
The contract

He felt sad seeing her in that state, he removed the drip on his body and carried her onto the bed. He looked at her lovingly and kissed her forehead.

Ning Quio woke up in the middle of the night to find out that she was on the bed and Lu Laoyang was sitting in the chair beside the bed with an IV connected to him. 


"Ah Quio don't worry"

"Are you out of your mind? Why did you have to listen to me? You could have cooked"

"I didn't want you to leave me"

"You made me so scared" she hit on his chest before realising he was sick" Sorry"

The man smiled and hugged her refusing to let go" No matter what happens, I will always listen to you okay?" His hot breath blew by her ear-tickling her. 

She cried onto his shoulders. That was when she realised she had forgotten about Lu Chi.

"Oh no, I forgot to pick up baby Chi" she rushed back out of the bed but Lu Laoyang held her back.
