

"Turn around." While she meant to question him through her sentence her tone ended up making it sound like she was commanding him to do that particular action. And hearing her commanding tone Wu quirked his brows up in amazement of her confidence of thinking that she could order him to do so.

"Are you trying order me around Darling?" Yue swallowed hard as she heard the towering shredded man call her 'Darling' for the second time in less than 20 minutes of their partial conversation. He folded his arms dominantly as he slightly tilted his head down to gaze at the smaller human that sat in a petite manner holding the jewel so delicately.

"N-no, I was simply seeking to know if you were going to turn around for me to put this around your neck..." Yue quickly put forth her explanation and he dropped his arms in response.

"I see." he replied.
