
Reason to Stay

I spent the whole day staring out the window waiting for the sky to change color. From blue to orange and then to the dark of night. It was at the sound of the door opening and closing that made me turn to face the door.

“Ren…” I whispered his name sweetly when I turned around to face him.

Today, we will definitely talk things out between us. I will bend and apologize as many times as it takes for him to forgive me. I will talk to him sweetly and say all the things that he wanted to hear and then we can return to how things once were between us. Feeling extremely determined to right the wrongs, I plastered the best smile that I had to offer onto my face.

The grim look that Ren had on his face as he strode directly towards me made the smile die a quick death on my lips. What did I do wrong, again?
