

"My poor baby. What's going on with you?" Kang-Joon couldn't help but ask his fiance, who's head he held in his lap. By the time they reached the car, she started to sweat, her groans halted but her pain persisted. They ended up at the nearest hospital, when had happened to be Han-Woo hospital, one a family friend whose family had owned and worked at.

"We'll be there soon, okay? Try to hold on," He murmurs, brushing her

Doctor Choi, or Ha-ni as he called her informally was a respected doctor, and his childhood friend. She was quick-witted, outgoing, and charming. Someone he saw as a cheeky younger sister, she was more than elated to find out he had finally found someone to "Deal with him". She didn't have a special person of her own, but to put it in her own words, "I'm suited for the single life" Knowing how capable she was, if it was Ha-Ni, she'd be able to treat Clarissa well anyways.

When they arrived and found themselves in the hospital, they were quickly spotted by Ha-Ni who looked at him in surprise.

"Oh! Kang-ah! Oh my goodness! I haven't seen you in a year, why haven't you called ya bastard? How's Risa and your family doing?" Ha-Ni asks, then almost doubles over in shock as she glanced at the woman obviously in pain. It was Clarissa, and she didn't look too good. Calling over stretcher, and managing to peel Kang-Joon away from her, Ha-Ni inquired to her about her condition.

"I don't know, she just suddenly felt sick." Ha-Ni looks at him before quietly thinking to herself.

"Has she been showing food allergies? Any changes in diet?"

"Well, yesterday, she didn't want to eat Kimchi yesterday when I asked my manager to drop it off-- Kim said she even looked kind of disgusted look when she opened and smelled it despite being excited for it."

"What? She loves Kimchi!" Ha-Ni exclaims before going quiet and to her thoughts again--this made Kang-Joon nervous. Her seemingly creepy smile didn't help is nerves either. Noticing his discomfort, her patted his shoulder reassuringly.

"Risa-Ah will fine. She's in the hands of the one and only Choi Ha-Ni, right?

"Risa-Ah You're in your first pregnancy, congratulations." Clarissa, who laid up in a hospital bed with an IV, looked at Ha-Ni like she grew two heads.

"I'm...pregnant?" She repeated, Ha-Ni nods, swatting Kang-Joon on the back.

"Of course! Your blood work checks out! Ya, Kang-Joon you animal! I'll be an aunt sometime next year huh?"

"I don't know if this happened, we usually use protection--" Clarissa stops, sending knowing look.

"You remember that night in your office, right?" With wide eyes, he sighs.


"--going to be parents. Wow." Clarissa finishes, while Kang-Joon chuckles.

"Ah, thinking about you being the mother of my child makes me so happy," Kang-Joon concludes, taking other hand, which wasn't connected to an IV and kissed it. He takes one of her fingers, teasing it with his teeth playfully.

"Park Kang-Joon, behave yourself!" Clarissa cries through fit of giggles, fake-pushing him up as he plants kisses all over her. When he meets her lips, he gives her a quick peck before his phone rings. He continues, ignoring it.

"Answer it. I'll be waiting." Kang-Joon nods, preparing his mask and cap before slipping outside to answer the phone call.

She was pregnant. It felt surreal.

It's not as if she never imagined having children, she just thought she'd wait till she was at least thirty and more together with her life.

Times like this she really missed her mom being in her life.

She missed talking to her own the phone, she missed her cooking, she missed the little arguments they used to get over their favorite books.

She wished she could be there with her, beside her.

Clarissa blinking back tears preparing to shed, and hung her head between her knees. Despite her best efforts, hot tears streamed down her cheeks, and she fought not any more escape her eyes--the door flies open. She's confronted by two high-school students, two lively looking girls. As some realization dawned on them, their eyes widened with

"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry Ma'am! Hey! You can't just open random hospital doors and expect Park Kang-Joon to be there!"

Clarissa froze. There was fans looking for Park Kang-Joon at the hospital.

"Excuse me," She begins, thankfully regaining her composure.

"Can you please close my door?" The girls gasped, nodding quickly before slowly closing the door.

She sighs.

She quickly texts Ha-Ni, telling her about the group of fans are there to see Kang-Joon.

'I know! I gave Kang-Joon some doctor scrubs, it should help him get back to your room without being spotted.'

Felt out a sound of relief, she sees the door open, she sees Kang-Joon and Ha-Ni enter the room.

"Gosh! I didn't think we'd get away from that crowd. Why does this stupid peice of meat have to be so popular?" Ha-Ni excalims,n slapping Kang-Joon a bit hard on the back causing him to retort back.

"Ya, who the hell are you, Choo Sung-Hoon? Why are you so rough

Risa-Ah, I'm going to turn off your IV and detach you from the monitor. You two will probably have to wait out the crowd for a few hours, so stay put." She winks before locking the door.

Cheeky bastard.

Kang-Joon turns to her the moment the door closes.

"I want to continue where we left off Jagi-Ya..." His pours his hot gaze over her, her heart started racing. Kang-Joon advances, climbing on top of the hospital bed, he surely continued what they had been doing--however, his kisses began to go lower and lower. He stops at her stomach.

"Little one, I can't wait to see you." Kang-Joon speaks to her belly with a huge grin.

"Your mother and your father cannot wait to see you. Please come say hello to us as soon as possible, ok?"