week ago."

"That's good to hear, studies are going well I assume?"

"Yeah, except I feel like I'm falling behind in literature." Said Lora

"Don't worry, as long as you study frequently you'll be okay."

"Thanks mom."

Her mother sent a smile over her shoulder as she kept busy. Lora's mother was a brown skinned lady who always brought out the good in those surrounding her. When her daughters and husband had left she'd usually spend her time cleaning and reading and she loved romantic comedies.When Lora turned her head to the fridge on her left she saw a picture of her mom and dad.Her father was a tall peach skinned man who clearly held an athletic figure. He was on the board of directors for a fashion brand named Levinki. He'd usually be on his way to work by the time Lora came down the stairs.

Lora set the spoon and bowl in the sink, she grabbed her bag.

"Okay mom, I'm going now."

"See you dear."

"Later!" She says as she shuts the front door behind her.

20 minutes later, Lora walks into her classroom, the place was fairly big and spacious. Students were chatting and frolicking as the rays of the morning sun lit the class and cast it's yellow light on the desks.

"Hey Lora!" A girl with jet black long silky hair waves her over.

"Hey Samantha!" Lora replies. She grabs a seat right besides her friend.

"Oh my gosh, you look hot today!" Sam complements.

"What? This is just the normal everyday me. but the comb you're wearing is so cute!"

"I know right!" Sam said as she took the flower themed accessory out of her hair. "My boyfriend got it for me, surprisingly he's got way better taste than these other guys."

They both laughed. Lora looks behind and sees a blond boy who clearly isn't in the same world as they are at the moment.

"Hello, Matthew." There was no response from the requested human. "Yo! Mathew! Goodmor-ning!!"

"Agh! I can hear you damn it!! You disturbed my peace, what do you want?!" He shot back

"Look who's talking cyclops. " Said Samantha.

Lora's friends both wore glasses, they were quite the intellects, usually the top of their class. Mathew was a bit muscular, he liked to keep fit,but he didn't like sports. He'd usually spend his time fantasising about video games, anime or girls if he had completely nothing to do.

Samantha was less of an introvert, she was quirky and active, and she'd always have a new boyfriend every week. The only one who lasted more than a month was Matthew, and that was them acting because Samantha wanted an excuse to turn down proposals, which brought a bit of trouble for Matthew, but it was nothing he couldn't deal with.

"Hey guys…" Lora's friends silenced their quarrelling, "I had this awful dream, it's been bothering me all morning-."

"Oh geez, don't tell me you're planning on joining the occult club." Said Mathew.

"Hey it's nothing like that." Said Lora "it just felt so vivid. I dreamt my aunt Cassy got raped and choked to death in an alley, and ever since I woke up I've been feeling uneasy, it's like I should be doing something."

"I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, it's just a dream-" the teacher's entrance interrupted them.

"Hello students!" He said.

The students rose to greet him and the learning began.

Later the sun had departed from the sky and Lora was already home as signs of heavy raining could be seen. She was on discord scrolling through her chats, then she noticed a pending friend request, with nothing better to do she decided to accept it and say hello. The person on the other side, who dubbed himself Dino fiver69, replied with a hello.

They started to talk gradually, and play some games and they flirted just for fun. They talked till late in the night as it rained heavily all night long and they both decided to say goodnight and log off. As Lora drifted into unconsciousness, she felt weird and hoped she wouldn't have another awful nightmare. The moon's light partially penetrated the clouds and her curtains, a cool wind flowed into the room and put her to sleep.

When she awoke at her usual time in the morning, which was 6:00 am, she noticed something out of place when she grabbed her journal. (Wait…. Is it me or did I Dream of nothing but pitch black emptiness!?). She stares at her journal and thinks hard only to remember nothing but dark emptiness. Finally she thinks aloud.

"Weird, I'm a really active dreamer, I never forget my dreams in the morning."

She stands up and prepares for school. When she comes down stairs, she is surprised by the rare sight of her father and mother seated on the couch watching the news, the look of utter shock could be seen all over the faces of her parents. Her father seemed like he was about to break down in tears and her mother covered her mouth with her right hand. When she turned to the focus of their eyes, she gasped and dismounted the stairs. The T.V displayed the pictures of a brunette woman laying abstractly against a wall in an alleyway. Police officers were seen investigating the scene of the crime and the ambulance just put the body in position to cover it with a sheet.

*NEWS REPORTER: This morning a body was found in an alley near starview mall. The police have confirmed the identity of the victim to be cassy Sullivan of the ocean rocks residence. The 42 year old woman seems to have been strangled to death around 6:30pm during the heavy rain that occurred last night.*

As the voice on the T.V kept speaking Lora's father finally noticed his daughter's presence. He got up and hugged Lora, she could notice a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Lora, it's a dangerous world out there…. Please be safe and get home as early as you can." Said her father.

"Sure dad, don't worry about it." She said goodbye to her parents, left without eating breakfast and went off to school.

When she arrives she sees her friends seated . This time Mathew and Samantha are actually chatting. Lora greets them and takes her seat.

"Anyway back to our discussion, I don't think the belief in creation can be justified. I mean just think of it, something can't suddenly be made from nothing Y'know." Said Mathew

"Exactly!, like how you explain the big bang, genius?" Said Samantha

"It's obvious, our universe originated from compressed matter which emitted unimaginable temperatures."

"And where did that come from huh?, you're telling me it just poofed out of nowhere?"

"O-ok, you've got a point there, but u can't explain that there's a supreme ruler who's thought to be all knowing, if that's the case what's all this living for there's no point to living if he already knows where we're all going so heaven and Hell are just a waste of time. But this isn't over! Anyway, did you see the news this morning?A woman was strangled to death and her clothes were ripped off." Said Mathew.

"Yeah I did, who would do such a thing? I I can't believe the kind of lowlife that call themselves human in this town."

Lora, who had been quiet the whole time, suddenly found herself on the verge of tears. Samantha, who was the first to notice, asked her…

"Hey, Lora, is something wrong?"

"N-no, no I'm fine." She said while trying to wipe the tears from her eyes. "Actually, about the news… Do you remember when I told you about that dream yesterday?"

"Oh yeah about your aunt.... wait you don't mean-."

"Yeah, that's my aunt on T.V, she….she is exactly the way I saw her in my dream."

"You're joking right!?" Asked Mathew.

The silence Lora responded with told Mathew enough to know that she wasn't joking. Sam gave her a hug.

"I am so sorry Lora." Said Sam.

"No it's okay, can we just not talk about this now? We'll draw attention."

"Okay, why don't we just do our maths?" Said Mathew

"Sure thing." Answered Lora.
