
BunBun's Encounter

Bunbun thought to herself as she looked toward the various signs pointing in different directions. 'Hmm... I want to go there but it would be quite troublesome to get too involved with such a place.'

She decided that it would be best for her to go there but to do so in a way that would provide her with fewer problems.

Bunbun took a stroll around before finding a good place to begin and her body started to transform.

Scales began to form over parts of her body as she started to take on the closest form that she could to a hybrid form.

Alyssia had told her about the awakening states of Devil Fruits but Bunbun had not yet touched such a stage.

She had a body that could be able to be enough to safely use an awakened Zoan Devil Fruit and she probably had the willpower for it too.

The only thing lacking would be her experience using her Devil Fruit and understanding it to a greater level.

Bunbun did not have her Devil Fruit for all that long and in most cases of awakening, a lot of those who successfully achieved such a state were those who had their Devil Fruit for a very long time.

Some even had their Devil Fruit since they were a child and had them for more than ten years undergoing many trials before they were able to reach such a state.

Some things were already enough for her to achieve an awakening but there was something still missing.

The only method she could use to achieve the best form possible was to keep testing out the uses of her Devil Fruit and explore the available abilities that came with it.

When she transformed, her body started to become a little more transparent at a time before disappearing completely.

The scales allowed her to go invisible and she was much better at making use of it than before.

Her every movement was silent like a trained assassin as she disappeared from where she was and headed toward another part of Ho-Ho Station.

She stepped inside of where she had intended to go and she found all kinds of races gathered together.

There was a mixed atmosphere that could be felt the moment that she entered.

Some parts seemed to be quite active and had a very open atmosphere while some others seemed to be filled with intimidation.

Many among them looked like they were there to socialise with others while others seemed to be there for business matters.

Most of them were dressed in tactical clothing that was in a futuristic space outfit style which gave off the feeling like they were mercenaries or other types of workers.

Bunbun had been used to life in the White Storm and she was very familiar with the atmosphere she was experiencing and the sights she was seeing.

It was quite similar to what she was used to yet some points were a little different.

From her experiences in the White Storm and moving around as a mercenary taking on all kinds of tasks whether it was a part of the mercenary or adventurer parts of it, she was very familiar with the setting she was entering.

She knew what she would expect to see and what kind of things that she would have to experience so she did not enter using normal methods.

It was better for her to go in and to have a look around using her invisibility so that she could get a feel for the place and do what was needed while avoiding any trouble.

There were a lot of mercenaries and adventurers that looked down on the new faces that appeared so she wanted to avoid such situations.

She had already been told by others to avoid causing trouble so she entered and looked around until she found herself in front of the area where jobs were being posted.

Some were ordinary manual labour work while others were to find something that had been lost.

Each task had the number of Credits rewarded for the tasks and the smaller the amount rewarded, the easier the task would be.

While some of them were only regular jobs or basic requests, there were more further down the list of them that paid higher and were more difficult.

She looked through them reading the basic details. 'Go to.... and bring back... next! Escort mission in two days... next! Deliver goods to..."

There were a wide variety of different tasks available ranging from protective escort missions of items or people while others were related to exploration or gathering of things.

Some had fewer requirements like how some workers would be required to join everyone else on a transportation ship to protect while others would request that those being hired needed a spaceship of their own.

Some people were able to make a living by moving from one place to place taking on jobs as they boarded other spaceships during jobs and where they ended up after finishing, they would work things out from there.

Other larger groups of people would have their means of transportation so they would be able to use those to support their work but they would be expected to prepare all kinds of things themselves.

What Bunbun was looking for was to see what tasks were available and if they were any different from what the White Storm usually posted.

After seeing that there was quite a large variety and some interesting paying jobs, she was satisfied enough to leave.

She turned around to go back to tell the others about what she had discovered but the moment that she stepped outside, her body froze up.

Warning signs were going off as her Observation Haki picked up on something the moment that she stepped out of the door.

A large hand swung down toward her which was about to grab ahold of her but she was able to narrowly dodge it. 'Phew... What was that?'

She had yet to figure out the situation she was in before another change took place.

Something was slid across the ground close to her.

The thing on the ground did not give off any warning signs from her Observation Haki so she was feeling no threat from it but there was something different about it from other things she had seen before.

It had some slight similarities to some of the things that Ashwin or Nica usually created so she began to move back a little.

It was too late for her to move before it triggered and released a wave of some form of energy all around her.

A cold voice filled with hatred could be heard over her. "You Camo Pirates came to Ho-Ho Station! I will kill you all!"

The wave spread out but ended quickly then the same voice was heard again. "Huh? Why did it not work?"

Bunbun took a step back to get a better look at her attacker and her eyes widened. "Huh? One moment, please! I think there has been a misunderstanding. I do not even know what these Camo Pirates are!"
