

Of course, I didn’t understand the details of everything that was in there. It seemed to have been sent to Ren from one of his senior war advisors. I put that report down and picked up another one. This one was written in a handwriting that was different and slightly neater than the one before. After scanning my eyes quickly through the writing, I figured out that this report contained various speculations for the real cause of this war. Wait! The cause of this war?

Come to think of it, Ren mentioned that the people of my town were rebelling because of the tax increase after they joined the empire. However, the report in my hand seems to suggest that that isn’t the only reason. Increase in tax wasn’t even the main reason even if it was included here in this report as one of the contributing reasons. That’s what I thought earlier. The Elders agreed to pay the tax when they signed the peace treaty so I didn’t think that they would have a problem with it later on.
