
Spare Us

"Which  of the Celestials rule over your star sector?"

Kanna felt her brows furrow and she said something shocking after Han asked her this.

"What is a Celestial? We're ruled by the Great Overseer, Lord Raphael,"

Han sat up in shock once he heard this! The great what!? It took a second for Han to understand, but once he did, he couldn't help but laugh loudly! Those Celestials have the biggest egos that I've ever seen! The celestials were so bloody full of themselves that I can't even be surprised by anything that they do anymore! They're a riot!

Each of the Celestials was acting as the 'God' to each of their star systems. So basically, all the star systems don't know that there is anything like a Celestial or even a creator. They simply believe that the Celestial that is in charge of looking over their planter is 'God'. The Celestials were literally playing god! They are so desperate for praise and attention that they would even make themselves God! 
