
Meeting the family! Future Planning!

John grabbed some clothes and hopped into the shower cleaning himself up. After jumping out and drying he couldn't help but be stunned. He had seen himself in his memories, but seeing yourself in person is different. He was handsome and fit for someone his age. although he wasn't anything to amazing like a super soldier or even a regular soldier for that matter he was athletic for a 16 year old. definitely had well developed muscles even had the start of a six pack showing. He was about 6'1" brown hair green eyes. Slightly tan but healthy skin from the beach. His face was handsome, not super model handsome, but could definitely get a decent amount of fans on YouTube and Instagram with his looks alone. Letting his eyes wander a bit he before slapping his cheeks and clearing his mind.

Getting dressed in casual Jeans and a long sleave shirt since its fall season, he opened the door to his room. his family lived in the lower floors of his apartment building keeping the entire floor for themselves and renovated it to be a 3 bedroom 2 bath apartment taking 2 of the 10 floors for themselves and another for the store on the ground level.

Going down the stairs he saw a man in his mid thirties with a rough low cut beard with black hair and green eyes reading the news paper he got on his morning walk. sitting at the counter drinking a coffee. he was relatively handsome and wore glasses.

Setting up some plates behind the Island counter was a women in her mid thirties as well. She had brown hair brown eyes and was what many could considered a beautiful mature women. Looking up from setting the dishes she smiled "Good morning sweetheart! Grab the glasses for me would you?" his mom asked as she walked back to the stove to finish what she was doing.

"Sure thing mom!" John said opening the cupboards getting three juice glasses. Then grabbing the orange juice and apple juice out of the fridge. He preferred apple juice over orange juice. while his mother and father preferred orange juice.

Enjoying a healthy and fulfilling breakfast, john couldn't help but feel that with this life, having a family who was so kind on top of the ability he was given and the starting point in life, he would be a fool to waste it.

Finishing his breakfast John put on his shoes before getting out to explore the local area of his new home. "I'm going out for a walk I'll be back later!" John shouted as he bolted out the door! Luckily being home schooled he was able to finish almost the entirety of his school work earlier in life while he could graduate early after doing some official testing his parents let him spend the last few years of his childhood doing pretty much what he wanted, finding a hobby for himself, before making him focus on the family business.

Walking down the street was surprisingly busy for being 6am. Many going for morning walks before work, getting a coffee at the coffee shop on the corner or just trying to get to work before traffic got to bad. Stopping at a news stand high couldn't help but stare at a tech magazine with a picture of Robert Downey Jr. on the cover. Or to be more specific, Tony Stark.

"Hey Bill! Ill take this weeks issue of Tech weekly!" John said grabbing a $10 bill from his wallet before handing it to the stall clerk. John Comes every week and buys the new Issue, and couldn't help but be fascinated at the things he read in there.

"AH! John good morning to you too! Here you are, have a good day, and be careful where your walking!" Bill shouted as John ran off nearly stumbling over a trashcan next to the stall. "Kids these days are so full of energy." shaking his head bill got back to reading his newspaper.

John jogged around the block a bit to warm up his muscles and get a bit of exercise before heading to the park and finding a bench near the water and sitting down and reading his magazine. After reading through a few random articles he found himself skipping to much larger articles. For example, Oscorp Has decided to enter the Energy Field and is working on sustainable clean energy. Thinking about how in the future Otto will become a villain because of this project, John couldn't help but frown.

"Such a simple statement in a magazine. If people knew how big this would turn out I wonder how they would react." John thought to himself as he turned towards the next article that he wanted to see. which happened to be the center fold article. Tony Stark new personal Military grade satellite will be launching in November, when asked why he needed a Military grade satellite for personal use he responded. "Anything considered better than what the general population uses is considered Military grade. Unless they are guns. everyone knows the cheaper you can make guns without loosing efficiency and accuracy the more that you can sell." After which Tony was no longer available for questioning. He did however give us a list of specs on his satellite, as someone who designs the most advanced weapons in the world, it only makes sense he protects his work with the most advanced satellite known to man. especially with the advancement in computer technology making it easier for civilians to own there own computers and what is being dubbed the next stage of the information age, as communications technology are on the rise and computers are slowly making there way into almost every house in America, its only a matter of time before the next generation of hackers take to there keyboards from the safety of their home.

"You have no idea how right and wrong you are at the same time." John mumbled to himself after reading the article. he realized that the article was probably tony getting Jarvis up and running and needed a more secure and powerful network for him to use for his own hacking. Not to protect him from hackers, as Tony already has one of the most advanced computers on the planet excluding Wakanda's, Just the amount of power needed to run Jarvis was Probably the reason that his Massive Arc Reactor in his building only supplies energy to his building and not the rest of the city as well. He probably needs it all for his constantly growing computer.

As John closes the magazine he closes his eyes. If anyone saw him they would think he was enjoying the breeze. But in truth he was already in his mindscape as he likes to call it before a massive tree.

"Better to do what they do in Wuxia novels. Build the foundations first. Or in my case solidify the roots." As John looked at the dozens of other lowest level skills. All seem to intersect later down the line at different points making the trunk of the tree. Until just before where [Warp Tech] was, the branches explode into hundreds of paths that also branches off into more paths. "The trunk is a bottleneck of technology while the roots are the growth of what was probably things like black smithing and steam engines and the like. I wonder if I can learn things that are considered irrelevant in modern age?" as john wonder this he couldn't help look below the basic skills, surprisingly there seemed to be branches going down (roots) but they connected to nothing. "surely it isn't just aesthetics right?" john thought before moving on. Its not all that important as of now anyways. he won't need to know how to use his hands to build a water mill with wooden tools anytime soon. maybe in the future when he has free time. Those kinds of skills are more of a hobby than survival skills these days. And so John began pouring his remaining points into his basic skills. Starting with Language which branched out into multi lingual and combined with others further up the tree, biology, science, and for his last point he put it into basic martial arts.

However after the last one his body froze up as he felt cooling sensation all over his body before he started heating up. His body seemed to be undergoing years of training in hundreds of forms of martial arts. Even some considered lost arts. worst yet they where just basic stances, punches, kicks blocks. Some where exactly the same punch but different stance. his mind went numb with how many ways there where to throw a punch. Surprisingly he could tell which stances would be better to practice to get better results with his knowledge on biology. Although it wasn't anything to advanced he still knew what each muscle group did and how blood flow works and what kinds of meals to eat. This in turn also allowed him to find martial arts that where better and healthier for the body, as well as eliminate ones that where not too great on the body. Some where even harmful in the long run but gave quick results. He guessed they where invented in a more primitive age where war was constant and fought up close. Making deadlier fighters at the cost of having massive pain as you got older and limited movements. Most probably wouldn't live to see such an age anyways. After a while his body cooled down again and returned to normal. John checked himself out not noticing any difference in his body structure and was confused. Not thinking much of it he left to return home.

As he was walking home he didn't notice a certain Asian man watching how he walked and moved through the crowed with little to no effort. While he didn't seem to realize it, Having decades of basic experience each in hundreds of martial arts forms and complete understanding of the basics of the human body, may seem simple. But one has to realize decades of experience for a single martial arts, even if its the basics is enough to make a single person quite strong and deadly. While having it for hundreds of martial arts. adds to thousands of years of experience. While his body knows the movements for each do to muscle memory. His muscles haven't actually experienced the strain and change brought by performing the exercises. He was basically a blank canvas to work on. And his knowledge and thousands of years of instincts automatically kicked in slowly adjusting his body to the best possible path. The man watched him walk and couldn't help but be entranced. He appeared to be middle age but if anyone knew him they would gasp in fright. As he was none other than Xu Wenwu who just happened to be visiting New York. Although he isn't Fu from the comic series he was just as deadly. He also had a thousand years of experience and even he was entranced by how he moved. He seemed even more natural than himself. Someone who has practiced over a dozen of martial arts to perfection and even learned dozens more at multiple levels of mastery. Unfortunately he hasn't even come close to the number of martial arts the world had to offer.

Despite knowing that the young man was moving quite fluidly as if he had the wind guiding him he only committed how he moved and walked to memory for future meditation. He could tell just by a glance his body didn't have any real training yet and he felt no danger from him, and just thought it was some basic footwork technique.

John entered his home while finally realizing something was off. looking back at the crowded streets he wandered how he traveled over a mile home through such crowded area with such little effort. He finally understood that despite his muscles not changing, he still had the thousands of years of muscle memory without his muscles actually experiencing the abuse and practice he would need to to go through.

Smiling John walked inside getting ready to help his dad with todays work order.

"I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times."

~Bruce lee

What about 10,000 kicks, 10,000 times?

2059 words

Another Info dump of sorts. I wanted to expand another branch of the tree. while most knowledge focuses on the mind. Some focuses on the body. science isn't all about machines and numbers. Martial arts is a form of science that focuses on the body and movement. The same way math is needed to calculate numbers and movement.

also expanded into how understanding the body allows our MC to understand not every form of martial arts is useful.

Just with knowledge. Some paths lead to dead ends or are outdone by others. However the mistakes and broken paths are still knowledge in itself. I wanted to show how even failed experience or in this case martial arts can bring about greater success.

As for him being over powered? no hot realy. He learned the basics and sure he can fight. But a martial artist can practice withought actual fights. on top of that he still just as strong and if he tried to do some of the things he knows he would end up doing more harm than good. he still needs to exersize and build proper muscles now. even if he can fight off some street thugs and some rookie martial artist he still has a ways to go.

Sage_Honoscreators' thoughts