
Chapter 18

My eyes got wide. "Is that work?" I asked, he nodded. "Wise, I'm okay. I'll message Allie, the rude doctor earlier to come here if you're worried I won't be with anyone. Give Master a ride."


Someone cleared his throat somewhere so my eyes search for it. "Uh…" he said then I looked at where that voice came from. "You may forget, I'm still here." Said Lunar looking at me as his arms crossed sitting next to the center table.


Master, Wise and I look at each other then laugh. "Sorry, Lunz. I forgot." I apologize between my laugh.


"I forgot you are here." Master said after he laughed. "It is really okay to leave Rackie to you? I mean, don't you have work?"


"No worries, I'm free." Lunar replied.


"Rackie, I have to go. It's just urgent but I'll be back later." Said Master.


"Later?" I ask.


He pointed at the wall clock inside the bedroom. Uh… it was already midnight so he said later. I nodded then they left.


Lunar stood up to come closer then brought his face closer to mine. I recoiled at what he was doing until I slid on my hospital bed. I winced at the pain in my leg. He stopped approaching me with almost no space for our faces. I can already smell his fragrant breath.


He stared at me then give enough space. "You also feel awkwardness…" he said nodding.


"What's that for?" I ask full of confusion.


"An experiment, I'm just looking at what you're going to do when that's what is being done to you."


"I also feel awkward, I just chose not to." I said then throw a pillow at him.


"Abstract!" Art yelled. Lunar and I looked at the door. "Don't force your arms. Your fractures may get worse." He said. "You're arm is already cast and you can even move it like that."


"She's fine, Director." Lunar said.


Art closed the door go straight to the long sofa and placed the blankets. "Where are the two?"


"Wise gave Master a ride."


The door opened, Wise entered hurriedly and in panic to close the door. He's pale and gasping.


"What happened?" we asked.


"Rackie, I saw him!" said Wise uneasy. "He's here, Rackie."


I looked at him, he just have a few people he feared, one of those people were his parents. "Calm down, okay?"                               


He shook. "I can't Rackie. He saw me."


"Who?" Art and Lunar asks.


"One of our opponent in the race…" I calmly replied. "He's like that because he saw Wo—"


"Rackie, can I be beside you?" Wise hands were shaking.


I caress his face. "You'll be fine. Relax, okay… you might have nervous breakdown." I calmly said.


"What if he'll come here?" he said. His tone is full of anxiety and he's obviously in panic. "I can't protect you."


I smiled. "He can't do that."


"What if he can?"


"There are a lot of guards here, Wise." I assured him but it was just an alibi. He looks like he was about to cry in fear so I hug him. "He can't harm anyone of you, I promise." I whispered.


Lunar and Art looked at me with confusion. I shook my head and I know they understand. Wise fell asleep beside me. I woke up from the feeling of someone is looking at me and I wasn't wrong. "Red?"


"Sorry, I don't know how will I wake you up for you to take your medicine." he said. He glance to the person next to me and saw Wise. His facial expression changed. "Why is he lying there?" his tone of voice is a bit mad.     


"Just let him be." I said. "You're saying I need to take my medicine, right?"


He nods then points the glass of water and the medicines on the center table. I was about to sit and go down to get my medicines but Wise wraps his arms around me. I winced at the pain, he accidentally hit my wound on the side. Red gave me my medicines that I should take and the glass of water without saying anything.


"Next time, he won't be allowed to sleep there." He commands.


I heard jealousy on his tone so I looked at him in the eyes. "First and foremost, you don't have the right to command me whether I'll be with someone on my hospital bed though you have the right to feel what you feel right now because I can't control your emotions." I seriously said. "Second, he's a brother to me. We're like twins so if he'll sleep next to me that's none of your business." I said bluntly. "Third, last but not the least, he's irrational nervous breakdown attacked." After talking I lie down and hug Wise.


Wise went near me to change his lying positon. "Don't be harsh, Rackie." He whispered. "He may be your ex-boyfriend but consider his feelings towards you as well." He whispers again. "I'm a man as well and I know what he feels."
