

There were some viruses that were spreading around some areas that were very unique and seemed as if they were just made up viruses.

Alyssia was busy tracking down any kinds of rumours related to sudden outbreaks or strange events then found herself getting involved with many different situations.

One virus was the feminisation disease that turned everyone into a female then there were many others that seemed like they were made up by someone.

They were infectious and would spread to a large group of people while they would weaken or hinder the lives of people but some were fatal if left alone for too long.

Alyssia worked on countering each disease that she came across as she released the cures over the islands but there were still times when she had to journey onto the islands to gather samples before she could research them to find a cure.

More people saw Alyssia and her actions were spread out beyond those islands and gained the attention of many.

There were some grateful groups that had become very grateful and had set out to sea to travel to find the White Storm so they could pay her back in whatever way they could.

They may have been cured but there were still many that still needed to seek aid once they were able to move about again.

Their enemies who put them in that state would soon find out that they were living and may even return to finish the job.

It depended on if those people feared their enemies getting revenge on them and if they went back to tie up some loose ends but there would always be those that were too sure of themselves that they would be able to deal with the problem once it arrived.

Some were ordinary people that were harmed by them while others were more skilled soldiers.

Some would be seen as a threat while others would not but it did not mean they could not cause problems for them.

On another island, there was a building that had a large line that was made up of many people outside the door.

The people were all female and they waited impatiently, once they reached the front door of the building, they entered a large room and the door was sealed.

There was a cloud of smoke that was released that filled the room then they had began to transform back into their male gender once again.

Once they had gained the needed antibodies and had been cured, they left through the back door that opened and then a new batch entered the room.

In order to not hit the females with the cure too which would affect their hormones, Alyssia could not release the cure upon the whole island and had to set up a space where they could be contained and cured then they would be separated from everyone.

The females were separated too so they could have any traces of the virus removed and without the main cure being used on them.

Even if they were not affected by it, they were still carriers of the disease and would pass it on to those they came into contact with.

One building had been allocated to the males while another was for the females then an island wide quarantine had been put into effect as the lingering disease had been eliminated completely.

It continued that way and time continued to pass, Alyssia arrived on another island and was busy treating sick people when she noticed her surroundings.

Alyssia was not the only one treating them and they had a head shaped like a pineapple.

Alyssia had been too busy focussing on her research and to find a cure to all kinds of things that she failed to take note of other news but once she saw the person far away that was treating others, she came to know about the location that she was. 'Oh no.. what a blunder! I did not pay too much attention to the affiliations or news about each of the islands as I was going around solving those problems but maybe I should have.'

The person that was treating others was Marco the Phoenix who was leading the leftover Whitebeard Pirates which meant that the others would not be too far away.

It was like fate was guiding her to meet with him and to arrive in the exact location where she was.

Just as she noticed him, he looked over with a sceptical look on his face as if he was wondering why she was looking his way.

His eyes widened a little as he showed that he was surprised and thought to himself. 'Is that the person that pops said he would take in as his daughter?'

Marco did not have long to think about those things when there was a sudden explosion near the port of the island and a lot of screams followed.

He grit his teeth and transformed into his Phoenix form then flew towards the port where many others had gotten caught up in the sudden chaos that broke out.

Alyssia jumped up onto the tallest building and overlooked the island but her gaze was focussed on where the action was taking place. 'This may not be so bad after all. I get to witness a small piece of history that many others would have missed out on.'

There was an additional thought that came to her mind all of a sudden. 'Some of the diseases I have encountered seem too unreal to be even be able to exist but this world seems to make the impossible possible one way or another. Are some of them possibly the result of a power? Something like a disease Devil Fruit? If so then this was likely a targeted attack and was part of a well thought out plan.'

If it was arranged then making Marco focus on healing many people and wasting his energy was one way to weaken him and make him let down his guard before a coordinated attack would arrive in another location.
