
The Argument.

She moistened her chapped lips. 'I'm sure your father informed you that I didn't cash that check.'

His laugh was harshly mocking. 'I know you couldn't cash the check,' he added sarcastically. 'My father put a stop to it the moment you walked out the door clutching it in your greedy little hand!'

She should have known Darius Mcklerin would do something like that, that he wouldn't take the risk of her cashing his check! But she hadn't even tried; by accepting it, they all knew she'd permanently cut herself off from Raphael's love; and that was exactly what she'd wanted. It was also what Darius Mcklerin desired, and as usual, he got his way.

'Why didn't you just marry a man who could help you advance in your career?' Raphael's taunting continued.

'Perhaps someone in the record business,' he mocked.

'If that was what I wanted, I could have married you!' she exclaimed, her eyes darkly flashing. 'You could have bought me a recording studio!'

He regarded her with deliberate contempt. 'I probably would have done it as well,' he admitted with self-disgust. 'I was completely smitten with you five years ago.'

Sophia swallowed forcefully. 'And I thought it was love,' she says.

'Perhaps, for a while,' he rasped. 'However, knowing that the woman you're in love with, and who supposedly loves you, has accepted money to leave your life has a way of souring the emotion!'

She could tell he was a bitter man as a result of it. But she didn't think she was entirely to blame.

'I remember you telling me on our first night together that a temporary relationship was all you were interested in,' she recalled softly.

'I changed my mind,' he said, biting his lower lip.

'But I didn't,' she simply stated. 'I didn't want a rich or poor husband.'

'I quickly discovered that!'

'I don't know why you're so bitter and twisted about it, Raphael,' she said flatly, her face devoid of emotion. 'You must have reconciled with Lora pretty quickly after that.'

'I must have been, didn't I?' His lips twisted. 'Which returns us to Hugh. From your conversation with him, he seemed convinced that it was only a matter of time before we resumed our affair.'

'I hope you told him what a ridiculous idea that was,' she said dryly.

He gave her an arrogant look. 'I'm not used to talking about my personal life with a ten-year-old!'

Sophia's lips twisted. 'Even when that ten-year-old acts like he's thirty?'

He nodded and cocked his head in acknowledgement. 'Hugh is a very mature young man,' he agreed. 'However, I believe you could have avoided discussing our past—association with him.'

'I told you, he was the one who brought up the subject,' she insisted angrily.

'And I told you I didn't believe you,' Raphael grumbled.

'Perhaps I should just ask Hugh to tell you the truth,' she exclaimed.

'My son is in bed, hopefully asleep, at ten o'clock at night,' he said dismissively. 'And he and Sarah will be back at my mother's house tomorrow.'

Her pupils dilated. 'Do they not live with you?'

His mouth tightened in response to the unspoken criticism. 'Do you think dragging my children from one hotel to the next will provide them with a stable life?'

She frowned and shrugged. 'I just assumed they were with you this time...'

'You assumed incorrectly,' he bit out. 'We're all on our way back from a vacation with Lora's mother in Australia, Hugh will be returning to his boarding school in a week or so, and Sarah will be looked after by my mother and her nanny.'

'Don't you think you miss them?' The question came out before she could stop herself, and she bit her lower lip as he stared at her coldly.

'Your concern for my children is heartwarming, Sophia, especially since you've been so self-centered in your career that you haven't had time to have any of your own.' His lips twisted in contempt. 'But I can see you wouldn't want to mar that beautiful body, even if it was just for a moment.' He took a step forward to her. 'I believe this is the end of the conversation.'

'I believe so as well,' she said numbly. 'Don't tell anyone about our previous affair, Sophia,' he warned softly.

'I haven't talked to anyone about it,' she exclaimed. 'Although I'm sure most of the staff and quite a few of the guests are well aware of it by now.'

His pupils constricted into green slits. 'How?'

She exhaled a sigh. 'Before Hugh decided not to eat his lunch, he stood up and told me loudly that I was no good and that he should never go near his father again.' She gave a wistful smile. 'He threatened to kill me if I did.'

'Damn,' Raphael exclaimed angrily. 'Damned, damned, damned!'

'I see where he gets his temper from now,' she mocked softly.

Blue eyes pierced her. 'I don't want to discuss my son's and my own temperaments with you,' he said coldly, glancing at the plain gold watch on his wrist. 'I believe you have another show to do,' he said abruptly as he walked away.

It had been far worse than she had anticipated. She still loved Raphael, but there could never have been and would never be a future for them. She'd known that the night they met, and she'd been grateful for Raphael's candor about any relationship they might have. It hadn't occurred to her that their falling in love would alter their plans. When Raphael asked her to marry him, she had no idea what to say or do. Darius Mcklerin made certain that she had no choice in the end.

'We're back on,' Blake announced from the doorway. 'I like the dress,' he leered teasingly

It was a low-cut, low-backed black dress that clung everywhere—and for all Raphael knew, she could have been wearing a sack! Had she secretly hoped that he would still find her attractive, and that he might even suggest that they resume their affair? She knew she had hurt Raphael far too much for him to ever forgive her.

She followed Blake out of the room, a rueful look at the chicken sandwich that had curled up at the edges while she spoke to Raphael; she didn't have the appetite for it now, even if she had the time to eat it.

The table at the back of the room was now occupied by two young couples, and a quick glance around the rest of the lounge revealed that Raphael was not seated anywhere else. He'd seen her, expressed his feelings, and had no reason to bother with her any longer.

The second show was better than the first. She was able to relax a little more now that Raphael's ominous presence was no longer in the room, and she knew the audience enjoyed her performance.

But by twelve o'clock, when she had finally cleaned up in her dressing-room, she was exhausted, and all she wanted to do was fall into bed and sleep. But she knew she wasn't going to, replaying in her mind her last meeting with the victorious Darius Mcklerin.
