
Sudden Emotions

After lunchtime, Athasia, Callie, Linlin and Ivan headed back to the field. They planned to watch and enjoyed the rest of the sports day. Then Callie saw an ice cream vendor near the front gate.

"You know what would be a nice way to spend this morning? To get an ice cream!" Callie suggested excitedly. 

"Ice cream?! Ohh! That sounds good!" Athasia agreed. 

They dashed and stopped at the nearest stand. While they waited for their turns, Ivan asked, "What flavors do you have in mind?"

Callie thought about it for a minute before replying. "I don't know. What kind of flavor do you want to get?" she asked, counting her coins.

Ivan shrugged. "Well, anything really is fine with me." He replied.

"I will get strawberry," Linlin said and Athasia followed. "Mine is vanilla." 
