
Our Plans

So apparently, Ren spending the night with me was a very big deal and this news traveled fast like wildfire all over the imperial palace. I bet no one suspected that Ren spent the night with me without engaging in any activities that could lead to the production of a baby. I wonder how they would all react if they knew that Ren and I just slept peacefully side by side until morning came.

I still found it hard to believe that last night was Ren’s first time spending the night in his inner court. I figured that for some reason, Ren wasn’t entirely fond of his place and had little to no interactions with it, but it was still surprising, nonetheless.

If I recalled correctly, Shin did mention that Ren wasn’t interested in women in his inner court because his attention was always on the wars and battles. He fully engaged himself on that front and sometimes he wouldn’t be in the palace at all.
