
The golden reaper

A huge lineal hole in the road in front of the auction house was left behind, severed body members and the weeping sounds of people suffering combined with the blood-stained earth and the unmistakable smell of iron in the air, that was the actual scene in front of Wieland Kraft something that would normally be seen after a bloody battle between two strong bands… a slaughter".

While the old mas was still trying to process what just happened, he couldn't avoid to think that he should have stopped the Rein family from doing anything.

Let's rewind the situation to fifteen minutes before this moment.

Aster and the girls left the auction house and just as he expected outside there was a "welcome party" of people from the Rein family waiting for them, he saw Kail clearly standing on the side of the road to mark a distance with the rest of them while Kray and the elder Kurt were the ones leading the others.
