
Grow and become adults

"Hopefully I—" Kogen began by saying but was cut off by the fourth brother who barked, "there is no hope, we will see you. Go and hurry back before she wakes." Kogen nodded to the eldest brother and quickly left. 

When their parents had died, their lives had been hard. They had hungered, suffered, and knew how it felt to feel hunger and thirst. To sight beasts for scraps of food and taste food on the verge of rotting or feel the fear of a beast many grades higher than them. They and to some extent, he felt it all but they thirsted for life, felt that if they died there will be no way for them to have a chance at reincarnation and so they wanted to live so bad. He knew this and understood this, so even though he felt fear, even though he might die or never be able to see his female again he rushed towards the danger for the coveted power that can allow him to look her directly in her face and say he has enough strength to accompany her on her journey. 
