
Argument & Request

I watched as Ren ate his dinner peacefully. His face seemed tired and there were visible dark circles under his eyes. Whatever happened over the span of the past week took a toll on Ren’s body. I could tell that he was tired and probably hasn’t been eating or sleeping well.

I wondered if he would tell me about his journey and the war if I asked. Many thoughts went through my head as I watched him slowly eat his food. I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t curious about what he had been up to. There was a war somewhere along the empire’s boarders and that was basically all that I knew.

As I was making my mind if I should ask him for more details, Ren suddenly spoke up.

“If you have something to say, you can just say it,” Ren said without looking up from his food.

“I…was wondering if you would tell me more about…what you were up to…” I said hesitantly.

“You mean about the war?” Ren asked, getting right to the point. So much for my effort to avoid that word.
