
A new life and lot of gore

{Fighting noises}

"argh, my head hurts" said the old man


"system how do i summon my units" whispered the old man

[don't panic host, think of a ACU that as big as you body to start then you can summon the units] replied the system

"ok so think of the UEF ACU the size of my body" whispered the old man as he close his eyes as he thinks of the ACU a low hum noise comes from his body

[ACU now online, all weapons online, building system online. prepare for battle 2 unknown man at the door] "ok so fire at the door" replied the old man [firing weapon]

pew ... BANG

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT" shout a soon to be dead man

"BOSS, JEFF AND BOB ARE DEAD" Shout a bandit

"summon the units" shout the old man with joy [teleporting units in 3]


a loud ding sound is heard as a bandit hit the old man with a sword "WHAT T" [1]

Bam x10 "whatt the there a mage her" shrieked a bandit "RUN FOR IT" shout a bandit that running away but as he runs a the sound of someone running really fast is heard as he stop running as one as the synthetic bodyguards stand in front of him with his hand with through his chest holding his heart

All the bandit stop and look in fear at what there seeing but as that happen the rest the synthetic bodyguards get up nice and close to them and slab them in there back through the heart all but one is still standing which is the leader

The Bandit leader look at the synthetic bodyguards in fear and fall over as the old man walk over and kneels down and whisper to him "ok mate you get ten minutes to tell me how sent you" "Pleassse donnnt killll mee i i wwill ttell youu itt wass thhe thirrd priincessss yoourr sissterr"

'system is there a way to see if he telling truth' ask the old man [you are part petshop so eat his brain and make a new brain if you dont wish to eat him cut at the brain and place it in a tube and connect it to the ACU it will cost some mass and energy] replied the system

[downloading a new blueprint ... new blueprint upload]

[Drain Scanner - can scan the target brain for infomation about thing you wish to know. it will only give you a bit of info you need. most dont use it as it cut the head off and keep the head all in a liquid that keep them alive but there will be in a lot of pain]

'ok let cut the brain out so make the tube' [beginning construction it will left arm warning this is one time use will be done in 5 seconds and you cant cheat and scan it]

"willl youu leet meee goo nnow" cried the bandit "in a bit" said the old man as he said that a glow start on is arm and a tube the size of a head was there as the bottom of it open [please put this on the bandit head] "ok mate, I am going to put your head in this so sit still"

"NO PLEASE DON'T DO IT PLEA" plead the bandit but was cut short as it was place on his head [Head is now in the tube closing tube] "what" after the was said the tube close and ripped the bandit head of but inside the tube the head was screaming in pain as it was filling up with a green liquid

[scanning brain 0%, 14%, 48%, 79%, 92%, 25%, 100%. brain is now scan now loading info.]

Bandit pov

In a group of man are around a camp fire as their all sit look and the fire and man walk of the dark cover in armor with the royal symbol on it as he walk over all the bandit line up

"this is your new job this time it to kill the bodyguards and destroy all item of the princess and one of you will bet her up and ruin her clothing she wear to make it look like something happen but not to touch her as her blood may have a use in the future" said the knight

after that was said the bandit leader stand up and ask if this was the last job as a bandit after that the man said it was

"but if you fail we have a backup plan which is to" but it was cut as the screen ends as in the tube the head was breaking down

"That the end of that might as well get going" said the princess as she climb in the carriage

writer block hit me but here a new chapter

1onlyradcreators' thoughts